Joe Rogan has not aged well

mix headroom - 

He's 52. A lot of people end up looking like shit in their 50s. A least he didn't get a bunch of pathetic plastic surgeries and is more geared towards living a healthy life>

I think it was George Orwell who said that at 50, every man has the face he deserves.

I know a lot of guys 10 years younger who look older!

 This might be the gayest thread ever posted on here....and for this site, thats saying a lot

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Y’all some fucking weirdos up here

youngestgrandpa -

He is on everything what you expect, +smoking whtv he is smoking isnt helping for skin

he is lucky he didint need kidneys or other shit replaced

He didn’t smoke anything until bravo convinced him in his 30’s. 

He’s got the mug of a fighter, but he’s never taken any shots. 

The Closed Guard - 

 This might be the gayest thread ever posted on here....and for this site, thats saying a lot



He does look his age. He's obsessed with anti aging, likely an insecurity?

He's 53 this year. Doesn't look older than that.

FYI, not acromalogy.

Acromegaly is a hormonal disorder that develops when your pituitary gland produces too much growth hormone during adulthood.

hGH does sometimes enlarge facial bones. Both he and Dana seem to share that tendency. Agree he should not be smoking tobacco. He's started rolling mixes of tobacco. Should not be drinking like he does. Lowers testosterone which he's injecting. Seems like a waste.


Great thread kot. 

Op hates everything and everyone judging by his threads. I bet he is enjoying watching people suffer from this virus. 

Mandible_Claw -

He does look his age. He's obsessed with anti aging, likely an insecurity?

He's 53 this year. Doesn't look older than that.

Most Hollywood types have been having small “lifts” done since their mid-30’s. Plastic surgery works best with slight alterations here and there vs dramatic changes. 


you do realize as we get older our nose and skull continue to grow

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InTheClosetCucumberBoy - 

Hes an oddly shaped fella, thats for sure.  Bulking up is the last thing he should be doing 

But if he didn’t bulk up he’d be a flat out very small person. With his personality (not being critical) he would hate that. The bulking allows him to be a strong and physical man despite his height limitations. I think it’s the right choice for him. There are esthetic trade-offs but in Joe’s case I think he gains more than he loses (no pun intended).

I agree OP. He looks like a totally different person. I think it was on Marc maron's podcast years ago, but Maron made a comment to joe about his head being bigger than it used to be, or something along those lines. It was pretty funny.


I feel like you need to post a pic of you from now and 22 years ago for context. 

OP should post his glorious, faggoty pictures just to really show up Rogan.

An Adonis, I’m sure.

His bankaccount says he aged very well...


People on here often talk about Rogan being small. How tall/heavy is he? I am not a fan of his, and don't really follow his work and so know very little about him.

Posters on here often make him sound like a midget.

Sir Drinks a lot - 

People on here often talk about Rogan being small. How tall/heavy is he? I am not a fan of his, and don't really follow his work and so know very little about him.

Posters on here often make him sound like a midget.

Around 5’7" and 195lbs. Short, but not small.

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