Its official, Fedor E...

has been dethroned as the worlds #1 HW champion...

Your thoughts...

Randy would smash the living shit out of Fedor

Fedor would destroy Randy.

I think so too, but rankings are about results, not theory. A strong argument for Randy being #1 can be made.

*hands xshanex some TOAST*



maybe if randy beat fedor,you fag.

Fedor hasn't fought a ranked HW in how long?

I can't see leaving him at #1 forever with him not fighting top guys

Picture 200lb Lindland busting Fedor open in the opening seconds and easily getting the bodylock, and coming very close to getting the takedown 30 seconds in.

Now picture 229lb Randy with his great chin and superior boxing to Lindland, and at least comparable wrestling in MMA going up against Fedor.

DEFINITELY possible. Fedor cuts easily and has been put on his back by Mark Hunt (lol) in addition to Nogueira, Coleman, and Randleman. Randy is fantastic at closing the distance, awesome in the clinch, and has better GnP than any of the guys mentioned.

gonzo was supposed to work randy before the fight also... its all speculation until it goes down. randy has a great chance at beating fedor.



Yeah, at this point, I'd put Randy at number one. Fedor hasn't fought in how long now? Not saying that Fedor wouldn't manhandle Randy if they ever fight, but there's a lot to be said for Randy's last two fights.

Agreed Randy is #1

Rankings are based on results. Couture #1 now. Everyone thought Gonzaga was the 2nd coming of Fedor. Randy raped him.

"no way.

Fedor would destroy Randy. "

Nothing to do with rankings.

Would love to watch that fight !!

On who would win ?.... I have no clue.

At this point I wouldn't doubt Randy's chances. Nobody is unbeatable.

it is still all speculation until it goes down shane. which hopefully it will.

dana make it happen god damnit!

Who saw a raping tonight? I saw a guy with his nose hanging off his face
still strike until the end. I'd love to see a rematch, and if Randy had been
the one cut, we'd see an immediate rematch.

"Fedor is on another level."

Fedor couldn't even get blown-up 185er Lindland off him without "touching" the ropes (much less stop him from closing the distance in the first place). Randy could work him in the clinch, I think, just like he's done to everybody else.

Depends if Faydoor can beat Gabe Ruediger in the upcoming k1 traveling circus.

1 Fedor

2 Randy

3 Big Nog