Jens Pulver Appreciation Thread

voorhees - We all love Pulver no doubt,but this thread has been done several times before and for the same hidden reason...

We love and respect him and dont like seeing him going out the way he is.

And what hidden reason is that?

TTT for one of the most inspiring fighters to ever grace the ring/cage. Phone Post

Little Eagle, soars again Phone Post

Chimonos Revenge - 
voorhees - We all love Pulver no doubt,but this thread has been done several times before and for the same hidden reason...

We love and respect him and dont like seeing him going out the way he is.

And what hidden reason is that?

We are basically telling him to retire cuz it is hurting us to see him going on like this.

We want to remember him as a winner and champ.

Great fighter. Great guy. Always a fan. Phone Post

Respect, courage, class, heart and an amazing ability to win over fans. Jens pulver is a pioneer and legend. Much respect and appreciation to that man. Phone Post

I'm ashamed to say it but I only knew Jens from TUF but I instantly became a fan. It's a pity he's not only coming up now, cos if anyone deserves the big money sponsorships etc. it's him. Phone Post

obv we all love jens. what has me baffled is does anyone know what his relationship with zuffa is?? with all these shows and diffrent channels the ufc is on i am surprised jens doesnt have a cushy tv job especially considering his history with them. it almost feels like one of those dana holding a grudge deals as usual. i hope i am wrong and maybe in the future jens will get the respect from zuffa.

^Agree. He can become one of their ambassadors, holding clinics and spreading cheer. But Li'l Evil still had it. Knocked down Eric Kelly in the 1st and had a legit chance of taking the fight.

TenOfSwords -  Yeah, let's hear it for Jens Pulver - who is now 5-9 since BJ stole his soul.

Shouldn't you be posing with Rashad Evans or something?

Fan for life here. War "Lil Evil!"

Chimonos Revenge -
TenOfSwords -  Yeah, let's hear it for Jens Pulver - who is now 5-9 since BJ stole his soul.

Shouldn't you be posing with Rashad Evans or something?


I just remembered who this guy is. Phone Post


Zuffa bring him back to do commentating!!!  He is way better than Florian & Bonnar.  Mir gives him a run for his money but thats it!

War lil' Evil

I will pass this thread on to Jens. He is still trying to get over the jet lag from the trip. Great to see people appreciate his effort. It was a tough fight. Kelly did some things i.e. grabbing the fence to pull himself over on top after the first takedown, grabbing shorts several times, and being very slick (literally) that, as a corner, I was not in love with. But that's the nature of the game I guess. See you guys in Singapore Oct. 6th. Peace!

It would be awesome to have Jens commentating again.

 i fucking LOVE jens pulver

i tried so hard to name my son Jens, but my wife won the coin flip =)

Jens is a great human being. There are few people that I want to see succeed more.

 He's the reason I came to this forum to begin with.  He's solely responsible for me meeting and becoming friends with Horn.

Dude is all class and I will always be in his corner rooting him on. 

JHR- I second that notion. Some of my best friends to this day are the results of Jens allowing me to come to Iowa and train/ hang with the MFS boys. Plus, I got to meet you in Canada years back.