Izzy Confronts Female Creeps In Gym Who Took Sneak Photos Of Him



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UFC middleweight champion Israel Adesanya is not the kind of star that stands for people being rude to him when they cross paths.

Taking to Twitter, “The Last Stylebender” went on a rant following an altercation with some fans at a public gym.

Captioning the video by explaining his decision to attend the gym and post the video, Izzy was forced to address the situation after he caught some fans taking photos of him from across the gym without coming up and speaking to him.
Initially explaining why it got him fired up in the first place, the champ asked fans to put themselves in his shoes, stating that if he started to do it he would be labelled a creep.

“Whether you’re a man, woman or child, I don’t give a f***, you’re a creep”

After finishing his workout and calming down, Adesanya continued to explain the situation and how he wishes people would respond and think about how they’re affecting him.

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Israel Adesanya “Scolded” Ladies In The Gym To Make Them Stop Taking Photos

After letting off some steam with his rant, Israel Adesanya went into more detail about what is and isn’t acceptable to do when meeting a celebrity.
From the passenger seat, the reigning UFC middleweight champion thanked the people that keep it quick and simple when acknowledging him in public and went on to explain his major don’ts.

All stemming from some fans taking sneaky photos of him across the gym, Adesanya’s main point was people not wasting his time or invading his privacy.

“Don’t hold me hostage with your conversation, he’s (his coach) got a timer on his phone of when I’m meant to rest and when you hold me hostage I’m not resting.”
To cap off his rant, Izzy went back to the cause of the video in the first place, addressing the sly photographers that snapped a quick image of him working out.

“Again, to the ladies I scolded, I went up to them and said how would you feel if I was secretly filming you at the gym and immediately it was like boom and then they apologised so shout out to them for taking it in good faith”

I Wood have invited them to lunch , but then again Izzy Is He ?


Taking time to bitch to the public about something like on social media…

Imagine someone like Crocop or DC doing something like that.

Izzy is weird.


Izzy is so f’kn petty it’s ridiculous

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DC wouldn’t be in a gym cmom


Screename check out

Is he on his period?

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You know that gay friend you had that always talked about pussy.

A metorsexual trying to send a red pill message and chooses his words unwisely. Still, can’t hold it against him for trying to emphasize womens’ double standards. Good for him

and you guys worship Colby who literally pays hookers to hang out with him so people will think he’s cool/straight


Huh ? Who ?

You’re a fucking punk, dude.

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DC would.

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Of all the things that never happened.

classic gay ass american response