Joe Rogan: Contact HBO For Justice

Hey Joe,

If there is a contact we can have at HBO to request your presence in the booth during any and all UFC/MMA events on HBO, I would love to have it to voice my opinion to them. Take care and hope to see you in Columbus..

Your live MMA commentating is second to none imo.



Why not email or write to HBO?

ttt for Joe on HBO

ttt- shit i would email then as well, dont want to c any boxing commentators...



Bump For Rogan!



"I just emailed HBO requesting Carlos Mencia be hired as the new commentator."

-original, personal phrases Carlos will use...

"He's ROCKED!"

"That guy is my HERO!!!"

"Let's go to my good buddie Eddie Bravo for the scores!"

^^^^.......funniest thing I've heard in a while.

ttt for Joe on HBO


Joe should be the guy, pretty much knows how to call although he can get a little to excited sometimes, but I'am sure he would like the chedda. HBO make it Happen.




I'd like to see Larry Merchant and Joe. Just to watch Larry's face get all confused when Joe says "omoplata."

I like Joe, but can't we at least wait until HBO says who would be the replacements for Joe/Goldy before we rally against them? For example, if they're bringing in Bas, 'd rather than than Joe/Goldie.