Jessamyn Duke Pics

Letibleu -


They look like cutouts he he he

Mike O'hearn dudes a strong fuk he's got his own workout program called power bodybuilding it's a combo of power lifting/ bb Phone Post

I like Jessamyn.  I don't know if I'm alone in this, but everytime I hear that girl talk or break down something, I think she's a female Rich Franklin. She speaks very logical and I dunno, when I hear her I immediately think of Rich Franklin.

SeverianB -

Miriam Nakamoto absolutely destroyed her earlier this year during an Invicta fight.   Crushed her face with a knee, as Miriam is known to do:

I really hope to see Nakamoto on a UFC card soon.   She supossedly is waiting for her ground game to get better, but I don't think it matters when you decimate everyone on your feet.

That 2nd knee was shit though. Would've like to see how it would've continued without that knee. She may have ended it shortly after anyways, but would've liked to see it play out. Phone Post

Joe Lauzon's hot twin sister.

Here is Peggy Morgan 6ft1 sparring with Jessamyn duke 5ft11.5

Video: Watch The 30 Second TV Spot Promoting This Fight: 
Video: Pre-Fight Interviews with Jessamyn Duke and Raquel Penington: 
Video: Watch the fight announcement made by Ronda Rousey :


SeverianB - 

Miriam Nakamoto absolutely destroyed her earlier this year during an Invicta fight.   Crushed her face with a knee, as Miriam is known to do:

I really hope to see Nakamoto on a UFC card soon.   She supossedly is waiting for her ground game to get better, but I don't think it matters when you decimate everyone on your feet.

Nakamoto is one Hell of a MT fighter. I remember watching that fight, but didn't pay much attention to Duke, as Nakamoto was just destroying her in that fight.

SeverianB - 

Miriam Nakamoto absolutely destroyed her earlier this year during an Invicta fight.   Crushed her face with a knee, as Miriam is known to do:

I really hope to see Nakamoto on a UFC card soon.   She supossedly is waiting for her ground game to get better, but I don't think it matters when you decimate everyone on your feet.

I'm really intrigued to see this rematch. Duke's at an age where she's probably improving quite a bit and there is some real bad blood here. Nakamoto was talking a lot of shit about Jessamyn after the commission overturned this win.

BuddyRevell -
SeverianB - 

Miriam Nakamoto absolutely destroyed her earlier this year during an Invicta fight.   Crushed her face with a knee, as Miriam is known to do:

I really hope to see Nakamoto on a UFC card soon.   She supossedly is waiting for her ground game to get better, but I don't think it matters when you decimate everyone on your feet.

I'm really intrigued to see this rematch. Duke's at an age where she's probably improving quite a bit and there is some real bad blood here. Nakamoto was talking a lot of shit about Jessamyn after the commission overturned this win.

I was wondering if anything happened about this bout and that 2nd knee. Phone Post 3.0

Doc T - 
BuddyRevell -
SeverianB - 

Miriam Nakamoto absolutely destroyed her earlier this year during an Invicta fight.   Crushed her face with a knee, as Miriam is known to do:

I really hope to see Nakamoto on a UFC card soon.   She supossedly is waiting for her ground game to get better, but I don't think it matters when you decimate everyone on your feet.

I'm really intrigued to see this rematch. Duke's at an age where she's probably improving quite a bit and there is some real bad blood here. Nakamoto was talking a lot of shit about Jessamyn after the commission overturned this win.

I was wondering if anything happened about this bout and that 2nd knee. Phone Post 3.0

Originally a knockout victory for Nakamoto, but was later overturned by the Missouri Office of Athletics due to an illegal knee.

Dem legs tho? Every single thing about Jessamyn is attractive.

Insider knowledge: Julianna Pena vs. Peggy "Don't give a fuck" Morgan

Finale ^

I'm looking forward to this fight. 

I don't think they hyped it on FOX during the NFL? Did anyone see any hype for the fight or just a generic TUF promo?

Jessamyn Duke at Edmonds Gym with Marina Shafir. Pic via layziethesavage


pegson123 - 

Is Edmond mean mugging while wrapping her hands?

Yes please. Phone Post 3.0

BigFootsSkinnyArm - Dem legs tho? Every single thing about Jessamyn is attractive.

Insider knowledge: Julianna Pena vs. Peggy "Don't give a fuck" Morgan

You can't randomly insert shit like this without a spoiler alert warning.