It's too late to be suddenly scandalized

Taste It -
Mutant -

Fuck McGregor!

Make shit personal and don't be shocked when you and your loudmouth goons get your shit pushed in! 

Conor isn’t pressing charges idiot.

He can't since he was sucker punching people in the cage before he he was punched in return. He's just as guilty! 

JonnyW -
TheGrandConjuration -
ChristopherMoltisanti -

Disagree with pretty much the entire article, especially the last sentence and the comparison to Conor jumping the cage to get in Aldo’s face.

Khabib looked WAY worse than the UFC after the fight. 

And Khabib exiting the cage and criminally attacking people not involved in the fight is, at best, a silly comparison to Conor’s Aldo moment. 

Khabib should be stripped and fired. Sucks too, I would have loved to see if he could have put his trademark mauling on Ferguson. We may never find out...

what about the fact connor tried to jump out of the cage and threw the first sucker punch to a guy that wasnt even looking at him? Should that be punished??

That guy wasnt jumping over the cage to shake hands with people. 

Maybe he was jumping the cage to go grab khabib before he did something stupid like DC n luke.we will never know because McGregor punched him.

TheGrandConjuration - 
ChristopherMoltisanti -

Disagree with pretty much the entire article, especially the last sentence and the comparison to Conor jumping the cage to get in Aldo’s face.

Khabib looked WAY worse than the UFC after the fight. 

And Khabib exiting the cage and criminally attacking people not involved in the fight is, at best, a silly comparison to Conor’s Aldo moment. 

Khabib should be stripped and fired. Sucks too, I would have loved to see if he could have put his trademark mauling on Ferguson. We may never find out...

what about the fact connor tried to jump out of the cage and threw the first sucker punch to a guy that wasnt even looking at him? Should that be punished??

Watch what Sonnen says about it

Poor Muslim victims...  as if asshole. 

JonJonesBone -
JonnyW -
TheGrandConjuration -
ChristopherMoltisanti -

Disagree with pretty much the entire article, especially the last sentence and the comparison to Conor jumping the cage to get in Aldo’s face.

Khabib looked WAY worse than the UFC after the fight. 

And Khabib exiting the cage and criminally attacking people not involved in the fight is, at best, a silly comparison to Conor’s Aldo moment. 

Khabib should be stripped and fired. Sucks too, I would have loved to see if he could have put his trademark mauling on Ferguson. We may never find out...

what about the fact connor tried to jump out of the cage and threw the first sucker punch to a guy that wasnt even looking at him? Should that be punished??

That guy wasnt jumping over the cage to shake hands with people. 

Maybe he was jumping the cage to go grab khabib before he did something stupid like DC n luke.we will never know because McGregor punched him.

If he wanted to do something stupid to his team conor was right there and he didnt even look at conor till he suckerpunched him...but sounds good and gives you something to fantasize about but those what ifs can be passed around about everybody there right

grumpy70 -
JonJonesBone -
JonnyW -
TheGrandConjuration -
ChristopherMoltisanti -

Disagree with pretty much the entire article, especially the last sentence and the comparison to Conor jumping the cage to get in Aldo’s face.

Khabib looked WAY worse than the UFC after the fight. 

And Khabib exiting the cage and criminally attacking people not involved in the fight is, at best, a silly comparison to Conor’s Aldo moment. 

Khabib should be stripped and fired. Sucks too, I would have loved to see if he could have put his trademark mauling on Ferguson. We may never find out...

what about the fact connor tried to jump out of the cage and threw the first sucker punch to a guy that wasnt even looking at him? Should that be punished??

That guy wasnt jumping over the cage to shake hands with people. 

Maybe he was jumping the cage to go grab khabib before he did something stupid like DC n luke.we will never know because McGregor punched him.

If he wanted to do something stupid to his team conor was right there and he didnt even look at conor till he suckerpunched him...but sounds good and gives you something to fantasize about but those what ifs can be passed around about everybody there right

My bad bro i misunderstood what u were saying

I got one paragraph in I think and I already knew who the writer of this article was. 

mada -
Mutant -

Fuck McGregor!

Make shit personal and don't be shocked when you and your loudmouth goons get your shit pushed in! 

Lol I bet you’re the realest motherfucker in your hood

As real as it gets! 

KnockoutThoughts -
Eric Bloodaxe -

While McGregor’s actions attacking Khabib’s bus was unacceptable the UG News has been like a broken record since. Spinning everything shamelessly, telling us over and over again how traumatizing it was to professional fightere.

Now your boy Khabib run amok worse than Conor has ever done, but that’s ok now you pathetic hipocrats. Conor hit a guy that was attacking his corner. Khabib and his posse attacked both Conor and his corner. Showing the gang mentalitet they have shown in the past when they badly injured a perceoved opponent back in Moscow.

And the Muslim card as well, to protect a man that wishes to deny rap musicians to play in his native country cause it could offend his version of Allah.

It was scum behaviour no matter what Conor did in the past. A disgrace to the sport.

STFU.. Khabib jumped out of the cage, Dillon swung. Conor did exactly the same to Aldo, only difference is Aldo showed restraint. Maybe we should be praising Aldo more for the restraint and professionalism he showed, and holding Dillon acountable for being the nervous scary twat he was when he overreacted. It was EXACTLY the same situation, just a different outcome based on the reaction of the person who was being jumped on. And let's not forget all the thuggery Conor did attacking refs and scaling fences at other promotions. It wasn't "just" the Aldo shit, it wasn't "just" the Bus incident where he extracted blood from Chiesa and put glass in Ray Borg's eye, it was also alot of bullshit inbetween, including throwing metal cans into crowds while trying to hit the Diaz's.. he's not innocent and you can fuck off trying to paint him as such. Khabib did absolutely nothing on Saturday except jump out of the cage. Dillon was the one who swung, and Conor attacked a corner dude first and got a response from the corner quickly.. Conor is just as responsible for what happened as anyone else. Khabib jumped out of the cage, he didn't hit Dillon. Foh trying to sensationalize what Khabib did as if it were shockingly the grand scheme Khabib himself didn't REALLY do shit but jump out of a cage.

Yeah except you missed the part where Khabib tried to JUMP ON HIS FUCKING HEAD.

The blood between the two is so bad it’s not entirely out of possibility Khabibs camp planned the whole thing. After all, one in his camp is bragging publicly that “I said I’d slap him and I did”. It’s not entirely out of possibility that Khabib caused the distraction allowing the assault to occur.  Like McGregors mouth or don’t like it.....all he’s doing with it is making more money for everybody! 

oranos - 
Chris -

The past history is a problem, 100%. However, when it comes down to Saturday, Khabib receives the blame. Once he jumped out of the cage to attack Danis, everything after that fact was reactionary, not expresssly deliberate. 

Conor did throw the first punch technically at the man on the fence, but the situation was out of control at that point and that was only Khabib’s fault. At that point, Conor reacted to a situation where he and his friends were in danger.

The whole thing started when one of Khabib's team members in a blue jacket was walking up to the octagon and shoved Dillon Danis aside. Danis was like WTF? Right after Khabib sees Danis turn his attention on his teammate, he bolts and flies over the cage.


Eric Bloodaxe -

While McGregor’s actions attacking Khabib’s bus was unacceptable the UG News has been like a broken record since. Spinning everything shamelessly, telling us over and over again how traumatizing it was to professional fightere.

Now your boy Khabib run amok worse than Conor has ever done, but that’s ok now you pathetic hipocrats. Conor hit a guy that was attacking his corner. Khabib and his posse attacked both Conor and his corner. Showing the gang mentalitet they have shown in the past when they badly injured a perceoved opponent back in Moscow.

And the Muslim card as well, to protect a man that wishes to deny rap musicians to play in his native country cause it could offend his version of Allah.

It was scum behaviour no matter what Conor did in the past. A disgrace to the sport.


Dougie -
oranos - 
Chris -

The past history is a problem, 100%. However, when it comes down to Saturday, Khabib receives the blame. Once he jumped out of the cage to attack Danis, everything after that fact was reactionary, not expresssly deliberate. 

Conor did throw the first punch technically at the man on the fence, but the situation was out of control at that point and that was only Khabib’s fault. At that point, Conor reacted to a situation where he and his friends were in danger.

The whole thing started when one of Khabib's team members in a blue jacket was walking up to the octagon and shoved Dillon Danis aside. Danis was like WTF? Right after Khabib sees Danis turn his attention on his teammate, he bolts and flies over the cage.


Lol, that’s awesome

DCgavemetheBBC -

is there a way to ignore, as a mud, anything OP posts?

yup dont click on it dumbass

KnockoutThoughts -
Chris -

The past history is a problem, 100%. However, when it comes down to Saturday, Khabib receives the blame. Once he jumped out of the cage to attack Danis, everything after that fact was reactionary, not expresssly deliberate. 

Conor did throw the first punch technically at the man on the fence, but the situation was out of control at that point and that was only Khabib’s fault. At that point, Conor reacted to a situation where he and his friends were in danger.

When Conor jumped out of the cage and came straight at Aldo, same shit could have happened. Saturday was a direct consequence of not nipping the problem when your golden egg did it. Had they put rules in place against it at that time, it would have been clear cut consequences against that action. Instead they glamorized it by using it as promotional material and conditioning fighters to think it was ok. Khabib jumping out wasn’t the problem. He very likely would not even have hit Dillon, and it was Dillon who swung the first blow at Khabib. Aldo could have easily have had the same response to Conor’s antics when he did it. The only difference between what Conor did to Aldo and what Khabib did to Dillon is that Dillon decided to swing before seeing what Khabib was going to do.. 

What a dumbass post.

How convenient that you want to penalize Conor for what "could have happened" when he jumped out of the cage and got in Aldo's, but you want to assume what wouldn't "very likely" have happened if Khabib could have made it to Dillon. You have zero fucking clue what Khabib would have done. Zero.

And on top of that, Dillon doesn't need to stand around and "wait" to see what Khabib was going to do. Not sure what world you live in.

Simply idiotic

DonFrye_Fan -
KnockoutThoughts -
Chris -

The past history is a problem, 100%. However, when it comes down to Saturday, Khabib receives the blame. Once he jumped out of the cage to attack Danis, everything after that fact was reactionary, not expresssly deliberate. 

Conor did throw the first punch technically at the man on the fence, but the situation was out of control at that point and that was only Khabib’s fault. At that point, Conor reacted to a situation where he and his friends were in danger.

When Conor jumped out of the cage and came straight at Aldo, same shit could have happened. Saturday was a direct consequence of not nipping the problem when your golden egg did it. Had they put rules in place against it at that time, it would have been clear cut consequences against that action. Instead they glamorized it by using it as promotional material and conditioning fighters to think it was ok. Khabib jumping out wasn’t the problem. He very likely would not even have hit Dillon, and it was Dillon who swung the first blow at Khabib. Aldo could have easily have had the same response to Conor’s antics when he did it. The only difference between what Conor did to Aldo and what Khabib did to Dillon is that Dillon decided to swing before seeing what Khabib was going to do.. 

What a dumbass post.

How convenient that you want to penalize Conor for what "could have happened" when he jumped out of the cage and got in Aldo's, but you want to assume what wouldn't "very likely" have happened if Khabib could have made it to Dillon. You have zero fucking clue what Khabib would have done. Zero.

And on top of that, Dillon doesn't need to stand around and "wait" to see what Khabib was going to do. Not sure what world you live in.

Simply idiotic

You mad bro? If Aldo would have swung, Nova Uniao cartel would have taken out the leprechauns. There'd be gold shillings and blood on the streets. Thank God Aldo is a sensible human being who felt no threat from the clown with the popped out eyeballs who was blowing his stank breath in his face.. he's a better human being than me for sure. I would have fired some tic tacs down his throat like Randy Johnson delivering a fastball..

Absolutely nailed it. 

so was anyone even injured? specifically anyone that wasn't involved in the drama to begin with.

Throwin'Knuckles -
DonFrye_Fan -
KnockoutThoughts -
Chris -

The past history is a problem, 100%. However, when it comes down to Saturday, Khabib receives the blame. Once he jumped out of the cage to attack Danis, everything after that fact was reactionary, not expresssly deliberate. 

Conor did throw the first punch technically at the man on the fence, but the situation was out of control at that point and that was only Khabib’s fault. At that point, Conor reacted to a situation where he and his friends were in danger.

When Conor jumped out of the cage and came straight at Aldo, same shit could have happened. Saturday was a direct consequence of not nipping the problem when your golden egg did it. Had they put rules in place against it at that time, it would have been clear cut consequences against that action. Instead they glamorized it by using it as promotional material and conditioning fighters to think it was ok. Khabib jumping out wasn’t the problem. He very likely would not even have hit Dillon, and it was Dillon who swung the first blow at Khabib. Aldo could have easily have had the same response to Conor’s antics when he did it. The only difference between what Conor did to Aldo and what Khabib did to Dillon is that Dillon decided to swing before seeing what Khabib was going to do.. 

What a dumbass post.

How convenient that you want to penalize Conor for what "could have happened" when he jumped out of the cage and got in Aldo's, but you want to assume what wouldn't "very likely" have happened if Khabib could have made it to Dillon. You have zero fucking clue what Khabib would have done. Zero.

And on top of that, Dillon doesn't need to stand around and "wait" to see what Khabib was going to do. Not sure what world you live in.

Simply idiotic

He just got done telling me Al had better hands then Dustin, Eddie, Aldo and Max. Somebody get this guy a helmet.

Reaching for the sake of reaching.. reeks of desperation. You're better than this.. 

logic672 -

You would have to go through serious amounts of mental gymnastics to not agree 100 percent with this. 

Yep he is right on every count