Jon Jones is not a phony Christian

A couple of things that need clearing up from what I read:

  1. The gospels were absolutely eye-witness accounts of Jesus. This is not a debate at all.

  2. CS Lewis was not a life-long Christian. Far from it. He was an agnostic who had an obvious transformation in his middle-aged life. ‘Mere Christianity’ is a thought-provoking book that discusses this amongst other deep philosophical viewpoints of the Christian faith.

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cheesesteak - Thats the magic of being a christian you can forever fuck up and ultimately you can just repent and chill on a cloud with jesus for eternity

And what do you atheists do? You atheists instead try to justify your sick debauchery, "do what you want. You only live once." Instead you atheists try to normalize evil. You have no moral authority. But appearently that's so much better. By your shit atheist logic, people should be able to murder freely and should never feel guilt. Atheists have extremely low IQs.

athiests are sheep just repeating the same old nonsense and lies. You have no understanding of the bible or Christianity, so you have no buisness speaking

Again, Jesus himself said he would spit lukewarm Christians out of his mouth. A real Christian is someone who's been transformed in spirit and places Jesus #1 in all aspects of their life. A real Christian will no longer have those same urges from the past, because by becoming born again in Jesus, you kill the old you, you kill your flesh, just like when Jesus carried all our sins on to the cross and killed it all on the cross

Jones does not represent a Christian. Stop speaking of Jones like hes a Christian. Jones is not a real Christian. Because a real Christian changes his life. Of course because we are humans, that means all humans are sinners in need of Jesus. So every human will fall and stumble, but the difference is that a human who truly has Jesus in his heart, moves away from his past, and truly tries because he has put Jesus #1 in his life

Who is or is not a Christian has little to do with their actions. It’s a matter of what their real belief is, no matter how badly they screw up. However, being a Christian doesn’t guarantee someone eternal salvation. That is made up Protestant bullshit designed to draw people and their money to church.

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religion is the source of almost all the wars in humanity. if you don’t believe in what i believe in, you must die. why not let everyone believe in what they want and live your life in peace? jon jones has personal problems that go far beyond his religious beliefs, he needs to really hit rock bottom to fix himself and until the people around him keep catering to his self destructive whims, that isn’t going to happen anytime soon until he’s kills someone.

Corn Pop -
ConorWinsTheRematch - 
Corn Pop -
BrckNoHitBk - 

OP jumps from thread to thread trolling. you're an idiot if you give him what he wants. let the thread die

He may be trolling to get you guys riled up, but he’s right. Either you don’t know the definition of a Christian, or you unrealistic expectations of one. A mass murdered or rapist, or general scum bag can believe in Jesus, and had been baptized as a child. That’s the simple definition


Christian: a person who has received Christian baptism or is a believer in Christianity.

Anyone can claim to be Christian. That doesn’t make it so. Websters dictionary definition is laughable. You have to actually read the bible and understand what you are reading. But I know that may be difficult for someone pushing an agenda.

Jesus himself said that he would SPIT LUKEWARM “Christians” out of his mouth. The real definition of a Christian as according to the bible, the word of Jesus, is simply put, someone who places Jesus #1 in their life, in all aspects of their life. Jones is not doing that therefore he is the lukewarm Christian the bible talks about. The Christians who you talk about are not real Christians. Because someone who truly has Jesus in their heart DOESNT GO BACK to their old way of living.

When we become born again in Christ, we kill our flesh, just as Jesus did when he killed his flesh on the cross for our sins. The old you dies, meaning you will no longer want to do the bad things you use to do. A change of heart and a change in your thinking will happen through truly becoming born again. A real Christian is someone who has completely changed their ways, changed their heart, and through placing Jesus #1 in all aspects of their life, has become truly born again, in Christ. The Bible says you must become born again. There is no becoming Christian without being born again.

The cold hard reality is that only a small percentage of people will make it to Heaven. because most people will not truly accept Jesus, be saved, and truly be transformed in spirit through Christ Jesus. The bible says people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Lukewarm christians think they can just claim to be Christian, go to the phoney churches, call it a day, and then go back to living their self observed lives of sin for the other 6 days ala Jones. Christianity is not a lable, it’s a way of a new life, and all about a personal relationship with Christ. The real church is the body of Christ, making up the true believers of Christ. The Bible says you must put action to your faith. A lot of people are in for a rude awakening when the time comes to face judgement.

Again, only a small handful of people will be accepted into heaven with Christ Jesus…the bible says satan is the author of confusion and lies…thats why atheism and islam exists…that’s why “science” has become the new religion for many…tying into the complete demonization of Christianity everywhere in liberal media…the devil has been working overtime to keep as many people away from the truth of Jesus Christ as possible…TOP CIA wistleblower “the real battle taking place is a spirtual battle.” The bible tells is to put on the armor of Christ. The sheep may think it’s all a joke. Those truly in power are all satanists and have been targeting Christians since the beginning. You want to truly be “woke?” Wake up to that truth


great post

when it comes to jones we've basically reached the point of a self professed "vegan" whos consistently caught eating eggs, dairy, meat, wearing leather, etc and then always claims he's "working through it".

No it’s not. Basically by that definition, hardly anyone is a Christian. If one is born into a religious family, is baptized, spends early years in church activities, completed confirmation, continues to attend church into adult life and introduces their children into the church, and believes that Jesus and heaven exist, that person is a Christian.

Regardless if they smoke weed, shoot guns, or drink too many and get behind the wheel

"Basically by that definition, hardly anyone is a Christian."

exactly! Now you are finally starting to get it. Good job little buddy. you have finally stumbled upon being correct for once *pats the troll on the head. For you see, the bible even explicitly states so. The bible says that God's people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Jesus himself says he will spit lukewarm Christians out of his mouth. The bible talks about lukewarm Christians a lot 

I know Low IQ atheist retards love to claim that anyone who does anything bad is somehow a "christian," in order to demonize Christianity (anti-christian sheep freely doing the bidding of the elites) but the fact is, anyone who does anything bad can NOT be a Christian because the bible does NOT command Christians to do bad

It's very different compared, to say, Islam, where Islam commands muslims to commit awful acts - where the quran commands its followers to become evil terrorists. muslim terrorists are doing exactly what their demonic false "religion" commands them to do. But funny how atheist snowflakes never have the balls or bravery to call out Islam. the brainwashing runs deep, sheep going along with the herd.

Anyway, as soon as you break the commandments or let evil creep back into your heart, and do bad things, you CEASE to become a Christian. And it's not as easy as repenting and then going back to your old ways. Jesus knows what's truly in your heart. A truly changed heart that comes to Jesus doesnt want to go back to his old ways. It's that simple. There are many so called Christians who go to church who wont be saved because they didnt truly make Jesus #1 in their life. Everyone now a days wants to make up their own version of Jesus, pick and choose what to take from the bible, or try to misinterpret it in their own ways. Again, the cold hard truth is that very few people are actual real Christians, and very few people will go to Heaven. Again it doesnt matter what someone claims, it's about their actions and putting action to their faith. The bible has instructions on how to be a Christian. When a Christian does bad things hes going against the bible and therefore is no longer a Christian. And again, you can't just repent because Jesus knows what's in your heart. A real change in your heart has to occur. Jones is simply 1 of the fakest "Christians" ever

tubuku01 - religion is the source of almost all the wars in humanity. if you don't believe in what i believe in, you must die. why not let everyone believe in what they want and live your life in peace? jon jones has personal problems that go far beyond his religious beliefs, he needs to really hit rock bottom to fix himself and until the people around him keep catering to his self destructive whims, that isn't going to happen anytime soon until he's kills someone.

Tell me where the bible commands Christians to kill non-Christians? Do you realise that by misinterpreting the bible you are committing a GRAVE sin? Do not ever conflate the demonic FALSE "religion" of Islam with Christianity. Christianity is the true religion which follows the 1 and only true God, the god of Isreal, who took a human form in the flesh in the name of Jesus Christ, to die for our sins on the cross. Everything about Christianity is about love, power, and being born again in Jesus Christ. You are speaking of Islam, not Christianity. The Quarn commands killing. Islam is responsible for what you claim. Dont ever put the blame for Islam on Christianity.

You may also want to educate yourself. Because atheist communism regimes have KILLED more people then religion ever has you numbnuts. Well over 100 million people have been killed in the name of atheism. What's your response to that? Islam and athiesm/comminusm kill

sadic1 - Who is or is not a Christian has little to do with their actions. It's a matter of what their real belief is, no matter how badly they screw up. However, being a Christian doesn't guarantee someone eternal salvation. That is made up Protestant bullshit designed to draw people and their money to church.

"However, being a Christian doesn't guarantee someone eternal salvation. That is made up Protestant bullshit designed to draw people and their money to church."

What exactly do you mean by this? To be a real Christian who has Jesus in his heart and makes Jesus #1 in his life, is exactly what guarantees eterna salvation. 

Lables like protestant and catholic mean nothing. The only metric is, relationship with Christ


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Bereal -
Joshinho - 
Bereal -
Joshinho - 

If you believe in the bible somethings not right in your head. 

I believe in the Bible because evidence points to its truth.

What evidence points to it’s truth?

So many different parts of the Bible. Which part do you want me to focus on?

The exodus that didnt happen.

And then : 

And the global flood that didnt happen plus the ludicrous idea we all descended from 8 people afterwards

Soddom and Gomorrah

The census that demanded people return to their land of origin

United kingdom of isreal

Zombies rising up from their graves

How about the famous camel caravans of abraham

I can keep going...

Then address the passages added to books later to make it seem like prophecies came true. Such as in deutoronomy.

Bereal - A couple of things that need clearing up from what I read:
  1. The gospels were absolutely eye-witness accounts of Jesus. This is not a debate at all.

  2. CS Lewis was not a life-long Christian. Far from it. He was an agnostic who had an obvious transformation in his middle-aged life. ‘Mere Christianity’ is a thought-provoking book that discusses this amongst other deep philosophical viewpoints of the Christian faith.

1 is absolutely false. 

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ConorWinsTheRematch -
tubuku01 - religion is the source of almost all the wars in humanity. if you don't believe in what i believe in, you must die. why not let everyone believe in what they want and live your life in peace? jon jones has personal problems that go far beyond his religious beliefs, he needs to really hit rock bottom to fix himself and until the people around him keep catering to his self destructive whims, that isn't going to happen anytime soon until he's kills someone.

Tell me where the bible commands Christians to kill non-Christians? Do you realise that by misinterpreting the bible you are committing a GRAVE sin? Do not ever conflate the demonic FALSE "religion" of Islam with Christianity. Christianity is the true religion which follows the 1 and only true God, the god of Isreal, who took a human form in the flesh in the name of Jesus Christ, to die for our sins on the cross. Everything about Christianity is about love, power, and being born again in Jesus Christ. You are speaking of Islam, not Christianity. The Quarn commands killing. Islam is responsible for what you claim. Dont ever put the blame for Islam on Christianity.

You may also want to educate yourself. Because atheist communism regimes have KILLED more people then religion ever has you numbnuts. Well over 100 million people have been killed in the name of atheism. What's your response to that? Islam and athiesm/comminusm kill

Tell me where he states that in his post.

Atheists shit on islam all the time fella, along with the other ones. Look at sam harris. 

You love trolling.

ConorWinsTheRematch - 
sadic1 - Who is or is not a Christian has little to do with their actions. It's a matter of what their real belief is, no matter how badly they screw up. However, being a Christian doesn't guarantee someone eternal salvation. That is made up Protestant bullshit designed to draw people and their money to church.

"However, being a Christian doesn't guarantee someone eternal salvation. That is made up Protestant bullshit designed to draw people and their money to church."

What exactly do you mean by this? To be a real Christian who has Jesus in his heart and makes Jesus #1 in his life, is exactly what guarantees eterna salvation. 

Lables like protestant and catholic mean nothing. The only metric is, relationship with Christ

Protestantism by definition is a deconstruction of the original Catholic and Orthodox Christianity, both the books and the religious doctrine itself. Protestantism made everything easier and less detailed across the board so they can make people feel better about themselves and get their money. Real Christianity says that we really have no idea who goes to heaven, and that all scholarly study indicates its probably way less people than protestants pretend. They removed books from the Bible to justify the “saved by faith alone” bs.

Catholics know that the bar is likely very high, higher than even many “good” Catholics might achieve, and that we on earth don’t know for sure who gets in or what its like because God also has capacity for infinite mercy. Catholics also leave open the possibility that non Christians can go to Heaven,

Faith is exactly what saves (faith in Jesus)

Romans 10: 9-11

9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

Ephesians 2:8-9

"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast."

Mark 10:52

"'Go,' said Jesus. 'Your faith has healed you.' Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road

2 Corinthians 5:7

"For we walk by faith, not by sight.

"Catholics also leave open the possibility that non Christians can go to Heaven"

Now that's pure craziness. the idea that a Christian having faith in Jesus can not get saved, yet then that a non-Christian can go to Heaven is pure lunacy, blasemphy, and another lie of the devils

Kimbos Lice - 

Jon Jones is a piece of shit that only thinks about himself. He cheats on his wife. He gets behind the wheel while intoxicated dangering lives. And then hides behind Christianity. 

End of thread

ConorWinsTheRematch - 

Faith is exactly what saves (faith in Jesus)

Romans 10: 9-11

9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

Ephesians 2:8-9

"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast."

Mark 10:52

"'Go,' said Jesus. 'Your faith has healed you.' Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road

2 Corinthians 5:7

"For we walk by faith, not by sight.

"Catholics also leave open the possibility that non Christians can go to Heaven"

Now that's pure craziness. the idea that a Christian having faith in Jesus can not get saved, yet then that a non-Christian can go to Heaven is pure lunacy, blasemphy, and another lie of the devils

Sorry bro, you have less than half of the books at your disposal because an abused Priest named Martin Luther lost his faith in the true religion and rewrote it to suit his dysfunction. Catholicism has the concept of the Holy Spirit. There are people who are not exposed to the Gospels, and people who are abused and misled about them, and those people have access to God’s mercy and salvation.

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The Catholics and Orthodox had hundreds of actual scholars over more than 1000 years do nothing but dedicate their lives to the study and argue about ALL the books and what they mean, and access to ALL the artifacts, and once Martin Luther started down the slippery slope of picking and choosing which parts he liked, you eventually end up with Christianity as perceived by some dude in his living room and taught at Billy Bob’s Bible College LLC.

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I’m only trying to help define that failing to execute Christianity well doesn’t mean someone “isn’t a Christian”. It may mean that they aren’t currently doing what they are supposed to be doing as Christians, and in their hearts, they may be fine with that kind of hypocrisy and therefor further from executing well, or they may be pained over it and genuinely trying, but none of that means they “aren’t a Christian”. Paul of the Bible and many other great people in history started out physically murdering Christians and other people.

From all outward indications, Jones seems like a massive asshole who doesn’t care a bit about being a Christian, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t one. He is just a Christian who is performing badly and having an ongoing crisis of faith.

In terms of actual religion, what defines you as a Christian is whether or not you have been baptized. It doesn’t really matter what the hell you do after that, good or bad, God owns your ass, and you are accountable, and none of that means you are necessarily going to Heaven. It’s just a protestant misinterpretation of the religion to think so.

sadic1 - Who is or is not a Christian has little to do with their actions. It's a matter of what their real belief is, no matter how badly they screw up. However, being a Christian doesn't guarantee someone eternal salvation. That is made up Protestant bullshit designed to draw people and their money to church.

depending on what you actually mean by this post, it could be the highest level shit ever!

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love it sadic!