Izzy getting a title shot is a fucking joke

I just hope the same people okay with this don’t cry if Conor gets a title shot after beating Chandler or something. I don’t even agree it’s a bigger fight, if they’d announced the rematch right away there would have been a ton of hype for it because it was so close. and Izzy has been sitting on the sidelines becoming irrelevant. But it is what it is, this is the new UFC, any semblance of being a sport is out the window.

Izzy/Dricus is UFC 305 in Perth, it’s official.

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Izzy/Sean title eliminator makes way more sense and would have been a big fight. Should have given the shot to Cannonier and done that as co main

If Izzy wins then a rematch with Sean has to happen.
If I were him I’d prefer that than a number 1 contender match.


this. crazy pope is having an emotional reaction and is not seeing reason.

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His fight with Cannonier was definitely right there with those crap performances.


They’re giving Drikus the Izzy fight to finally get rid of him (Izzy).
They’ll squeeze the last little bit of equity he has left and use him as a Wicker Man sacrifice for the new star.


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This will be a more excited and anticipated matchup than Sean strickland. Sean had zero title defenses yet he feels entitled to a rematch when he showed zero urgency to win his title fight vs DDP. Go fight Paulo or complain more on twitter about how the libs are screwing you. Even tho Dana has final say

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Sean vs paulo as the semi main event in Australia would be epic.
Sean is very popular down under.



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