Joe Rogan has not aged well

Image result for joe rogan young


I don't care if he's in his 50's you can spot the hgh acromalogy from a mile away.

Huge head, widened nose, bald, wrinlkes galore. He barely looks like the same person. Like Shrek.

To his credit the horsemeat and hgh has kept him in good shape but is it worth that trade off?

He took a net loss on his face for body gains.


I’m sorry you can no longer fap to his mug. 

FETT_the geek -

I’m sorry you can no longer fap to his mug. 

There is a greater message here.

Stay away from drugs that promise to keep you young because they do way more damage in the long run and leave you looking like shrek


Lots of alcohol and drugs, plus shitty Italian genes. HGH prob played a role in the eyebrow and nose. I don't think people had an idea years ago about how much to take. 


he’s also late 20’s in one low def pic, and early 50’s in another high def pic

Lol Italian genes are probably among the best in the world

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What do you think Rob Lowe is doing?

dinkledorf -

Lol Italian genes are probably among the best in the world

Robe Lowe and Mickey Rourke say hi.

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jgiveshead - 
dinkledorf -

Lol Italian genes are probably among the best in the world

Robe Lowe and Mickey Rourke say hi.

I’m not sure what you’re saying here, one of those has aged terribly, the other has aged extremely well.


He is on everything what you expect, +smoking whtv he is smoking isnt helping for skin

he is lucky he didint need kidneys or other shit replaced

BusterBluth -

What do you think Rob Lowe is doing?

Your mom! Got eem.

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Hes an oddly shaped fella, thats for sure.  Bulking up is the last thing he should be doing 


Lol 30years is a long time fuck face

InTheClosetCucumberBoy -

Hes an oddly shaped fella, thats for sure.  Bulking up is the last thing he should be doing 

I smoked some weed recently and ended up watching his latest special. I got weirded out by his body shape. His head, torso and legs aren't matched up somehow. I couldn't watch more than 5 min. Also it was not my type of comedy either. 

BigMovie -
InTheClosetCucumberBoy -

Hes an oddly shaped fella, thats for sure.  Bulking up is the last thing he should be doing 

I smoked some weed recently and ended up watching his latest special. I got weirded out by his body shape. His head, torso and legs aren't matched up somehow. I couldn't watch more than 5 min. Also it was not my type of comedy either. 

Next time you get high just watch porn, MMA and listen to dire straits in the breaks. Yes that's what I do. 

BigMovie -
InTheClosetCucumberBoy -

Hes an oddly shaped fella, thats for sure.  Bulking up is the last thing he should be doing 

I smoked some weed recently and ended up watching his latest special. I got weirded out by his body shape. His head, torso and legs aren't matched up somehow. I couldn't watch more than 5 min. Also it was not my type of comedy either. 

He is like a teenage girl with bulimia. Had huge issues with his size and not feeling like a man so went crazy with HGH and TRT. It's the HGH that made him look so weird though, everything grew outwards so he ended up looking like a troll.

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What the fuck?!

This is now a topic for discussion on our mixed martial arts forum?


...yeah so, all the training and drugs probably have taken a toll but I'd still give him one. Stupid sexy Joe...

1. 30 years difference. 

2. Different camera angle.  

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FETT_the geek -

I’m sorry you can no longer fap to his mug. 

"OP has different opinion than me, must be fag"

Truly, these are top men, and this is THE place for MMA debate and discussion.

dinkledorf -

Lol Italian genes are probably among the best in the world

Corona virus determined that was a lie 

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He's 52. A lot of people end up looking like shit in their 50s. A least he didn't get a bunch of pathetic plastic surgeries and is more geared towards living a healthy life>