jake shields was very exciting

wtf is up with people saying jake shields is boring.
at least he passes guard and improve positions.

people who sit in guard and gnp are way more boring imo

You're kidding right?

i am not. seriously shields/mayhem was one of the most exciting, most technical ground battles i have seen in mma, and i have been watching mma for over 10 years

Pretend you are at the Police station and "KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT"

i don't understand the people who said "THIS WAS THE MOST BORING FIGHT EVER!", there have been worst fights; hell leites/silva makes this fight look like it's fight of the year.

i really thought it was a great fight, its not like punches are needed to make a fight exciting. some fights don't have punches, other fights dont have grappling. they are all exciting in their own way

For me it's fun to see a couple of ground wizards go at it once in a while. Shields dominated most of the action on the ground, but Mayhem made it intersting several times with reversals and the almost fight ending choke at the end of round 3. It wasn't quite the ground battle that Nick Diaz/Diego Sanchez was, but I was very entertained because I like wrestling and jiu-jitsu. Stand-up fights can be boring too, just look at Arlovski/Sylvia 3 for example.

I couldn’t agree more. There were a ton of scrambles and constant evolution of position. Great fight, great cardio out of both guys. You don’t have to bar fight to be exciting.

linmike94 - i am not. seriously shields/mayhem was one of the most exciting, most technical ground battles i have seen in mma, and i have been watching mma for over 10 years

Technical ground battles? They spent half the fight holding each other in the same position throwing fluff punches.
That impressed you? Are you a white belt or something

I thought it was a fun fight. It's not like he just laid in Mayhem's guard and waited out the clock like Clay Guida.

Great fight, but had decision written all over it when it was signed. Extremely high-level ground work, nice takedown battle, and both guys should be proud of their performance.

The only people bored were in the "Just Bleed" camp.

Wet - 
linmike94 - i am not. seriously shields/mayhem was one of the most exciting, most technical ground battles i have seen in mma, and i have been watching mma for over 10 years

Technical ground battles? They spent half the fight holding each other in the same position throwing fluff punches.
That impressed you? Are you a white belt or something

I'm guessing your the whitebelt if you didn't see the extremely high level of jiu jitsu that went on in that fight.

Very good grappler amd high level of Bjj in the fight good¡

I would say most of GSP latest fights were WAY more boring than this fight was.

I understand the ground game just fine douche. Clearly you were impressed by two guys hugging. Im doubting you even have a white belt now.
It would have been a good ground fight if Miller wanted to stay on the ground but he spent the entire fight trying to stand up while the other guy held him down.

Wet - I understand the ground game just fine douche. Clearly you were impressed by two guys hugging. Im doubting you even have a white belt now.
It would have been a good ground fight if Miller wanted to stay on the ground but he spent the entire fight trying to stand up while the other guy held him down.

trying to stand up and trying to prevent it requires a lot of technique too.

improving position is great for sport Jiu Jitsu.

It opens up opportunities for more subs and gets you points.

In a fight, improvement of position is only good if you use it to cause dmg or bring an end to the fight.

I didn't see Shields attempt much with his positional dominance.

It seemed he mainly did it to preserve himself rather than end Miller.


All you need to know to understand the comments is this: you are on a board where people nuthug ANYTHING Brazilian which makes them anti anything wrestling. So when a wrestler wins by wrestling they need to lash out, because they hate being bullied around or seeing a grappler bullied around.

And that's why they are called Brazilian Jonestown Jiudo players.

Anyone who has wrestled, or isn't biased toward all things BJJ would not be critical.


If this is the way Jake is going to fight in the future, it would be smart to keep him off tv.

This fight actually hurt, not helped the broadcast.

Noone wants to see 25 minutes of man-hugging.

garuda - If this is the way Jake is going to fight in the future, it would be smart to keep him off tv.

This fight actually hurt, not helped the broadcast.

Noone wants to see 25 minutes of man-hugging.
See there's a fine example. It was Mayhem's BJJ that stunk the joint up. His BJJ couldn't deal with the wrestling prowess. But like most BJJers bloated on kool-aid you are upset that your boy lost.

Wrestle more and you won't get beat up in the gym and come here to vent.