joe's on them what about you?

any of you guys doing hgh or trt.

my doctor said come in and take a blood and he would see if i need them.i didnt bring it up, my doctor did

I am on trt. Greatest decision of my life. Phone Post 3.0

Some training partners and I were talking about TRT last night. Does it make you moody or more aggressive?

Root12 - I am on trt. Greatest decision of my life. Phone Post 3.0

im going for the blood test,anyone have a negative?

It can shut down test production in your body

Increase in test has been seen to lead to heart disease

depression or anxiety

An increase risk for depersonalization



Body hair growth. Phone Post 3.0

checkuroil - It can shut down test production in your body

Increase in test has been seen to lead to heart disease

depression or anxiety

An increase risk for depersonalization



Body hair growth. Phone Post 3.0

1. Yes.
2. So does not enough test
3. A TRT dose is like 200mg a week...if that. All it does is put you in the high normal range. And most guys report feeling so much better on test, its the coming off that leads to depression from having high estro and low test.
4. I dont even know where you got this.

All the others you said are for guys running high dosages, like 750mg+ a week.

My friend is on it (tumor on some gland or something) and he says the first time in years he feels great.

So I dont know where you get your information from. You keep getting TRT confused with BB that use very high dosages. But it seems that you have some sort of hard-on for this subject.

And no Im not on TRT; my test is all good. ;)

checkuroil - It can shut down test production in your body

Increase in test has been seen to lead to heart disease

depression or anxiety

An increase risk for depersonalization



Body hair growth. Phone Post 3.0
It is a replacement, not an increase. So many of you on this site equate TRT with high doses. If you are using TRT, you are not going above super physiological levels.

Depression and anxiety are classic symptoms of low test.

Pretty much everything you listed are generally a result of higher than normal levels.
Try to comment on things you have experience with, not theory. Parrots ruin it for the ignorant.

Yes I am on TRT. Phone Post 3.0

All I did was put on 15 pounds. After the first shot I couldn't sleep for a week. After 13 weeks decided to stop. No improvement at all. My main symptom was fatigue. My test was actually below the normal range...not even in the range. Even had MRI of pituitary.

I honestly noticed no change other than the weight gain (mostly probably water retention) and that was with the straight injections.

You need to get complete blood work done and see what other things you can try before starting.

The TRT seems to be getting over prescribed.

Ubiquitous -
checkuroil - It can shut down test production in your body

Increase in test has been seen to lead to heart disease

depression or anxiety

An increase risk for depersonalization



Body hair growth. Phone Post 3.0
It is a replacement, not an increase. So many of you on this site equate TRT with high doses. If you are using TRT, you are not going above super physiological levels.

Depression and anxiety are classic symptoms of low test.

Pretty much everything you listed are generally a result of higher than normal levels.
Try to comment on things you have experience with, not theory. Parrots ruin it for the ignorant.

Yes I am on TRT. Phone Post 3.0
I really wish people could stop spreading bull shit like that. So many men would benefit from being on. If only people knew the night and day difference in your mood and ability to deal with everyday stress. Instead, some people equate it with doing the same shit body builders do and talk it down like it's gonna fuck you up. I've been on for 2 years and never have I had any of the problems posted here. Oh and if people knew about the sleep... oh god the glorious sleep I get now! Phone Post 3.0

JosephConnolly - All I did was put on 15 pounds. After the first shot I couldn't sleep for a week. After 13 weeks decided to stop. No improvement at all. My main symptom was fatigue. My test was actually below the normal range...not even in the range. Even had MRI of pituitary.

I honestly noticed no change other than the weight gain (mostly probably water retention) and that was with the straight injections.

You need to get complete blood work done and see what other things you can try before starting.

The TRT seems to be getting over prescribed.
15 lbs? Jesus, how much were you taking? I know everyone reacts differently, but that is sooooo far from my experience. Phone Post 3.0

Read an article somewhere about how the TRT trend is all about doctors and pharma reps getting paid. How it's often a bullshit diagnosis. In the past, you dealt with fatigue by resting and changing your diet. Then there is the pesky little fact that we're all aging. Aging isn't a disease, but it is a fact of life. There is no free biological lunch and as checkuroil posted, it has been linked to increased heart disease, among other things. Phone Post 3.0

I was 32 and got some blood work done for a thyroid condition. They told me they were going to check my test levels too.

I told them to go ahead but that no matter the outcome, I wouldn't do it. I was just beginning to start trying to have kids so I had no interest.

I could see being in my late 40's and considering it but I'm not sure I could afford the treatment.

How much does it cost monthly

Ray Cappa - Read an article somewhere about how the TRT trend is all about doctors and pharma reps getting paid. How it's often a bullshit diagnosis. In the past, you dealt with fatigue by resting and changing your diet. Then there is the pesky little fact that we're all aging. Aging isn't a disease, but it is a fact of life. There is no free biological lunch and as checkuroil posted, it has been linked to increased heart disease, among other things. Phone Post 3.0

Bullshit. How long do you think Sly has been on...mid 80's? I know guys that have been on for YEARS and dont have any problems. Test is like anything else: if you take too much you will have sides. Try taking 10 asprin and see what happens.

As for the aging thing. Fine thats your argument. But if I see or hear you saying your on statins, heart meds, high BP or anything like that then I will remind you of your ageing comment. All of those happen to people as they get older and people take meds for them. How is that any different then HRT? It isnt.


Hywel Teague - Do you eat the right food? Get enough rest? Sleep properly?

Unless you're maxing out all these things TRT is just a crutch on which to support an unhealthy life

Prevention not cure, always.

Fix the problems in your life that cause your test to wane before running to the docs. It's like everyone over 30 now thinks they need to maintain the test levels of a 21 year old until death.

First let me say I love your vids, man. But you are wrong. Some people dont produce enough test and need it like my buddy. He had a test score of 130. The average, for his age, is about 400-600. He can rest and he can do all that and he will still have low test.

I think everyone needs to differentiate between what HRT is and what athletes use. I mean seriously, its like you guys think thier evil and anyone doing them for medical reasons is a horrible person.

And they dont have you put 21 test numbers up. My buddy is now at 500 and thst mid level and what he should be producing.

Root12, I think I was 200 every two weeks. Every shot was by a nurse. I didn't want to self inject until I knew it was/was not working just in case I was doing it wrong. My levels were ridiculously low, when I did my blood work about 11 weeks in, it was too high. I honestly didn't feel any better even though I had gone off the range on one end to just about off the range on the other end.

Hywel is right. You need to make lifestyle changes first, then adjust. My endo didn't even want to talk about diet or stress or sleep. After telling her it wasn't doing anything she was like "Oh well, it should be". I still have the Rx-scripts. But on the other side, Hywel both my PCP and the Endo were pretty shocked at my low levels. I don't think they had seen anyone at my age at such a low level without trauma or opiod abuse.

Shark, you can stop the TRT to have kids and they have other drugs which can promote fertility.

The annoyance of injections and possible side effects just doesn't seem worth it

50 Y.O., Don't even want to try and bother with the expense and hassle. Greens, sardines, vitamins and protein supplements paired with heavy full ROM big strength movements are all I can do to try and ward of more T-loss than necessary. I'm smallish, so that maybe aides with the agility to keep moving, inverting and whatever else I have to do to try and keep up with the Mendes/Miyao types. I am more interested in keeping the body fat levels low. No sagging chest -so far..

The outrage at listing common side effects that you can see listed everywhere is scary to me

This involves medical issues. There are experts who study this for a living. Just because you may not agree with them due to anecdotal evidence does not mean their findings are invalid.
Also, just because some of you guys didn't have side effects doesn't mean others have not had that experience

Joe Rogan puts a lot of crap in his body. He smokes weed all day. He does dmt. I don't know how much he shares on his podcast but he has used other "enhancement" drugs as well. Look at his hands. He has a common symptom of too much hgh. Don't use him as your medical guide. Phone Post 3.0

Keep in mind that it is not as simple as taking TRT to combat low testosterone levels. There are interactions and synergies that are going on when treating hormonal imbalances. This is why if you are considering this, I highly recommend NOT going to a primary physician. This stuff is way out of their area of expertise. Find a doctor who specializes in bio-identical hormones and anti-aging. This is complicated stuff.

For example if you do take TRT, you must watch estrogen levels. Again, this is complicated stuff that if you leave in the hands of someone who does not SPECIALIZE in it, you are asking for trouble. On a similar note, don't go to your primary physician for cancer treatments or heart surgery.

What people don't realize is that there aren't really any studies into the long term effects of normal dose TRT. What I mean is, I think there is a very strong likelihood that the human body simply is not meant to have testosterone at the 13-30 year old levels for such an extended period of time.
People talk about "normal dose" testosterone, but what if what they consider to be normal dose is actually a very high dose because the body ramps up testosterone production greatly during the teenage and 20s. Perhaps normal testosterone is actually what an average man in his 40s and 50s has, not the high levels we see when a man's nature is about scoring a mate. I'm betting when all is said and done 10-15 years from now TRT will begin to fade as we see a dramatic rise in incidence of heart disease, death by blood clots, and cancer. Most testosterone fans will argue otherwise but truth is they simply don't know because medicine hasn't had time to study this, and are spouting very wishful thinking. Even if those studies do come out, there will be a segment of people that will ignore the data and claim otherwise. Any time people are dealing with a substance that makes them feel good they will look to rationalize its use even in the face of scrutiny. Phone Post