I want to fight in Japan. UG make it happen thanks!

 Hawaii would also work maybe a fight in Hawaii and then one in Japan or the other way around.

 TTT no Japanese/ Hawaiian Promoters on here?

 Fine then, Mayhem a little help for a fellow Haole would be appreciated.

Japan, do the right thing!

I have watched the Playtpus several times. He would be a great addition to any card. Hook him up!


Woot the fan has spoken...

 Fans plural!

ttt for the DREAM

 I hope you don't try to say hello to Japan if your opponent has your back.

You're going!

I live in Japan.
I'll spread the word.
Maybe the newspapers will get hold of it and then the promoters or Takada.
It might take a few weeks, but things move fast in Japan, so pack at least a small travel bag with toothhbrush and fresh grunts in case the call comes by way of telephone.

me 2, make it happen

170lbs 0-0-0 record

try to contact DEEP,ZST or Pancrase Promotions

Groove Holmes - I live in Japan.

I'll spread the word.

Maybe the newspapers will get hold of it and then the promoters or Takada.

It might take a few weeks, but things move fast in Japan, so pack at least a small travel bag with toothhbrush and fresh grunts in case the call comes by way of telephone.
If this is true thanks if you are being a prick thanks for at least keeping this TTT.



At least 4th P4P, IMO.

 Yeah a bit of a stretch but I hear sarcasm does not translate....

 I am contacting:





Thanks for some help...

PBPV I am 11-3 pro no ammy, with 7 subs, 2 U Dec, 1 TKO, 1 tap due to strikes. I really feel I could put on a great show and I always do. Japan or any other big exposure that will still let me fight local would be awesome. 

 I will say hello Japan before during and after my win!

 OMA help a playa out!