Jacob Volkmann = threat to National Security

kaitlinrosie - <p>Apparently. He was visited by Secret Service as he was coaching youth wrestling....then they visited his home because of his post-fight comments about Obama.

Freedom of speech? Waste of resources?</p> 

it's pretty well known that you can't threaten the president. Freedom of speech doesn't afford you that right. Insult away all you want. As soon as violence is mentioned...you should expect a visit from the SS.

Isn't this shit common knowledge?

 they probably showed up and realized john cryer is no threat...

 Apparently not, ask Soldave. He has flowers, Unicorns and Peace signs dancing in his head.

^This. And once again, you can say whatever you want (free speech), to anybody, but there are often consequences. The man's not going to jail, they're just investigating him. Chael Sonnen's more of a threat to Obama than Jacob "Insurance companies are butt-fucking me" Volkmann.

Lol @ the usa....

one day youll do 2 years for j walking....what a joke.

Thank god i live in canada where im FREE

soldave - jesus what a fucked up country America can be, land of the free? what bull, I find the fact that people expected this astonishing

oh and war Volkmann

yes you are correct. The secret service should definitely not pursue leads that have announced an intent to commit violence against the president. It's not like that's essentially their sole purpose these days (counterfeiting aside).

It seems no one saw my first post.

There is a Secret Service office in Minneapolis which is probably less then a half hour from the Minnesota MMA academy. They're in the same county for fucks sake.

You can call the President an idiot all you want, but you can't threaten to fight him. It doesn't sound like you'd get in any trouble if you do, just a little visit. This is not a big deal on any level.

And, I was referring to Daeme's post.

Darth BLAF - 
2JupitersTooMany -  <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/04/jacob-volkmann-barack-obama_n_804172.html"&gt;http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/04/jacob-volkmann-barack-obama_n_804172.html&lt;/a>

Volkmann thinks being a "chiropractor"(aka snakeoil salesman/quack/witch doctor) gives him some special, unique, and expert understanding of the health care system?



DreamFTW - Lol @ the usa....

one day youll do 2 years for j walking....what a joke.

Thank god i live in canada where im FREE

 What is the strongest element of the Canadian Army ?  Their southern border !

Threatening our Command-In-Chief during wartime?  Why does Jacob Volkmann hate America and insist on providing aid and comfort to the enemies who hate us for our freedoms?

Darth BLAF -
Was Volkmann on one of the TUF seasons?

He seems like he should've been.


Step 1: Threaten President
Step 2: Shit in someone's rice krispies
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit!

"No one gives a flying fuck what the barbarians and subhumans in the Third World say about anything."

 Not that hard to understand, is it?  Among other functions, the Secret Service's primary function is to protect The President.  What if, after Volkman's comments he snapped, saw President Obama and shot a double on him, cracking his head on the concrete.  Or worse yet, he gets naked on a water tower w/a deer rifle and starts sniping.  Besides the obvious chaos and tragedy of injury or death to the U.S. President, whose asses do you think will be on the line for failing to @ least follow up on a public threat, no matter how slight?  I can just hear the outcry about the incompetence of the Secret Service and calling for their disbandment. 



imagine the laugh when the secret service showed up and found this guy threatening the prez...


Thank god I live in Canada.

Volkmann is an idiot. Phone Post

Someone needs to assassinate Osama!

Here is what he said:

Asked by FanHouse reporter Ariel Helwani whom he wants to fight next, Volkmann replies, “Actually, Obama.”

“He’s not too bright,” insisted the 30-year old fighter. “Someone needs to knock some sense into that idiot.”

Volkmann went on to say, “I just don’t like what Barack is doing,” before griping about the President’s health care plan, which Volkmann, a chiropractor on the side, hurts his business, “I’m starting my own business and it’s not real easy when you’re actually giving insurance companies the power to decline you and not pay you.” As Tanya Somanader points out, however, Volkmann’s assertion isn’t completely true, for the President’s reform actually has incentives for small businesses.

The real question here isn’t political nuance, though. It’s whether Volkmann’s words can be considered a threat against the President.


shanoknowsmma - Someone needs to assassinate Osama!

 Bin Laden, gotcha