Joe Rogan has not aged well

Mandible_Claw - 

He does look his age. He's obsessed with anti aging, likely an insecurity?

He's 53 this year. Doesn't look older than that.

He does look his age, BUT a super fit dude in his 50s. Why wouldn’t he want to “fight Father Time”? We will all lose that fight, yet it doesn’t have to be early.

While most 53 yo can barely get up from the couch, he can still be super active. Quality of life, motherfucker, you speak it? I guess he should stop and just “age gracefully”, right?

Reebot -

you do realize as we get older our nose and skull continue to grow

Nose and ears dont continue to grow. The cartilage loses elasticity ( collagens ) and lose shape / stretch.

Im still lol ing at op thinking joe has "acromalogy".  

Troll well done i guess.

Canooke -
Sir Drinks a lot - 

People on here often talk about Rogan being small. How tall/heavy is he? I am not a fan of his, and don't really follow his work and so know very little about him.

Posters on here often make him sound like a midget.

Around 5’7" and 195lbs. Short, but not small.

Not to nitpick but I thought he did a live weigh in where he was over 200+lb.

cyberc92 - 
Canooke -
Sir Drinks a lot - 

People on here often talk about Rogan being small. How tall/heavy is he? I am not a fan of his, and don't really follow his work and so know very little about him.

Posters on here often make him sound like a midget.

Around 5’7" and 195lbs. Short, but not small.

Not to nitpick but I thought he did a live weigh in where he was over 200+lb.

It wouldn’t shock me if he was a little over 200 but I’d be surprised if it was a lot. Do you remember what he weighed?

Not nitpicking, if you have a more accurate number then I’m happy to be corrected.

dinkledorf -

Lol Italian genes are probably among the best in the world

He's about as Italian as Chinese food so... 

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wtf kind of gay shit is this? the dude is jacked, skilled in multiple martial arts, has alot of cool shit to talk about, and makes bank. I am a fan

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dinkledorf -

Lol Italian genes are probably among the best in the world

Ya thats why they look 30 by the time they are 18.

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The amount people obsess on Joe’s height and appearance on here is fucking bizarre. Jealously over another man’s success rears it’s ugly head in many ways.

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When you look at pics of young Dana or Rogan you can see what happens you you’re on copious amounts of TRT for years and years. Look at the changes in their facial structure. It’s not normal to receive an outside source of hormones.

Now that Rogan is rich it’s even worse damn he needs to use a moisturizer occasionally. He’s looking pretty rough

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Canooke -
cyberc92 - 
Canooke -
Sir Drinks a lot - 

People on here often talk about Rogan being small. How tall/heavy is he? I am not a fan of his, and don't really follow his work and so know very little about him.

Posters on here often make him sound like a midget.

Around 5’7" and 195lbs. Short, but not small.

Not to nitpick but I thought he did a live weigh in where he was over 200+lb.

It wouldn’t shock me if he was a little over 200 but I’d be surprised if it was a lot. Do you remember what he weighed?

Not nitpicking, if you have a more accurate number then I’m happy to be corrected.

He was 205lbs. He said he had been eating more carbs.

50 cod liver oils a day


We know you'd still fuck him.

Judging someone’s looks off two random pictures on the internet that are 30 years apart is pretty laughable. Are you a 14 year old little drama queen? Let’s see your photos, OP. 

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He looks just fine. Plus, everyone’s head gets bigger as they get older. No hair adds to that effect, too.

He’s got the greatest podcast ever. He lives hard. 

eubie5 -


We know you'd still fuck him.

Not gay and way out of his league.

oranos -
dinkledorf -

Lol Italian genes are probably among the best in the world

Ya thats why they look 30 by the time they are 18.

Ok true but they're pretty muscular, even the ones who never work out. 

Young Joe was a 1st team all dime piece 

Cartilage never stops growing. Your nose and ears, always keep getting bigger.

But yea, he hasn't aged well.