It's all in the name...

I think so.

TheAlchemist - 
DudewithaRack - 
fnunderful - Nothing some Whisky and tissues can't fix...

 It may be because I'm a Dude trapped in a chic's body
Is dat you Todd!?


 I iz not Todd. I'm sure I'm a bit cuter

 Let us be the judge of or GTFO!

I'll vouch for DUDE. NOT Todd I assure you.

nuff said...
Or...evidence with photos please

JIMMYNAKS - I'll vouch for DUDE. NOT Todd I assure you.

I don't care who it is.....I JUST WANNA SEE SOME TIT!


Jimmy it's not that we dont believe you, BUT the rules were implemented to ensure the integrity and principles the HG was founded upon are sustained through white knighted moments such as this. Therefore we need to see DUDE's breasts. no homo.

i never thought i'd see the day that the jnak left our team for team white knight.

TheAlchemist -  Let us be the judge of or GTFO!
Pics!! Those who know me...seen quite a lot of proof

JIMMYNAKS - I'll vouch for DUDE. NOT Todd I assure you.

 Thanks JimmyNaks! This Dudes rack approves this message

fnunderful - nuff said...

Or...evidence with photos please

 Another one with photo proof? 

FCTV808 - i never thought i'd see the day that the jnak left our team for team white knight.

 He is Hapa right? 

Sgt. Slaphead - 
JIMMYNAKS - I'll vouch for DUDE. NOT Todd I assure you.

I don't care who it is.....I JUST WANNA SEE SOME TIT!

 Requesting such said evidence resulting in a whole LOTTA tits

 Before I post any type of TIT  shot...I better start seeing all ur Cacks first 

Be careful what you wish for...i'll show you but i have to warn you it goes off the minute it comes out...wear goggles

fnunderful - 8====D---

Be careful what you wish for...i'll show you but i have to warn you it goes off the minute it comes out...wear goggles

 Oh don't tell me ur a minute man? I don't nekkid for less than a hours worth of sexy time 

 BTW....who the heck is Todd? And does he have tits? 

DudewithaRack - 
fnunderful - 8====D---
Be careful what you wish for...i'll show you but i have to warn you it goes off the minute it comes out...wear goggles

 Oh don't tell me ur a minute man? I don't nekkid for less than a hours worth of sexy time 

You'll get your hours in one minute intervals...but if you are scared to put your money makers where your mouth is just say so...

 I never get sked