It's all in the name...

Sgt. Slaphead - The shit fuggers will do for a little tit!.....and jimmy is already getting T&A and he wants more!?!?!?!?!?!?!


rules are rules...what kind of society would we live in if we didn't abide by them...


fnunderful - 
Sgt. Slaphead - The shit fuggers will do for a little tit!.....and jimmy is already getting T&A and he wants more!?!?!?!?!?!?!


rules are rules...what kind of society would we live in if we didn't abide by them...

 Tits will be shown once I see ur real Cacks. Who knows my tits might be mosquito bites

DudewithaRack - 
TheAlchemist - Mobutu even though you speak the truth, I fear she will not read the truth for what it is but instead feel more inclined to tell us more of her "woman rules." I've heard it's hard to get them to humble/silence mode once they start the ranting and raving. I think it's a DNA disposition in women. I read that in Science Now or Time. Real nasty female trait. Tread with care my fren. i'll get her back on track....

DUDE where's the PICS?!

 CACKS or GTFO! before any TITS are shown

Whoa! You can't just come to the HG and change the rules. You don't see me at Femme Nu walking in and telling the girls to take off all their clothes, blow me, let me grab them by the hair and fuck them from behind, then suck me again, and then maybe I'll throw a few dollars your way Jose. The rules are there to preserve the order and harmony of the society in which they serve. Hence TITS are helping  to facilitate the natural balance of the HG, it's not that we're being see now....?  

Ya I thought you wouldn't....


lol @ saying, "Be a MAN! Be a real MAN!"

...and then have a list of rules for men to follow. But hey, it's not the first time women want contradictory things. It's why they're rarely happy. I don't follow yours or any of the softer sex's rules thank you very much.

i am anger.

Do you know what never askes to see my cack when i ask it to show my their tits....the Internet...
I read an article in the Scientific Journal about this very subject. The world renowned Dr. Heimlich Von Schmeckle studied the difference between women who showed their tits and did not get the fuck off as opposed to women who did not show their tits and got the fuck off. He found that the women who did show their tits had a better attitude, were more successful and had nicer tits. It is just your tits does not equal GTFO. Show your tits > GTFO....

We know you're really a guy, so just GTFO Phone Post

Alright alright, i'm here. Let's move this party to TapouT, and pay up!

Dude you go first, we'll follow........promise! ;)

TheAlchemist - 
DudewithaRack - 
TheAlchemist - Mobutu even though you speak the truth, I fear she will not read the truth for what it is but instead feel more inclined to tell us more of her "woman rules." I've heard it's hard to get them to humble/silence mode once they start the ranting and raving. I think it's a DNA disposition in women. I read that in Science Now or Time. Real nasty female trait. Tread with care my fren. i'll get her back on track....

DUDE where's the PICS?!

 CACKS or GTFO! before any TITS are shown

Whoa! You can't just come to the HG and change the rules. You don't see me at Femme Nu walking in and telling the girls to take off all their clothes, blow me, let me grab them by the hair and fuck them from behind, then suck me again, and then maybe I'll throw a few dollars your way Jose. The rules are there to preserve the order and harmony of the society in which they serve. Hence TITS are helping  to facilitate the natural balance of the HG, it's not that we're being see now....?  

Ya I thought you wouldn't....




Moke - lol @ saying, "Be a MAN! Be a real MAN!"

...and then have a list of rules for men to follow. But hey, it's not the first time women want contradictory things. It's why they're rarely happy. I don't follow yours or any of the softer sex's rules thank you very much.


those weren't rules to follow was just a few common sense things that men should know. LOL@ why women are rarely happy. I don't need a Man to make me happy. If they bastard can't handle this..then there's the door. Besides, nothing a Rabbit can't fix... =)

NorthSlopePipeNinja -  We know you're really a guy, so just GTFO Phone Post i would usually say SUCK  MY LEFT TIT! to a comment like

DudewithaRack - LOL@ why women are rarely happy. I don't need a Man to make me happy. If they bastard can't handle this..then there's the door. Besides, nothing a Rabbit can't fix... =)

Women are nuts. Nuts = rarely happy. A rabbit can no more replace a man than my hand can replace a woman.

Moke - 
DudewithaRack - LOL@ why women are rarely happy. I don't need a Man to make me happy. If they bastard can't handle this..then there's the door. Besides, nothing a Rabbit can't fix... =)

Women are nuts. Nuts = rarely happy. A rabbit can no more replace a man than my hand can replace a woman.

 Moke...Troof! mess afterwards

I happen to like my hand

i punch my hand in teh fuckkin mouf if it talks back.

JIMMYNAKS - I happen to like my hand

 Good to know! I like my rabbit & my trusty pocket vibrator 

FCTV808 - i punch my hand in teh fuckkin mouf if it talks back.


yeah. yeah. whatever.

This thread is filled with raging homosexuals.