DO THIS NOW!!!!!!!!!!


IT WOULD BE LIKE NAGASAKI ALL OVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


p.s. - The Marvelous One is my bitch!

The Platypus -  No more help with the Japan Fights huh?

damn now its fights plural?? shit....you should just fly there and start fighting like a ronin samurai make up a story how you were rasied by mushai relatives and fight your way to the top...someone with your skills should be where you want to be...your the only one holding yourself back....

fighting in japan is my dream in life. i blame my parents for it not happening tho...

point312 - 
The Platypus -  No more help with the Japan Fights huh?

damn now its fights plural?? shit....you should just fly there and start fighting like a ronin samurai make up a story how you were rasied by mushai relatives and fight your way to the top...someone with your skills should be where you want to be...your the only one holding yourself back....
 I would love to do that but I have a wife, baby, mortgage, and 2 car payments so the day job is in full effect.


KriegerVonGott - 
Just giving you some hype man.


DaveGarcia - Groupie? Nah...more like a good natured troll.

I originally came on this thread to offer you the chance to fight (me) in Japan for the nominal cost of my travel and accomidations. Knowing that you would refuse such a ludicrous offer, I had planned on calling you out on an "epic dick-tuck."

Then you said you like Tom Waits so you immediately became alright in my book.
I knew that you were trolling with the parking lot post I figured I would play along with the game remember I have learned from one of the best OMA... Tom Waits = The Shit. 


Freestyle/greco is killing my training right now but should be better after this week. See you guys in the gym and the new shirts are OUT! hit me up if you want to help support a poor midwest fighter!

Why would you like to fight in Japan?

 They have a much deeper pool at my weight class, and no exclusive contracts really plus I hear the pay is much better.

 and I LOVE MONEY! plug for the show that change the lives of America's Youth...

The Platypus - 
point312 - 
The Platypus -  No more help with the Japan Fights huh?

damn now its fights plural?? shit....you should just fly there and start fighting like a ronin samurai make up a story how you were rasied by mushai relatives and fight your way to the top...someone with your skills should be where you want to be...your the only one holding yourself back....
 I would love to do that but I have a wife, baby, mortgage, and 2 car payments so the day job is in full effect.

yeah it sucks i have 2 kids,wife,mortgage 2 car payments all the shit minus the day job....but they pay me to be laid off...

The Platypus -  They have a much deeper pool at my weight class, and no exclusive contracts really plus I hear the pay is much better.

That is only true for Dream and Sengoku...
Shooto, DEEP, Pancrase, Cage Force and ZST pay peanuts. You will continue to be fighting poor. DREAM is a very difficult organization to crack unless they hand pick you for their own agenda or you are an established name and have some serious connections. Sengoku is the organization that is more willing to bring in up and coming talent. Only problem is, at the moment, that they are in the middle of their featherweight GP and may only look for new fighters after.
However, fight consistency in Japan is something you don't get as a foreigner. Plus, you are less likely to get sponsors being an American and fighting in Japan. That all being said, if you look closely at the roster of foreign fighters, there is a pattern of which teams they came from. Look at contacting said teams perhaps? It does help to have a good manager that is trusted by these organizations.
I wish you all the best and good luck.

 Bobby Lashley was supposed to hook a brother up with his manager but I have not heard back from him since, he is busy and I know that. I would really like a manager that I could trust and am trying to be patient, but don't know what the deal is. I would probably get better pay overseas than I would in the midwest. I will contact the org people gave me email addresses for and hope for the best thanks.

 There is a Japan Forum?!?! my mind was blown... seriously I am stupid for not checking that thanks.

give me a shout if you are in okinawa, ill buy you a beer.