Jeremy Jackson the man

"Apparently if you kiss his ass, give him a good ball wash and suck up to Dana you have a better opportunity to fight in the UFC - if you dis him you're history. It's his playground and you have to kiss up and show some talent."

Do you think it is any different in any other org?

Come on when you are dealing whith the guy who calls the shots you either play the game the way he wants it played or dont play.

Did they let Chris off sure they did, one thing he was drunk the night he snuck off so you might give a little (I would not have) So because of that they should let Jackson off because he wanted some tail? So next week everyone decided to go over the wall becasue they want just want to party do they all get a pass? Why have a rule that you cant leave and then let them break it when they want?

Dana created a problem for himself and the show by giving chris a pass when he went over the wall. He fixed that problem now, sucks for Jackson that he was the one who got busted.

Next time maybe Dana needs to have a big speach at the start of the show and tell them all

"If any of you fucking guys go over that fucking wall, I will sure as fuck kick your fucking ass's off this fucking show, ricki fuckin tik!'

I think thats meets the Dana White Fuck quota for a speach.

you're absolutely fucking right.  you just repeated what I already said - it's Dana's party and you play it his way - everybody everywhere kisses up to the boss unless they're ready to take a hike.  Jeremy fucked up big time and blew a great chance.  Sucks to be him right now.  lm

ricki fuckin tiki!

newest line for Dana

lmao - lm

Oh just wait till they bring him back for a UFN or something. He will bring some serious pain!


Perhaps the rules were altered or they were told that there would be NO room for violations this time around?

The big difference between Jackson and Leben is that Leben is "Randy's Boy". Quarry got to stay on the show after an injury for the same reason while other injured fighters were sent home.

My problem with Jeremy's situation is the way the show was edited.  That episode made him seem like someone who was really down on his luck and had finally gotten a chance at redemption and then fucked it all up.  I don't think they should have given Jeremy's hard luck story as a set up to throwing him out.  The editors could have only included Jeremy talking about the lifeguard and events after.  Just my opinion.

NEEDED TO KICK HIM OFF , the guy must be border line retarded to leave the house with the cameras watching 24/7= dope!

Jeremy was one of the most liked, most talented, and toughest guys on the show. He is a great guy with amazing skills.

Chainsaw is correct!

You know the Scorpion will have his revenge in the OCTAGON!

CC summed up what the show did not.  lm

I thought that Jeremy was interviewed and said he had a multi fight contract with the UFC.

He forced Dana's hand as far as the show but Dana's no fool, Jeremy was showcased for two shows and people will want to see him fight.

Now I hope he wins a few matches and gets things going in the right direction.