joe rogan had a challenge match!!!

"Why is the challenger a dip shit if he backed up his words? Thats a lot more balls than most on this forum. "

So true, 97.3% of this board would never show if they issued a challenge.

If any gay guys were into Joe Rogan, the easiest way they could feel him would be to challenge him to a match.

props to joe

Props to joe but why is some squid bragging about it like it was him?

Holy crap, it didn't take long for this to get around.

Yes I filmed it. Yes it was awesome. Just when I was starting to feel bad
for the guy, Eddie walks over and tries to console him and says, "Yeah,
Joe's pretty good, man." to which he replies, "Yeah, I'm just really out of
shape and haven't rolled in a while." Douche.

EGM, if I remember, you didn't have too hard of a time with him either.

Anyway, the tape is still in my camera and I'll digitize it right now and let
you guys know when its done so someone can post it (what, with my
mudname and all). Give me like, half an hour.

ttt for str8jive!

Dude - if it's the same guy I rolled with, then he was a little delusional to want to take on Joe. He was strong and had a good wrestling background but I tapped him twice without going too hard. Joe on the other hand is relentless and the little I saw, wrecked the kid. Out of shape - my ass - even in the best shape, Joe would have tooled him.

I didn't realize he was there to challenge Joe. He was nice to me and seemed very quiet. I thought he was a new student coming to check out the school. Maybe he'll join now.

"Why is the challenger a dip shit if he backed up his words? Thats a lot more balls than most on this forum."

Well, if the Myspace "douchebag" did infact get "humiliated" like CUO described, I'm more than willing to bet that he challenged/fought Joe just to have something to brag about for the rest of his misreable life.


ttt for the video later

ttt for the video.

Allright, its digitizing right now, and as a caveat, my camera work is a
little shaky, as it was crowded and I was getting bumped into a little bit.

Now who wants to host this?


ummm, i just wet myself with anticipation. dear god I hope this isn't bullshit.

too good to be true alarm goes off in head

Someone post it for the man.

sulks in own urine :(

God bless you Jinx.....God bless us everyone.

I just finished compressing down with Sorenson 3 in a QT file, and am
uploading it to you tube RIGHT NOW. Soon, my peeps, very soon.

str8jive, if you can't get it onto YouTube for any reason, I'll host it. I can set up a place for you to ftp it to and everything, just say the word.

Jesus, youtube takes a long time. Chawkins, my email is, I appreciate it.