It's Men vs. Women at Army Combatives tournament

It's Men vs. Women at Army Combatives tournament

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Inspired by Jacare Cavalcante, in the mid 90s, Ranger units in Georgia started incorporating BJJ into the training curriculum. The sport got its hooks in, and now all members of the U.S. Army take a crash course in MMA, through the Army Combatives Program.

The greatest BJJ exponent in history, Rickson Gracie, was asked once what he would do if faced with a gun. "I carry a gun," he replied. Soldiers ordinarily have firepower at their disposal many times in excess of a handgun, but the Army understands that in addition to practical fighting skills, MMA training imparts confidence, control, and aggression to those that fight.

Unwilling to simply practice, starting in 2008 the Armyhas been putting on Combatives events. The three day championship offers grappling on the first day, Pancrase rules with no ground striking on the second day, and full amateur MMA on the third.  Over the first two days the event safely weeds out those fighters who would be unable to compete under full MMA rules.

Although there are weight divisions, because you can't choose the skill level or sex of who you engage with on the battlefield, there are no separate divisions for women, and no separate skill levels.

Although the Army still bars women from fighting in combat units, they fight men here.

Because the events are held on Federal property, like  MMA events held on native lands, there is no governing Athletic Comission.

The LA covers a recent event in Ft Hood, Texas.




Hansumboy - lol arent army dudes supposed to be tough? That 130 pound weakling needs to turn in his mancard. Getting beaten by a chick with beginners level technique? I guess I am what they would call a "liberal pussy" but I would beat down most of those punks without breaking a sweat.

I guess the only times they are "tough" is when they are bombing children with remote controlled missiles or humiliating defenseless prisoners!

you sound like the type of internet tough guy that is really insecure in real life.

some females out there are tough and can hang with guys in real fights, seen it in person lots of times, do you even train? have u rolled with a chick? probably not I would bet $1000 on that...if saying shit like that makes you feel tough on the inside, then congrats. :)

Hansumboy - lol arent army dudes supposed to be tough? That 130 pound weakling needs to turn in his mancard. Getting beaten by a chick with beginners level technique? I guess I am what they would call a "liberal pussy" but I would beat down most of those punks without breaking a sweat.

I guess the only times they are "tough" is when they are bombing children with remote controlled missiles or humiliating defenseless prisoners!
paging erin toughill paging erin ;)

Hansumboy - lol arent army dudes supposed to be tough? That 130 pound weakling needs to turn in his mancard. Getting beaten by a chick with beginners level technique? I guess I am what they would call a "liberal pussy" but I would beat down most of those punks without breaking a sweat.

I guess the only times they are "tough" is when they are bombing children with remote controlled missiles or humiliating defenseless prisoners!

 Watch your mouth please when talking about people who volunteer to put themselves in harm's way in defense of the country.

what he said.

At what mark does the female vs male combat begin?

what is a vicious elbow jab?

Hansumboy - lol arent army dudes supposed to be tough? That 130 pound weakling needs to turn in his mancard. Getting beaten by a chick with beginners level technique? I guess I am what they would call a "liberal pussy" but I would beat down most of those punks without breaking a sweat.

I guess the only times they are "tough" is when they are bombing children with remote controlled missiles or humiliating defenseless prisoners!

You must feel really good about yourself to bash on others who voluntarily do a job no one should be asked to do, and your pussy ass would never do... douchebag

I been competing in Combatives tourneys for years, I took 1st place at Ft Riley KS, and 2nd at Ft Hood, other tourneys throughout Korea; basically saying I had my fair share of Army Combatives. I DO not agree with the program, from level 1 phase to the tourneys themselves, the system must be revamped.

First of all, the instructors are egotistical, non-experienced, goof-balls who are so excited that they were pushed through the system because the Army needed instructors. Not all, but most can't instruct a fart out of an ass. They teach Army Regulation techniques (that by the way needs a revamp as well) for a week then do a clinch drill where the instructors compete with each other on who can land the better strike on the student, completely destroying the students confidence that may have been instilled during the week of training. I seen this first-hand, that is why I tapped out my instructor when he tried this clinch crap with me, its a long story.

Second, the tourneys idea of "you never know who you will match up against on the battlefield" is completely whacked. Yes, I understand the battlefield is unpredictable but teaching is done in increments and progressively. Not, OK you trained one week of Army Combatives, so now compete in this tourney vs anywhere up to 4-6 people a day and gender and skill is not categorized. That is ridiculous. So now you have semi-trained or more experienced Soldiers kicking the crap out of newbs, causing injuries to Army personnel, and lastly encouraging the assault of females. Yes, some females can hang, but they should be categorized by gender. I had a few friends that were lighter actually forfeit the match because he was not going to hurt a female. To me, that's a Man, that's a Soldier. I don't like the Combatives system at all, it is unorganized and dangerous to our Soldiers. It can be a great tool if revamped and organized but the saftey of this program has lost is ground and the easiest way out is to say "well, you never know what will happen on the Battlefield".

Sorry for run-ons, incorrect grammar, or anything that may be killed by a keyboard hero, but that is my opinion

The only reason that they aren't seperated, and the Army is now starting some female combat units, is because of political correctness. We are trained that if you wear the uniform, you are a soldier and should be respected/act as such, regardless of sex, race, religion, etc. Everyone is equal. Not allowing them to compete with the men is an EO complaint. Be careful what you wish for I guess.

I agree withe everything but not fighting the women. If women want to fight and have the skills to compete - as you admit they sometimes do in your own experience - then there is no sense in excluding them.

Kirik - 
Hansumboy - lol arent army dudes supposed to be tough? That 130 pound weakling needs to turn in his mancard. Getting beaten by a chick with beginners level technique? I guess I am what they would call a "liberal pussy" but I would beat down most of those punks without breaking a sweat.

I guess the only times they are "tough" is when they are bombing children with remote controlled missiles or humiliating defenseless prisoners!

 Watch your mouth please when talking about people who volunteer to put themselves in harm's way in defense of the country.

You rule, Kirik. And lol at HB for basically bragging that he could beat up women faster than some other guy.

Hansumboy - lol arent army dudes supposed to be tough? That 130 pound weakling needs to turn in his mancard. Getting beaten by a chick with beginners level technique? I guess I am what they would call a "liberal pussy" but I would beat down most of those punks without breaking a sweat.

I guess the only times they are "tough" is when they are bombing children with remote controlled missiles or humiliating defenseless prisoners!

Yeah...and I bet once the bullets started flying and shit started blowing up you'd show them what a real man you are. lol. Just lol. It would take days to get your underwear clean.

Can I sign up my wife to a match?

The Cooler - 
Hansumboy - lol arent army dudes supposed to be tough? That 130 pound weakling needs to turn in his mancard. Getting beaten by a chick with beginners level technique? I guess I am what they would call a "liberal pussy" but I would beat down most of those punks without breaking a sweat.

I guess the only times they are "tough" is when they are bombing children with remote controlled missiles or humiliating defenseless prisoners!

Yeah...and I bet once the bullets started flying and shit started blowing up you'd show them what a real man you are. lol. Just lol. It would take days to get your underwear clean.

I think I would do well in a firefight. Ive always been calm under stressful situations. I saved my cousin from drowning when we were kids.

Hansumboy - 
The Cooler - 
Hansumboy - lol arent army dudes supposed to be tough? That 130 pound weakling needs to turn in his mancard. Getting beaten by a chick with beginners level technique? I guess I am what they would call a "liberal pussy" but I would beat down most of those punks without breaking a sweat.

I guess the only times they are "tough" is when they are bombing children with remote controlled missiles or humiliating defenseless prisoners!

Yeah...and I bet once the bullets started flying and shit started blowing up you'd show them what a real man you are. lol. Just lol. It would take days to get your underwear clean.

I think I would do well in a firefight. Ive always been calm under stressful situations. I saved my cousin from drowning when we were kids.

Your trolling is lame and ineffectual. You're the 2012 digital equivalent of the dead baby joke guy from 20 years ago. Its stale, and it wasn't amusing/interesting from the very beginning.

Hansumboy - 
The Cooler - 
Hansumboy - lol arent army dudes supposed to be tough? That 130 pound weakling needs to turn in his mancard. Getting beaten by a chick with beginners level technique? I guess I am what they would call a "liberal pussy" but I would beat down most of those punks without breaking a sweat.

I guess the only times they are "tough" is when they are bombing children with remote controlled missiles or humiliating defenseless prisoners!

Yeah...and I bet once the bullets started flying and shit started blowing up you'd show them what a real man you are. lol. Just lol. It would take days to get your underwear clean.

I think I would do well in a firefight. Ive always been calm under stressful situations. I saved my cousin from drowning when we were kids.

trolling can be hazardous to your health. enjoy your ban.

I understand the EO thing and political correctness but not allowing them to compete would be a viable complaint whereas not allowing them to compete vs men should not be arguable. Also, the skill levels need to be separated too. There are guys that fight as pros and use the Army tourney to brush-up there skills at the expense of a learning Soldier which could be a very painful and dangerous experience for the lesser experienced Soldier. If they want to train like they fight, then why do they use rounds, why do they have coaches, why do they have progressive rules from ju-jitsu to pancrase then limited striking ie no elbows or knees to the face? They implement those rules for saftey so they do recognize saftey but do not use it laterally.