Jon Jones is not a phony Christian

Connorwinztharematch - 
Bereal -
Joshinho - 
Bereal -
Joshinho - 

If you believe in the bible somethings not right in your head. 

I believe in the Bible because evidence points to its truth.

What evidence points to it’s truth?

So many different parts of the Bible. Which part do you want me to focus on?

The exodus that didnt happen.

And then : 

And the global flood that didnt happen plus the ludicrous idea we all descended from 8 people afterwards

Soddom and Gomorrah

The census that demanded people return to their land of origin

United kingdom of isreal

Zombies rising up from their graves

How about the famous camel caravans of abraham

I can keep going...

Then address the passages added to books later to make it seem like prophecies came true. Such as in deutoronomy.

Lots of things here. Lets go with the top 2 for now:

  1. ‘The exodus that didn’t happen.’
  1. The flood?

*This is from ABC news and the dude who discovered the Titanic.

Also-the gospels were totally eyewitness accounts of Jesus Christ. Were they written at the moment of Jesus life via journaling? No. However, they were written either by them or via scribes just years after Jesus life. That is way more reliable than other historical documents.

1 Like
sadic1 - The Catholics and Orthodox had hundreds of actual scholars over more than 1000 years do nothing but dedicate their lives to the study and argue about ALL the books and what they mean, and access to ALL the artifacts, and once Martin Luther started down the slippery slope of picking and choosing which parts he liked, you eventually end up with Christianity as perceived by some dude in his living room and taught at Billy Bob's Bible College LLC.

Im a non- believer, but one who has studied the historicity of jesus and the scriptures. We can agree to disagree about their veracity and the evidence for them, but i do appreciate your education on, and presentation of the subject. You have a better understanding than most of the actual religion in its original form before being bastardized for organizing political agendas and greed. 

Bereal -
Connorwinztharematch - 
Bereal -
Joshinho - 
Bereal -
Joshinho - 

If you believe in the bible somethings not right in your head. 

I believe in the Bible because evidence points to its truth.

What evidence points to it’s truth?

So many different parts of the Bible. Which part do you want me to focus on?

The exodus that didnt happen.

And then : 

And the global flood that didnt happen plus the ludicrous idea we all descended from 8 people afterwards

Soddom and Gomorrah

The census that demanded people return to their land of origin

United kingdom of isreal

Zombies rising up from their graves

How about the famous camel caravans of abraham

I can keep going...

Then address the passages added to books later to make it seem like prophecies came true. Such as in deutoronomy.

Lots of things here. Lets go with the top 2 for now:

  1. ‘The exodus that didn’t happen.’
  1. The flood?

*This is from ABC news and the dude who discovered the Titanic.

Also-the gospels were totally eyewitness accounts of Jesus Christ. Were they written at the moment of Jesus life via journaling? No. However, they were written either by them or via scribes just years after Jesus life. That is way more reliable than other historical documents.

Egypt didnt have slaves or a million jews during that time period. Didnt bother with your link, no offense.

Noah and his family, with no ship building experience, built an enormous sea fairing vessels with two of every animal, from different continents, is the dumbest godamn fable in a book of mostly dumb fables for too many reasons to get into. Not to mention god murdering his slave race makes him look like an asshole not worthy of worship.

The gospels are not eye witness accounts and are riddled with contradictions. Thousands of them. Written by greeks several decades after the alleged crucifixion of which there is no evidence of. Including in the roman records of pilates own court. 

Im not interested in what josephus wrote 100 years later. Thats not evidence of anything. 

Connorwinztharematch - 
Bereal -
Connorwinztharematch - 
Bereal -
Joshinho - 
Bereal -
Joshinho - 

If you believe in the bible somethings not right in your head. 

I believe in the Bible because evidence points to its truth.

What evidence points to it’s truth?

So many different parts of the Bible. Which part do you want me to focus on?

The exodus that didnt happen.

And then : 

And the global flood that didnt happen plus the ludicrous idea we all descended from 8 people afterwards

Soddom and Gomorrah

The census that demanded people return to their land of origin

United kingdom of isreal

Zombies rising up from their graves

How about the famous camel caravans of abraham

I can keep going...

Then address the passages added to books later to make it seem like prophecies came true. Such as in deutoronomy.

Lots of things here. Lets go with the top 2 for now:

  1. ‘The exodus that didn’t happen.’
  1. The flood?

*This is from ABC news and the dude who discovered the Titanic.

Also-the gospels were totally eyewitness accounts of Jesus Christ. Were they written at the moment of Jesus life via journaling? No. However, they were written either by them or via scribes just years after Jesus life. That is way more reliable than other historical documents.

Egypt didnt have slaves or a million jews during that time period. Didnt bother with your link, no offense.

Noah and his family, with no ship building experience, built an enormous sea fairing vessels with two of every animal, from different continents, is the dumbest godamn fable in a book of mostly dumb fables for too many reasons to get into. Not to mention god murdering his slave race makes him look like an asshole not worthy of worship.

The gospels are not eye witness accounts and are riddled with contradictions. Thousands of them. Written by greeks several decades after the alleged crucifixion of which there is no evidence of. Including in the roman records of pilates own court. 

Im not interested in what josephus wrote 100 years later. Thats not evidence of anything. 

So…you have your mind made up without looking at any firm historicity of what it is you brought up?

There was a worldwide or at least partial world flood 6,000 years ago. That coincides with Noah’s time. Did he have experience building ships? I can’t say yes or no. Why you say ‘no’ as an irrefutable fact shows too much bias.

The gospels were eyewitness accounts of Jesus written by those who spent his last 3 years with him. Have you read them? No-they are not carbon copies of each other but carry only insignificant differences with an obvious centralized message. IF they were all alike that would actually lead to more questions than if not.

Look at the book of Luke and the book of Acts (authored by Luke). They are filled with such rich historical detail via historical and geographic referencing it is an obvious work of accurate detail.


1 Like
ConorWinsTheRematch -
Joshinho -
Bereal -
Joshinho - 

If you believe in the bible somethings not right in your head. 

I believe in the Bible because evidence points to its truth.

What evidence points to it’s truth?


Documentation. Thousands of ancient, hand-copied documents—referred to as “manuscripts”— provide proof of the New Testament and Old Testament’s historical consistency. In fact, there is significantly more documentation for the books of the Bible than there are for other historically recognized authors and literature, such as Plato and The Iliad.

Archeological findings.  Excavation sites and artifacts also provide evidence that many of the events, people and places mentioned in the Bible really existed—such as the city Jericho and its famous walls or the Hittites, a people group once thought by skeptics to be a myth.

The life of Jesus.  The fact that Jesus was a true, historical person is clearly documented by Jewish manuscripts, even before the Apostle Paul and the writers of Gospels provided their eye witness accounts. Other ancient cultural documents also reference his existence. For instance, the Roman leader and historian Tacitus wrote:

“Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus …”

Fulfilled prophecies. The Bible contains hundreds, even thousands, of prophecies that have been fulfilled, including detailed descriptions of events that would later happen to the Jewish people and surrounding nations, as well as prophecies about the life and death of Christ.

Redeemed lives. The Bible speaks to the condition of the human soul in a way that has life-changing impact on individuals from all cultures, nations and walks of life. Just to name a few:

-C.S. Lewis, a former atheist who became one of the world’s most influential Christians

-John Newton, a slave-ship master who converted to Christianity and later wrote the famous hymn, “Amazing Grace”

-Norma McCorvey, the woman at the heart of the U.S. Supreme Court case that resulted in nationwide legalized abortion, Roe v. Wade. She now speaks for the right of the preborn to live.

Tripe…the gospels were written 60 to 100yrs after the death of christ. In a time of very little record keeping, they are word of mouth fables,past on and embellished for generations. 

1 Like

Theres really no point to sadic's posts other then his personal disdain for "protestants." Anyone stuck in that mindset of dwelling on man-made labels is still thinking on on an insanely primitive level. None of that matters. The undeniable truth is that the bible makes it clear on what it means to be a Christian and what a Christian is. Check my prior posts. Never try to lean on your own understanding of the bible. Jesus is NOT the author of confusion. The bible, the word of Christ, is clear on all instructions. Remember, misintrupting scripture, the word of Christ, is a grave sin. A lot of people walk the fine line between being a heretic. Anyway, someone like Jones is not a real Christian. Being saved once does not mean you are forever saved. It's a constant ongoing battle. The bible commands us to continually put on the armor of Christ. stumbling his understandable, but continually doing the same thing over and over again shows that no change has occurred.  Being a Christian born again in Christ means a change of soul, a renewal of mind, a change of heart etc

sadic1 -
ConorWinsTheRematch - 

Faith is exactly what saves (faith in Jesus)

Romans 10: 9-11

9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

Ephesians 2:8-9

"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast."

Mark 10:52

"'Go,' said Jesus. 'Your faith has healed you.' Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road

2 Corinthians 5:7

"For we walk by faith, not by sight.

"Catholics also leave open the possibility that non Christians can go to Heaven"

Now that's pure craziness. the idea that a Christian having faith in Jesus can not get saved, yet then that a non-Christian can go to Heaven is pure lunacy, blasemphy, and another lie of the devils

Sorry bro, you have less than half of the books at your disposal because an abused Priest named Martin Luther lost his faith in the true religion and rewrote it to suit his dysfunction. Catholicism has the concept of the Holy Spirit. There are people who are not exposed to the Gospels, and people who are abused and misled about them, and those people have access to God’s mercy and salvation.

Proverbs 3:5-6 

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart

    and lean not on your own understanding;

6 in all your ways submit to him,

    and he will make your paths straight

Connorwinztharematch -
Bereal -
Connorwinztharematch - 
Bereal -
Joshinho - 
Bereal -
Joshinho - 

If you believe in the bible somethings not right in your head. 

I believe in the Bible because evidence points to its truth.

What evidence points to it’s truth?

So many different parts of the Bible. Which part do you want me to focus on?

The exodus that didnt happen.

And then : 

And the global flood that didnt happen plus the ludicrous idea we all descended from 8 people afterwards

Soddom and Gomorrah

The census that demanded people return to their land of origin

United kingdom of isreal

Zombies rising up from their graves

How about the famous camel caravans of abraham

I can keep going...

Then address the passages added to books later to make it seem like prophecies came true. Such as in deutoronomy.

Lots of things here. Lets go with the top 2 for now:

  1. ‘The exodus that didn’t happen.’
  1. The flood?

*This is from ABC news and the dude who discovered the Titanic.

Also-the gospels were totally eyewitness accounts of Jesus Christ. Were they written at the moment of Jesus life via journaling? No. However, they were written either by them or via scribes just years after Jesus life. That is way more reliable than other historical documents.

Egypt didnt have slaves or a million jews during that time period. Didnt bother with your link, no offense.

Noah and his family, with no ship building experience, built an enormous sea fairing vessels with two of every animal, from different continents, is the dumbest godamn fable in a book of mostly dumb fables for too many reasons to get into. Not to mention god murdering his slave race makes him look like an asshole not worthy of worship.

The gospels are not eye witness accounts and are riddled with contradictions. Thousands of them. Written by greeks several decades after the alleged crucifixion of which there is no evidence of. Including in the roman records of pilates own court. 

Im not interested in what josephus wrote 100 years later. Thats not evidence of anything. 

Even hardcore atheists in debate circles have to acknowledge that Jesus existed because the evidence is so astronomical anyone who’s intellectually honest with themselves cannot deny or discount such overwhelming evidence. Do you realise intellectual atheists are not even on your side and would laugh at your small minded ignorance? I bet you got all your “talking points” from zietgiest lol

ConorWinsTheRematch - 
Connorwinztharematch -
Bereal -
Connorwinztharematch - 
Bereal -
Joshinho - 
Bereal -
Joshinho - 

If you believe in the bible somethings not right in your head. 

I believe in the Bible because evidence points to its truth.

What evidence points to it’s truth?

So many different parts of the Bible. Which part do you want me to focus on?

The exodus that didnt happen.

And then : 

And the global flood that didnt happen plus the ludicrous idea we all descended from 8 people afterwards

Soddom and Gomorrah

The census that demanded people return to their land of origin

United kingdom of isreal

Zombies rising up from their graves

How about the famous camel caravans of abraham

I can keep going...

Then address the passages added to books later to make it seem like prophecies came true. Such as in deutoronomy.

Lots of things here. Lets go with the top 2 for now:

  1. ‘The exodus that didn’t happen.’
  1. The flood?

*This is from ABC news and the dude who discovered the Titanic.

Also-the gospels were totally eyewitness accounts of Jesus Christ. Were they written at the moment of Jesus life via journaling? No. However, they were written either by them or via scribes just years after Jesus life. That is way more reliable than other historical documents.

Egypt didnt have slaves or a million jews during that time period. Didnt bother with your link, no offense.

Noah and his family, with no ship building experience, built an enormous sea fairing vessels with two of every animal, from different continents, is the dumbest godamn fable in a book of mostly dumb fables for too many reasons to get into. Not to mention god murdering his slave race makes him look like an asshole not worthy of worship.

The gospels are not eye witness accounts and are riddled with contradictions. Thousands of them. Written by greeks several decades after the alleged crucifixion of which there is no evidence of. Including in the roman records of pilates own court. 

Im not interested in what josephus wrote 100 years later. Thats not evidence of anything. 

Even hardcore atheists in debate circles have to acknowledge that Jesus existed because the evidence is so astronomical anyone who’s intellectually honest with themselves cannot deny or discount such overwhelming evidence. Do you realise intellectual atheists are not even on your side and would laugh at your small minded ignorance? I bet you got all your “talking points” from zietgiest lol

lol @ astronomical . There is not a SINGLE SHRED of verifiable evidence that supports jesus existing. That doesn't mean a person called jesus didn't exist but astronomical evidence, no. An example of astronomical supporting evidence would be the likes of evolution. 

1 Like
Flavorful - The guy's a human being. His faith helped him achieve greatness in the sport, and it's something I'm sure he's calling upon right now to help him through his latest failing.

He clearly has self-destructive tendencies. If not for his faith, chances are his life would be infinitely worse than it is now.

No one is perfect. But you can see by the tears when he fails that he’s not doing it for fun and truly regrets his actions.

I know people take great delight in his pain, but that says more about them than about him.

You sound like a butthurt Christian injected religion everywhere you go. 

ConorWinsTheRematch - 

Theres really no point to sadic's posts other then his personal disdain for "protestants." Anyone stuck in that mindset of dwelling on man-made labels is still thinking on on an insanely primitive level. None of that matters. The undeniable truth is that the bible makes it clear on what it means to be a Christian and what a Christian is. Check my prior posts. Never try to lean on your own understanding of the bible. Jesus is NOT the author of confusion. The bible, the word of Christ, is clear on all instructions. Remember, misintrupting scripture, the word of Christ, is a grave sin. A lot of people walk the fine line between being a heretic. Anyway, someone like Jones is not a real Christian. Being saved once does not mean you are forever saved. It's a constant ongoing battle. The bible commands us to continually put on the armor of Christ. stumbling his understandable, but continually doing the same thing over and over again shows that no change has occurred.  Being a Christian born again in Christ means a change of soul, a renewal of mind, a change of heart etc

Wow, you really have drank the kool-aid.

And for the record lots of Atheists and nonbelievers have started wars and killed a shit load of people, but not because they were Atheist.

Nothing fails like religion, but Jones spouting off about Jesus in public and doing a bunch of shitty things behind the scenes actually makes him a typical Christian.

P.S. Adolph was one of yours.

BrocksSwockRanTrane_onShane -
ConorWinsTheRematch - 
Connorwinztharematch -
Bereal -
Connorwinztharematch - 
Bereal -
Joshinho - 
Bereal -
Joshinho - 

If you believe in the bible somethings not right in your head. 

I believe in the Bible because evidence points to its truth.

What evidence points to it’s truth?

So many different parts of the Bible. Which part do you want me to focus on?

The exodus that didnt happen.

And then : 

And the global flood that didnt happen plus the ludicrous idea we all descended from 8 people afterwards

Soddom and Gomorrah

The census that demanded people return to their land of origin

United kingdom of isreal

Zombies rising up from their graves

How about the famous camel caravans of abraham

I can keep going...

Then address the passages added to books later to make it seem like prophecies came true. Such as in deutoronomy.

Lots of things here. Lets go with the top 2 for now:

  1. ‘The exodus that didn’t happen.’
  1. The flood?

*This is from ABC news and the dude who discovered the Titanic.

Also-the gospels were totally eyewitness accounts of Jesus Christ. Were they written at the moment of Jesus life via journaling? No. However, they were written either by them or via scribes just years after Jesus life. That is way more reliable than other historical documents.

Egypt didnt have slaves or a million jews during that time period. Didnt bother with your link, no offense.

Noah and his family, with no ship building experience, built an enormous sea fairing vessels with two of every animal, from different continents, is the dumbest godamn fable in a book of mostly dumb fables for too many reasons to get into. Not to mention god murdering his slave race makes him look like an asshole not worthy of worship.

The gospels are not eye witness accounts and are riddled with contradictions. Thousands of them. Written by greeks several decades after the alleged crucifixion of which there is no evidence of. Including in the roman records of pilates own court. 

Im not interested in what josephus wrote 100 years later. Thats not evidence of anything. 

Even hardcore atheists in debate circles have to acknowledge that Jesus existed because the evidence is so astronomical anyone who’s intellectually honest with themselves cannot deny or discount such overwhelming evidence. Do you realise intellectual atheists are not even on your side and would laugh at your small minded ignorance? I bet you got all your “talking points” from zietgiest lol


lol @ astronomical . There is not a SINGLE SHRED of verifiable evidence that supports jesus existing. That doesn’t mean a person called jesus didn’t exist but astronomical evidence, no. An example of astronomical supporting evidence would be the likes of evolution. 

Watch the video you dumb fuck tard. The evidence is so astronomical that not even hardcore atheists deny the verified and proven documented life of Jesus Christ. At this point anyone denying that basic truth is either delusional, dumb, in denial, or all of the above. You are nothing more then a pleb and sheep. Post your "astronomical" evidence for the the theory of "evolution" that humans some how came from apes when apes still exist alongside humans therefore proving that whole theory bullshit. You wouldn't be able to post evidence a fraction as compelling. You disregard actual facts and historical record when it comes to Jesus, so I'm just going to go ahead and disregard anything that you have to say you brainwashed pleb of a muppet. Intellectual atheists consider you a joke 

ConorWinsTheRematch - 
BrocksSwockRanTrane_onShane -
ConorWinsTheRematch - 
Connorwinztharematch -
Bereal -
Connorwinztharematch - 
Bereal -
Joshinho - 
Bereal -
Joshinho - 

If you believe in the bible somethings not right in your head. 

I believe in the Bible because evidence points to its truth.

What evidence points to it’s truth?

So many different parts of the Bible. Which part do you want me to focus on?

The exodus that didnt happen.

And then : 

And the global flood that didnt happen plus the ludicrous idea we all descended from 8 people afterwards

Soddom and Gomorrah

The census that demanded people return to their land of origin

United kingdom of isreal

Zombies rising up from their graves

How about the famous camel caravans of abraham

I can keep going...

Then address the passages added to books later to make it seem like prophecies came true. Such as in deutoronomy.

Lots of things here. Lets go with the top 2 for now:

  1. ‘The exodus that didn’t happen.’
  1. The flood?

*This is from ABC news and the dude who discovered the Titanic.

Also-the gospels were totally eyewitness accounts of Jesus Christ. Were they written at the moment of Jesus life via journaling? No. However, they were written either by them or via scribes just years after Jesus life. That is way more reliable than other historical documents.

Egypt didnt have slaves or a million jews during that time period. Didnt bother with your link, no offense.

Noah and his family, with no ship building experience, built an enormous sea fairing vessels with two of every animal, from different continents, is the dumbest godamn fable in a book of mostly dumb fables for too many reasons to get into. Not to mention god murdering his slave race makes him look like an asshole not worthy of worship.

The gospels are not eye witness accounts and are riddled with contradictions. Thousands of them. Written by greeks several decades after the alleged crucifixion of which there is no evidence of. Including in the roman records of pilates own court. 

Im not interested in what josephus wrote 100 years later. Thats not evidence of anything. 

Even hardcore atheists in debate circles have to acknowledge that Jesus existed because the evidence is so astronomical anyone who’s intellectually honest with themselves cannot deny or discount such overwhelming evidence. Do you realise intellectual atheists are not even on your side and would laugh at your small minded ignorance? I bet you got all your “talking points” from zietgiest lol


lol @ astronomical . There is not a SINGLE SHRED of verifiable evidence that supports jesus existing. That doesn’t mean a person called jesus didn’t exist but astronomical evidence, no. An example of astronomical supporting evidence would be the likes of evolution. 

Watch the video you dumb fuck tard. The evidence is so astronomical that not even hardcore atheists deny the verified and proven documented life of Jesus Christ. At this point anyone denying that basic truth is either delusional, dumb, in denial, or all of the above. You are nothing more then a pleb and sheep. Post your "astronomical" evidence for the the theory"evolution" that humans some how came from apes when apes still exist alongside humans therefore proving that whole theory bullshit. You wouldn't be able to post evidence a fraction as compelling. You disregard actual facts and historical record when it comes to Jesus, so I'm just going to go ahead and disregard anything that you have to say you brainwashed pleb of a muppet. Intellectual atheists consider you a joke 

LOL, calls someone a dumb fuck then posts that LOLOLOL.
Ok provide me one just ONE bit of verifiable evidence that supports jesus existing. JUST ONE.
By the way humans ARE apes your fucking uneducated buffoon! You clearly lack even the most basic understanding of the subject.
Connorwinztharematch -


Love that gif. 

Treedoc -
ConorWinsTheRematch - 

Theres really no point to sadic's posts other then his personal disdain for "protestants." Anyone stuck in that mindset of dwelling on man-made labels is still thinking on on an insanely primitive level. None of that matters. The undeniable truth is that the bible makes it clear on what it means to be a Christian and what a Christian is. Check my prior posts. Never try to lean on your own understanding of the bible. Jesus is NOT the author of confusion. The bible, the word of Christ, is clear on all instructions. Remember, misintrupting scripture, the word of Christ, is a grave sin. A lot of people walk the fine line between being a heretic. Anyway, someone like Jones is not a real Christian. Being saved once does not mean you are forever saved. It's a constant ongoing battle. The bible commands us to continually put on the armor of Christ. stumbling his understandable, but continually doing the same thing over and over again shows that no change has occurred.  Being a Christian born again in Christ means a change of soul, a renewal of mind, a change of heart etc

Wow, you really have drank the kool-aid.

And for the record lots of Atheists and nonbelievers have started wars and killed a shit load of people, but not because they were Atheist.

Nothing fails like religion, but Jones spouting off about Jesus in public and doing a bunch of shitty things behind the scenes actually makes him a typical Christian.

P.S. Adolph was one of yours.

You are sleeping in ignorance. You are in a coma. 100 million killed in the name of atheist communist luciferian regimes. Atheism (the religion the luciferians pushed on to the plebs to take Jesus out of everything) is a cancer and disease to the modern world, alongside Islam, another false religion. Christianity is what saved the world and what continues to save. That’s why the liberal media agendas demonize Christianity.

IF NOT for the Crusades you would be under Islamic rule right now. Everyone should get on their knees and thank Christianity. I could list page long contributions which Christianity has brought to the world. You are beyond brainwashed. The world you enjoy today was only made possible through contributions from Christianity/brought to you by believers of Christ

Did you know that in Roman times homosexuality and pedophilia was normal. Those things became outlawed because of Christianity. all of today’s moral standards came from Christianity and the law of Jesus. 

Look at how lost current America is today without Jesus as the foundation of the country. Now “they” are trying to “normalize” things like homo-sexuality and pedophilia. That wouldnt happen if Christianity were the dominant force today.

Anyways, Jones doing shitty things makes him fake and the exact kind of lukewarm christian whom Jesus said he would SPIT OUT of his mouth.

You being a heathen doing shitty things just makes you a soulless heathen.

Meanwhile someone can always change their heart, and truly change who they are through the power of Christ Jesus.

You atheists have no incentive to ever apologise or repent because you athiests live by no moral Authority. You Can just keep doing as you please. You will never be saved. A christian stumbling and finding redemption in Christ>>>>>>>>an athiest who continues to do bad, has no moral authority, and who never even makes an effort to change because he has no reason to.

Of course you uneducated athiest plebs continue to parrot the fake news that’s been programmed into you. 

Hitler despised Christianity.

Yes publically he would pander to Christians because Germany was majority Christian at the time. Privately Hitler hated Christians every bit as much as he hated Jews.

“In Hitler’s eyes Christianity was a religion fit only for slaves,” wrote Alan Bullock “Hitler, A Study in Tyranny,” a seminal biography. “Its teaching, he declared, was a rebellion against the natural law of selection by struggle of the fittest"

Hitler was an athiest/luciferian. He continually quoted Alistar Crowley.

Hitler absolutely despited Christianity

*quotes directly from Hitler

"The dogma of Christianity gets worn away before the advances of science ... Gradually the myths crumble. All that is left to prove that nature there is no frontier between the organic and inorganic. When understanding of the universe has become widespread, when the majority of men know that the stars are not sources of light, but worlds, perhaps inhabited worlds like ours, then the Christian doctrine will be convicted of absurdity."

Hitler vowed to “root out and destroy the influence of the Christian Churches,” describing them as “the evil that is gnawing our vitals.”

learn and educate yourself you pleb

BostonCharm - 
Connorwinztharematch -


Love that gif. 

lol ah fuck hes trolling. LOL OK that makes sense now, no one could be that dumb IRL. The retarded humans apes thing should of gave it away.

Fair play though, he got me. 

My God! Religion and sports is the stupidest thing in the history of mankind!!!!! A bunch of athletes all praying to the same god as if he really cares about sports!!! How dumb! Pick a god which ever you believe in and I can god dam guarantee he doesn't care about sports! Mental midgets!!!!! 

Jesus fucking Christ