Jake Shields drawing

 if you like my work, check out the rest at www.bradutterstrom.com and add me on twitter @therealbradu

Jake Shields, pastel 5x7" (click for full version)


That is sweet! Phone Post


 I'm gonna have to remember not to post my art late at night here!

how long does it take you to do one of these?

looks great good job

anony - how long does it take you to do one of these?

 3-5 hours or so.

 someone should draw shields while he is being interviewed. he has this funny way of looking at the camera, then the interviewer, then the camera, so on and so forth while the interviewer is speaking.

btw,  nice drawing.

Great drawing, thought you would have put in those huge teeth.

Well done

RyannVonDoom - Here's a source picture for you...

Blue namer, please.


Yup, that's Jake Shields.

BaraoKix - 

Great drawing, thought you would have put in those huge teeth.

Well done

 there must be a joke here I'm not getting

 I see


Love this so much more and than your tight pencil work. Looks great.

Great work Bradu!

rjbo71 - Bradu,

Love this so much more and than your tight pencil work. Looks great.

 So do I, honestly. I've always been more fond of the way pastel drawings look as opposed to pencil drawings, but it's not until recently that I've experimented more with different pastel color combinations and such, and really begun doing pastel work that I'm happy with. Pencil drawings are fine, but there's something about the look of pastel that takes it to the next level in my eyes.

bradu - 
rjbo71 - Bradu,

Love this so much more and than your tight pencil work. Looks great.

 So do I, honestly. I've always been more fond of the way pastel drawings look as opposed to pencil drawings, but it's not until recently that I've experimented more with different pastel color combinations and such, and really begun doing pastel work that I'm happy with. Pencil drawings are fine, but there's something about the look of pastel that takes it to the next level in my eyes.

Well besides the fact that the strokes have more gesture and and energy there is a maturity expressed in your economic use of the media.

Cant wait till you start discovering color and actually "painting" with the pastels. I have gone almost completely pastel and lay it on thik like an impasto - of course your work is different but you should ply with it. Just know that to really get the feel for pastel you have to get the good stuff.

You really are a talented artist - can't wait to see more of your work in this direction.

wow, didn't expect this one.

That's a great piece of work. You've really captured how Jake's "aged" face. His face (eyes forehead) have aged in the past 4yrs, and you nailed it. Great stuff.

rjbo71 - 
bradu - 
rjbo71 - Bradu,

Love this so much more and than your tight pencil work. Looks great.

 So do I, honestly. I've always been more fond of the way pastel drawings look as opposed to pencil drawings, but it's not until recently that I've experimented more with different pastel color combinations and such, and really begun doing pastel work that I'm happy with. Pencil drawings are fine, but there's something about the look of pastel that takes it to the next level in my eyes.

Well besides the fact that the strokes have more gesture and and energy there is a maturity expressed in your economic use of the media.

Cant wait till you start discovering color and actually "painting" with the pastels. I have gone almost completely pastel and lay it on thik like an impasto - of course your work is different but you should ply with it. Just know that to really get the feel for pastel you have to get the good stuff.

You really are a talented artist - can't wait to see more of your work in this direction.

Well some of my recent work is full color, though not 'actual' color. I definitely lean away from the realistic colors when I can. What do you mean by 'painting with pastels'? Are you referring to covering the entire surface with pastel, or just referring to different ways and techniques to apply the pigment.

I actually have been drawing 100% with pastel pencils, which is kind of strange. I should probably dip into my collection of pastels again at some point rather than always just using the pencils.

I'd love to see your pastel work.

By Painting I mean really using something like a sanded board and applying very heavy layers of pastel. Color does not have to be realistic in fact its better if is not in some ways. You absolutely should try sticks - its a blast.

I have considered posting my work but am concerned with revealing too much about myself on here. Also I am have been in the process of trying to reinvent myself for the past year and am not where I want to be. It has been a very frustrating process. Your work is inspiring.