Its Carson's Corner time

"he last thing itsgonna be on my sunday is more stuff I already know"

What's been said that you didn't already know??
i mean fuck....all of his "opinions" have come from this forum in one way or another. so really what could he provide that the public already doesn't have access to and isn't already discussing? What story has he ever broke, what scoop has he ever had??? etc etc etc.

actualy I can. just like i can back that your posts have never been edited and your account has never been "hacked" into.

If I'm so wrong, prove it. What story did YOU ever break first? WHat scoop did you have that no-one on this site didn't know already and was disscussing???
the stage is yours now dipshit.

In any case, I would like to thank the Carson show for inspiring me to create this thread and further incite rage among my fellow UG members. 200+ posts and 3000+ views. I didnt think it was possible.  Allotta hate goin on.

crickets chirpping

Hell, I'm even big enough to admit when I'm wrong. so by all means....prove me wrong.

that's because your evil joey, you just don't admit it......yet ;)


Since it appears you are here to stay...My Contribution...To spruce-up Carson's Corner :)

I support Bob Carson. If you guys hate him so much... why then do you respond to his threads giving him more attention?

The Boss

If i didn't know better I'd say oddessa is stirring the pot for a giggle.....luckily i've been around long enough to know better ;)

LOL so in other words....YOU CAN'T lol you fucking hack.

not a bad show.

keep up the good work.

cat molestor is fighting on thursday btw.

I even made it easy for your dumbarse....all you had to do was list a few stories that you broke first? or a scoop that you had that no-one on this site didn't know already and wasn't already disscussing???

But of course, you couldn't. instead i got this as a reply

"That's idiotic. You are making the allegation. You have the burden to prove your allegation. Employees of Carson's Corner, Inc., do not have to burden of disproving it."

no burden of proof here fucktard....all you had to was a have little pride in yourself and rattle of some of the good shit you'd done....but because you haven't done couldn't. simple.

The fact is......YOU CAN NOT PROVE ME WRONG.

so in the end, your a hack. like i've said 100 times already. thanks for reinforcing that.

I gave you the in to prove me didn't take it....what does that tell you??

Evilsorta has been proven wrong althroughout this thread. Give it up dude!

I like the show...I listen at work.

lol  @ porn


lol  @ porn


Is Carson going to have interviews soon, and if so, who?

:( No love for my contribution?...

whats  the cat stuff all about?