Jeremy Jackson Pleads Guilty!!!

I will , i asked Momita tonight how to do that . All I can say is that it appears that he took the deal the DA has been shoving down his throat . He sensed the jury felt the chick was nuts but apparently he just didnt want

to go to trial. He got less time than if he did. Still not pretty , i feel horrible for all parties.

CeltsFan33 - It doesn't look like there was any deal on the table, either. He's facing 25 to life.

 Yes there was

Hong Kong Phooey - <b>I will , i asked Momita tonight how to do that . All I can say is that it appears that he took the deal the DA has been shoving down his throat . He sensed the jury felt the chick was nuts but apparently he just didnt want
to go to trial. He got less time than if he did. Still not pretty , i feel horrible for all parties.</b> 

Damn it! Phooey! You're our man on the inside! Get on top of this and get back to the Project thread with the info, STAT!

I just wouldnt have plead guilty to something i didnt do . Apparently they even the playing fields.

4 hours ago
"fastrack - well if he is guilty then fuck him"

(I don't know the details on this one, but this is basically my opinion on any rapist) Phone Post

Im not for rape in any shape or form either.Only they know. I still proclaim somethings fishy .

Chances are it is coming down to his word vs hers with character testimony and no serious evidence so they offered him a bargain in order to save judicial time and money. happens all the time, and innocent people often take them because they have neither the time (you only live so long) nor the money (he has none) nor the assurance of not being convicted anyway (and innocent people do get convicted).


HexRei - Chances are it is coming down to his word vs hers with character testimony and no serious evidence so they offered him a bargain in order to save judicial time and money. happens all the time, and innocent people often take them because they have neither the time (you only live so long) nor the money (he has none) nor the assurance of not being convicted anyway (and innocent people do get convicted).

 Exactly what happened HexRei

sentencing is tomorrow morning so you are correct I think. he just got released for the night.

it looks like sentencing is 02-14-2011.  On MY calendar, thats NOT tomorrow.

chris laidlaw - <p>it looks like sentencing is 02-14-2011.  On MY calendar, thats NOT tomorrow.</p>

haha, whoops.

this boggles my mind how he pled guilty and most of you are still saying he's innocent...Come on brah...Oh wait he's a fighter he can do no wrong

DaTazzManianDevil - jw is this the same guy tht got kicked off of tuf for sneaking out?

Yes that was the beginning and this is the end result. See what happens when you let the PU$$Y run your life kiddos? Keep your pimp hand strong and don't be a sucka.

Sure she manipulated him but withdrawing your not guilty plea and accepting 1 of guilty looks like an admission of true guilt in the long run. After people forget the details years from now it will just look like he raped this girl unfortunately.

If the news article is accurate, he opted for 25 years to life instead of 60 to life:

"Jackson, 28, will be sentenced on Feb. 14 and is facing 25 years to life, said prosecutor Thomas Dunlevy.

Dunlevy said Jackson pleaded guilty to one count of forcible rape with the special allegation of entering the residence to sexually assault the victim. He said Jackson was facing 60 years to life if he had been found guilty of all charges, including one felony count of criminal threat and one felony count of witness intimidation."

but do you really take a plea deal when it completely ruins your life if you are innocent? He will walk around as scum of the earth for the rest of his life. That's the way he will be seen by people where he moves to. I doesnt make sense to just plea out to save money and time. Pretty short sighted if this is the case

You got a strange (and scary) judicial system in the USA...

 Innocent people plead guilty all the time to save themselves the time and money.

Say you are facing three years for a nonviolent drug possesion case.  The drugs werent yours, a friend left them in the back of your car.  You didnt even know they were there.  You are as innocent as Baby Jesus.

They offer you two years probation, six months house arrests, and treatment.  Tell me you wouldnt take it.

Sajite - You got a strange (and scary) judicial system in the USA...

People seriously plead quilty for RAPE just to save money and time? If so, then LOL @ US justice system.

Some drug case is a bit different from raping someone.