JKD vs Wing Chun turns into a street fight!

this. that was assault and battery as i understand it. i would report a felony to the cops and sue him for everything he is worth, about a buck fifty jajajaja…

jajajajaja this is so true. and so, so telling…

Guess he didn’t wanna use his actual wing chun & risk killing the poor kid


I think you’re conflating correlation with causation.

Sure, there are great MMA fighters who have great TMA backgrounds, but there are also great MMA fighters who have no meaningful TMA backgrounds (Adesanya, Volkanovski, Nurmagomedov, etc.) and people with great TMA backgrounds that have washed out as MMA fighters.

The most that can be said is that people who become MMA fighters are the type of people that pursued martial arts training–whether of the TMA variety or the more wrestling, boxing, etc. variety–which is unsurprising.

That is, while an early interest in TMAs often correlates with an eventual interest in MMA, we cannot conclude it causes significant benefits in MMA fighting.

All that back and forth on TMA technique…and in the end the boy just gets ghetto blasted.

haha yep
Looks like waldo should have taken some sort of grappling lessons. Funny how these fights almost always turn into the equivalent of a bunch of kids fighting over legos.

Exactly. There’s a reason MMA bouts “look” the way they do, and it’s not because the competitors simply haven’t learned the super-deadly-ultra-ninja Aikido/Hapkido/Kenpo/whatever techniques that many TMA practitioners claim to learn in their strip mall McDojos.

It turns out our early takes on “combat sports” (all of the grappling/striking variety) are more or less representative of the way humans fight each other. The woo-woo that’s urged by what most of us recognize as TMAs is just fluff that’s just been gradually inserted by people who’ve never fought in their lives.

The problem with kung-fu is that form does not meet function. If you watch boxers and Thai-boxers train, you would see they fight the same way they train. Same thing happens with Judo, Wrestling, and BJJ. Those grapplers fight the way they train and train the way they fight.

This isn’t true when it comes to Kung-Fu. The way they train doesn’t match how they fight. When they train, it looks all fancy flim-flam. When they fight, they look sloppy and just swing for the fences. Why? Because form does not meet function.

Kung-Fu might become effective if they trained and sparred more realistically, but then it would look less like KF and more like Sanda/San Shou.


What makes you think that wrestling and boxing are not martial arts?

This is interesting.

Sergio needs to enter a legite kickboxing match. I wasn’t impressed by his posturing, holding his hands like he was some sort of KF master. If Icey wanted to, he could have KO’d Sergio.



Damn that was some tight Bruce Lee ground and pound right there.

If you watch green shirt dude, he’s not even really throwing punches. I’m not talking about power punches. He’s just kinda sticking his hands out waiting to get countered and playing footsie.

All other variables more or less equal, there really is no timeline on which ANY amount of Wing Chun ever beats 1 year of boxing.

A guy who taught basic boxing and just called it “Wing Chun” to attract nerds would be great. Decorate the school like a Chinese restaurant, give out colored sashes every year and you would have THE greatest Wing Chun school in history. By far.

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Boxing vs Wing Chun