It's all in the name...

 Have you ever "accidentally" called your SO another females name by mistake? 
Wondering if I should let it slide or take the SO out to the cane fields for a educational lesson. 
btw this is NOT the first time this has happened. The first 2 times I it's getting ridiculous 

I almost do this ALL the fucken's half way out of my mouth before I catch it. Some names just become forever ingrained on your tongue and has nothing to do with how you feel about the current or past one. Let it slide.

Moke - I almost do this ALL the fucken's half way out of my mouth before I catch it. Some names just become forever ingrained on your tongue and has nothing to do with how you feel about the current or past one. Let it slide.

 So being called: Shelley, Karen then Precy...I should let it slide? 
My name is no way close to these. 
I should moan to some random name then? Payback 

Moan out "Oh TYRONE!!!"

 I have done that serveral times with several girl....

The best thing to do is just laugh....

 I have done that serveral times with several girl....

The best thing to do is just laugh....

This is why I never call a wimminz sex doll by any name except sweetheart, baby, honey, etc... Cannot screw up with this method.

JIMMYNAKS - Moan out "Oh TYRONE!!!"

 Noted! But it's not like I get any action anyways 

Faxapreta -  I have done that serveral times with several girl....

The best thing to do is just laugh....

 Laugh I did the first 2 times 

fnunderful - This is why I never call a wimminz sex doll by any name except sweetheart, baby, honey, etc... Cannot screw up with this method.

 Everyone is called Babe!

Honesyly, I've never had opportunity to test this theory...most wimminz are repulsed by the thought of touching me...but it sounds like it should work. In your case...just tell him to always call you babe from now on...

fnunderful - Honesyly, I've never had opportunity to test this theory...most wimminz are repulsed by the thought of touching me...but it sounds like it should work. In your case...just tell him to always call you babe from now on...

 I've got action 

Nothing some Whisky and tissues can't fix...

fnunderful - Nothing some Whisky and tissues can't fix...

 It may be because I'm a Dude trapped in a chic's body

DudewithaRack - 
fnunderful - Nothing some Whisky and tissues can't fix...

 It may be because I'm a Dude trapped in a chic's body


DudewithaRack - 
fnunderful - Nothing some Whisky and tissues can't fix...

 It may be because I'm a Dude trapped in a chic's body

I got trapped in a chic's body once...i thought the condom busted and I was too afraid to pull out and see. Factually, any time i speak about sex i should probably start by saying "once, i was watching pron and..." or "this guy i know told me...". All my real story's start with, "so i pulled her out of the box and started to inflate her..."

just call all of them "bitch" and you will never have this problem.

Stu P Dasso -  Need to see your pics before any advice can be offered Phone Post

 Pics! ahaha...I iz camera shy

FCTV808 - just call all of them "bitch" and you will never have this problem.

 Noted! Going forward I'll refer to them as Bitch! No messing up of names

DudewithaRack - 
fnunderful - Nothing some Whisky and tissues can't fix...

 It may be because I'm a Dude trapped in a chic's body

Is dat you Todd!?