Jessamyn Duke Pics

SeverianB - 

Miriam Nakamoto absolutely destroyed her earlier this year during an Invicta fight.   Crushed her face with a knee, as Miriam is known to do:

I really hope to see Nakamoto on a UFC card soon.   She supossedly is waiting for her ground game to get better, but I don't think it matters when you decimate everyone on your feet.

why did you come to this thread? lol that fight was ruled a NC so i don't see its relevancy anyway to your cunty post, fuck tard.

anyways jessamyn seems like a cool chick, great personality seems like on the show too. hope she goes far.

Ch1ef - 
BigFootsSkinnyArm - Dem legs tho? Every single thing about Jessamyn is attractive.

Insider knowledge: Julianna Pena vs. Peggy "Don't give a fuck" Morgan

You can't randomly insert shit like this without a spoiler alert warning.

don't worry it's just a stab in the dark mate. I heard Moras goes through instead of peggy and than from someone else I heard the opposite. 


Dem abs.


And Nakamoto is a fucking brutalizer.

Vikingknee - She's too country Phone Post 3.0
No such thing!!

She's a cutie and a killer!! Epic combo! Phone Post 3.0

FETT_TFK_El Pescadero -
Vikingknee - She's too country Phone Post 3.0
No such thing!!

She's a cutie and a killer!! Epic combo! Phone Post 3.0
That's what I was going to say Phone Post 3.0

Watch the fight on Wednesday..

pegson123 - 

Is Edmond mean mugging while wrapping her hands?
No bro... I think someone in the room let go of some Sour Wind... Nothing worse then Southerly Winds caused by too many protein shakes! Phone Post 3.0

FETT_TFK_El Pescadero - 
pegson123 - 

Is Edmond mean mugging while wrapping her hands?
No bro... I think someone in the room let go of some Sour Wind... Nothing worse then Southerly Winds caused by too many protein shakes! Phone Post 3.0

Actually bro, it's not Edmond's fault. Team Tate instigated him, but the editors cut that out.

oh my god this Jessica Duke
By far the hottest female on this season of tuf.
coaches included

DJmixmasterMobbie -
SeverianB - 

Miriam Nakamoto absolutely destroyed her earlier this year during an Invicta fight.   Crushed her face with a knee, as Miriam is known to do:

I really hope to see Nakamoto on a UFC card soon.   She supossedly is waiting for her ground game to get better, but I don't think it matters when you decimate everyone on your feet.

why did you come to this thread? lol that fight was ruled a NC so i don't see its relevancy anyway to your cunty post, fuck tard.

anyways jessamyn seems like a cool chick, great personality seems like on the show too. hope she goes far.

She was literally destroyed in that fight. That's how it is relevant.

That being said I like jessamyn. Phone Post

BTT.. She controlled the entire fight until the illegal knee? How in the hell is that being destroyed? Watch the fight again, this time with your eyes open.

Is this the guy who is married to Midajah from the old WCW??

BTT-RyannVonDoom - 
DJmixmasterMobbie -
SeverianB - 

Miriam Nakamoto absolutely destroyed her earlier this year during an Invicta fight.   Crushed her face with a knee, as Miriam is known to do:

I really hope to see Nakamoto on a UFC card soon.   She supossedly is waiting for her ground game to get better, but I don't think it matters when you decimate everyone on your feet.

why did you come to this thread? lol that fight was ruled a NC so i don't see its relevancy anyway to your cunty post, fuck tard.

anyways jessamyn seems like a cool chick, great personality seems like on the show too. hope she goes far.

She was literally destroyed in that fight. That's how it is relevant.

That being said I like jessamyn. Phone Post

That is her getting dropped,that is why it is relevant Fucktard

BTT-RyannVonDoom - 
DJmixmasterMobbie -
SeverianB - 

Miriam Nakamoto absolutely destroyed her earlier this year during an Invicta fight.   Crushed her face with a knee, as Miriam is known to do:

I really hope to see Nakamoto on a UFC card soon.   She supossedly is waiting for her ground game to get better, but I don't think it matters when you decimate everyone on your feet.

why did you come to this thread? lol that fight was ruled a NC so i don't see its relevancy anyway to your cunty post, fuck tard.

anyways jessamyn seems like a cool chick, great personality seems like on the show too. hope she goes far.

She was literally destroyed in that fight. That's how it is relevant.

That being said I like jessamyn. Phone Post

true. just seemed like that post was more about nakamoto than jessamyn, which its a thread about jessamyn. oh well.

Getting a no contest is hardly relevant, especially how blatantly illegal the knee was...

This Edmond dude is f.ucking hilarious :)

Blue Name please:

When Jess came to visit us at 10th Planet HQ!


Make sure you switch on The Ultimate Fighter this Wednesday, Oct 9 at 10pm ET / 7 pm PT on Fox Sports 1 because Jessamyn "The Gun" Duke takes on Raquel "Rocky" Pennington in what many insiders are describing as the most intense fight of the season. 



Jessamyn duke with Ronda Rousey two weeks after UFC 157