Johny Hendricks committing career suicide

Jason - 

I couldn't agree more. I like most MMA fans are a big supporter and fan of Hendricks. But he is in noooo position to do that. Who the fuck is Johnny Hendericks? Does the UFC need him? Do the casual fans even know who he is? Can Johnny Hendricks' name sell any more PPVs than any other welterweight on the UFC roster could across from GSP? the answer to all these questions is 100% NO.

If I was Dana White, UFC Prez, I would now be far less likely to give him a title shot.

I do understand that title shots should be earned. And not decided on marketing, but it does play a part. And rigth now although Hendricks is impressing us, he is fucking up marketing himself big time

It is what it is, and if he and Hendo and Weidman asked to be released I'd respect that too.

This is being played like MMAE (entertainment), a sport is legit or no. There is no middle ground even as there must be across the board random testing. Anyone one can figure out right now the promoters and fighters who are wearing the clown shoes.

sacredhate -
Jill Laz - 
Nonlinear -

He needs to talk more shit and get himself over if he wants a shot, not less.  where would Nick Diaz be without all the shit talk?  Oh, that's right, he'd still be retired.

In a way your right BUT it's a fine line to be on he has to be careful Phone Post

the difference is that with Diaz it's who he the point that it baffles and frustrates Dana...remember, Diaz has been put in the penalty box before too...his history with the UFC runs much deeper, his career much longer, and his fan base more passionate.

Hendricks has demonstrated some skill...but he doesn't have the personality, intrigue, fan base, history, and money making ability right now that Diaz does.

I think a lot of these guys see Chael Sonen and they all think they can talk there way into a fight or a belt but you need to have the personality for it and the longevity Hendricks has to put more of both under his belt Phone Post