Jon Jones Drawing. Plz Check it!

TheBeebs - Bradu should take notes Phone Post

thats messed up. Bradu style is totally different and cool too.

I demand a new Anderson Silva one.

Please :)

Dude that's sick. I recently bought I gsp drawing and love it Phone Post


ttt Phone Post

Fade2Bolivian - I don't know much about art, but it sure looks like you know what the fuck you are doing.

 You sir, have crystallized my thoughts eloquently.

Nice ... Where's his tat tho ? Phone Post

How do you draw these exactly like, charcoal, computer, etc... Just curious, not trolling. Phone Post

The verisimilitude is reminiscent of Caravaggio adjusts monocle 

Fantastic Phone Post

 I would have to say your style is realism, cuz that shit is real!

TurdFergusson - 
TheBeebs -  Bradu should take notes Phone Post

What a dick.

Bradu's are free hand sketches and this was obviusly done with help of a cpu program. Totally different styles.

No. This is a pencil drawing.  Not computer anything.

Brad does pencil, pen, paint, melted crayons and shit. He is a legit artist who works with more than 1 medium. Brad was also doing this before any of us.

Thx for the sticky btw




have you seen his old melted crayons fingerpaints? i couldn't do that in 100 years

How much hours you average on one of these. I chill at my boys tattoo shop everyday. So I see great art on the daily. This is impressive if its all pencil. You gonna draw one of jones getting his ass beat by shogun. Ill buy that fo sho. Vamos rua!

Would like to see a nude or scantily clad Gina Carano, please.

Other than that keep up the awesome work!


Damn...I wish I could draw like that.

 Very talented Bro. Going to check your website out.

I'm pretty sure Shoman posted a video awhile back of him drawing a picture from start to finish. Fucking awesome. You are very talented.