Joe Rogan safe but Miguel Torres cut?

Pink Bunkadoo - so if joe says he wants to stick his finger in his daughters snatch that's ok because he is a comedian? If joe says pedophilia is ok as long as the teacher is hot that's ok and it is taken with a grain of salt because he is a comedian? wow, fucking wow. well this proves is...humans are def not the most moral animals on the planet.

Reading comprehension, how does it work?

The fact is the UFC is a business and they can't afford to be taking bad press from an undercard fighter. If you are working in the mail room you can't go around offending people. If you don't understand that this is how the world works, then you are probably still in school.

The other point is that Joe Rogan is a commentator, not a fighter. The UFC is selling the fighters to the public, they aren't selling Joe Rogan, he is there to sell the fighters and the sport. They aren't pushing Rogan as someone to be idolized or as a role model, they are trying to do this with the fighters. Phone Post

ReneH - Like I said in one of my posts somewhere regarding this thread, Miguel has every right to sue Dana. I bet there was nothing in his contract that dissallowed freedom of speech. What Miguel said was in bad taste but I doubt Miguel's contract wasn't drawn up with limited freedom of speech in mind.

There would be conduct clauses. Phone Post

Neil Funk -
Damaynevent - The fact the Joe Rogan is even in this discussion is bullshit. He's a comedian and whatever is said no matter how distasteful or insensitive it should be taken with a grain of salt. The shit that he says on his podcast or on stage pure entertainment and the UFC new this when they asked him to commentate for them. Now if Joe's in a different setting where he's not trying to be funny then address it, other than that, shut the fuck up about Rogan.


Fucking agreed. Outside of Kramer if you get offended at what a comedian says you need to lighten the fuck up. Phone Post

I support Joe and his defiant snatch diddling daughter.

How come all KSOS's tweets about his giant hungarian fasz go unnoticed?