Jiu jitsu skin infections are real!!!

I knew Guy would eventually make it in here haha. TTT for Defense! Phone Post 3.0

I always shower immediately after rolling and use Nizoral as body wash and shampoo. It's an anti-fungal and ringworm is a fungus.

I emailed Guy at the address he provided and ordered some Defense soap.

He is not kidding about the forum discount folks. Just sayin'. Phone Post 3.0

I had a run of ringworn for a few months, it kind went through our team for a while. The big game changer was having one bag dedicated to BJJ as opposed to using the same bag for the gym. I also started using defense soap, so I have to give them a nod because I do think it made a difference. I've read that eating or drinking probiotic (has "good bacteria" in it)helps. I drink a lot of that Kambucha stuff and try to eat a lot of fermented vegtables.

You guys are making me paranoid about the little pimples I sometimes get on my legs. After a hot day like today, I am especially covered in the soup mix of everyone's sweat. This thread is making me OCD.

I stopped training for a few reasons. My constant battle with Staph infections and molluscum was one of them. Stuff practically ruined my sophomore year of college. I still love jiu jitsu but it isn't worth it to me anymore.

Is this available in the UK ? Phone Post 3.0


We can ship anywhere in the world.

Defense Soap

The UG is full of stand up guys. Three members took advantage of the UG discount this week. The second the invoice was mailed all three guys shot back payment. The soap was already on the way. They could have drug their feet but they didn't.

Makes me feel good about my fellow grapplers.

Defense Soap

i saw someone pop a giant mrsa bubble above the knee and it shot a thick stream in the air about a foot high.