No luck, I fail at the internet ... can anyone post links to thier sites or contact info mma mail would also be appreciated.

Why dont you just contact JAPAN directly? I am sure their # is in the phone book...

^^^ More of THIS ^^^

 I will fight you in Japan. All you need to do is send a certified check for the amount of $3000 (American) so that i can arrange for travel and accomidations. While this will undoubedly take away from my well deserved leisure time I am excited to help you fulfill a life long dream. I do not know any Japanese promoters personally, but I have seen like almost every Pride... so i am pretty sure I can hook us up in the Saitama Super Arena (if not, there's always the parking lot).

 More of This TTT MY Thread Hos...

 Any real contact info would be awesome...fake and sacrastic also appreciated.

DaveGarcia -  I will fight you in Japan. All you need to do is send a certified check for the amount of $3000 (American) so that i can arrange for travel and accomidations. While this will undoubedly take away from my well deserved leisure time I am excited to help you fulfill a life long dream. I do not know any Japanese promoters personally, but I have seen like almost every Pride... so i am pretty sure I can hook us up in the Saitama Super Arena (if not, there's always the parking lot).

 Also make 145 and I might be down to fight you here in the states.

i called japan. he said no. hawaii said maybe, but was concerned over some of the looser women in your past...

you have to remember... decisions made at 17 can affect your entire life.

iowa said probably. and vegas said yes tho.

beggars can't be choosers.

Big In Japan - Tom Waits

 Tom waits is what I would come out to love his "sling blade" voice...

 "Like the bread without the butter,

like the window without the shutter,

but yeah I am Big in Japan"... or something alog those lines...

The Platypus - 
DaveGarcia -  I will fight you in Japan. All you need to do is send a certified check for the amount of $3000 (American) so that i can arrange for travel and accomidations. While this will undoubedly take away from my well deserved leisure time I am excited to help you fulfill a life long dream. I do not know any Japanese promoters personally, but I have seen like almost every Pride... so i am pretty sure I can hook us up in the Saitama Super Arena (if not, there's always the parking lot).

 Also make 145 and I might be down to fight you here in the states.
How 'bout a catch weight? Say...185?   


 Nice do I know you garcia or are you just showing me groupie love?

 Ahh I always chase the skanks off it must be my aire of classiness...

 No more help with the Japan Fights huh?

 This is the only email address I saw on the Pancrase site:


I couldn't find anything on the Dream website since its mostly in Japanese.

Here is one for ZST:


Here's an email address for DEEP:


Groupie? Nah...more like a good natured troll.

I originally came on this thread to offer you the chance to fight (me) in Japan for the nominal cost of my travel and accomidations. Knowing that you would refuse such a ludicrous offer, I had planned on calling you out on an "epic dick-tuck."

Then you said you like Tom Waits so you immediately became alright in my book.

ttt for the platypus on how he got on with the email addresses provided by the plunkett above.

Also, how about checking out the Japan forum?

Just a thought.

This thread, email the TS, perhaps...


Sherdog is bigger and has more connections so you might want to post this there.