Its official, Fedor E...

"Randy could work him in the clinch, I think, just like he's done to everybody else."

from how the negotiation problems dana is having with fedor i think the russian knows this.

Randy in the cage has a good shot at a TKO by cuts or ref stoppage. Fedor would still be a 2-1 favorite.

you are assuming that fedor would have lost by being taken down by linland.... he "survived" against nog who is much better on the ground.

He would beat Randy.

"Can you see any 205 guy touching Fedor?"

I think Shogun, Silva, Randy, Chuck, Sokodjou, etc would all make interesting fights with say nothing of Arona, of course.

"Randy has lost to Enson, Ricco, Barnett, Overeem, and Chuck twice in that Fedors record. Can you see any 205 guy touching

No, not even the great Rampage who easily beat Chuck (again), who KO'd
the toughest American Ever twice - Randy Couture.

Randy's #1 in the hearts of MMA fans...

I can't believe how gay that sounds, but it's true...


come on. how does it not have to do with a ranking?"

Because you can't rank on conjecture. It's that simple.


Dana who?

Serious question. Are you guys tuffers? I mean, have you ever seen fedor fight.

This is why the ufc sucks so much. It's fans. They're closed-minded retards. How do you enjoy something when there're so many retards crowded around it.

Fedor is at the top. Big Nog, Barnett are number 2. Couture is 3, I guess.

randy is good in the clinch but so is fedor. he has a great clinch where he executes judo throws. Fedor is my favourite fighter but since he really isnt involved in the picture right now I have him unranked. Randy i Have at number one but I eagerly await Fedor's return

I was watching Fedor when he was in RINGS. I had him ranked #1 like everyone else. But if you don't fight you don't get to keep being #1. And if Cro Cop beats you three times in a row you don't get to be tied for #2 over Cro Cop. You have a horrible handle on the use of logic.

"he "survived" against nog who is much better on the ground."

Nog has never GnP'd anyone in his life. Coleman, Randleman, and Hunt -- the other guys who've put Fedor on his back -- also have no GnP (well, Coleman did long ago, at least) and are pretty clueless about submissions. Nor were they fighting under rules that allowed elbows.

At this point, Dana basically HAS to do everything within his power to setup Randy vs. Fedor for the greatest fight of all time.

He has to let go of his ego, and fucking MAKE it happen, even if he loses money on it.

Plus he fought Nog last in 2004.

Hurricane why dont u have a green name?

It would be a great fight. Fedor better come in shape.

it is unanimous, Randy is #1 HW declared by the Republic of the UG, no.. not Uganda.

as good as randy is, i don't think he could beat fedor

Word! Randy is #1! Easily!

as much as I love watching Fedor, at least Randy:

  1. actually is fighting
  2. is fighting the top fighters
  3. again I reiterate Randy is fighting

"He has to let go of his ego, and fucking MAKE it happen, even if he loses money on it."

Like I said on another thread, if EliteXC and Bodog aren't signing Fedor, despite their desperate need for the credibility a fighter like Fedor would bring, his demands are probably unacceptable, and not just because of Dana's "ego".