Jon Jones is severely over rated by old hardcore heads & PRIDE fanboys wearing nostalgia goggles

Yes, great timing, the skill pool is shallow(fighters are young) and good fighters are past their primes or had major surgeries
2-3 fights jones retires with a title of cleaning lhw and hw divisions xd

What on earth does Jon Jones have to do with Pride fans and nostalgia?

I was there for all the Pride and loved every second, Iā€™ve never liked Jones.

Are you making a stretch that people overrate him out of Pride Shogun love?

Iā€™m just confused here.


The Jones that made Shogun look like a bum off the street and tap to strikes was one of the baddest dudes to ever grace the octogon.


Heavyweight is easier than light heavyweight. Jones will do just fine

You might be conflating his courage with his ability (which usually go hand and hand, but then, weā€™re talking about the tragic case of JJ).

JJ had the ability to essentially be a HW fighting at LHW. He knew the advantage, and that is how he wanted it. He knew he had some of his toughest fights with guys who negated his leverages. With that, and the PEDs, he still needed to optimize his advantages with Jackson/Wink, and refused a fight with a smaller scale man on short notice. He also rejected the idea of facing DC at ā€œhisā€ HW division, even though heā€™d still have his 15" reach advantage.

I wanted him to move up to HW like a decade ago, and I was hoping that Werdum would welcome him.

OP sounds like a troll, or maybe a young guy who is often right when calling out old guys for thinking the guy they witnessed back when is as good as the present best. JJ isnā€™t a good guy, but he is an especially talented fighter. Iā€™d love to see him get KOed in his first two HW appearances, but I wouldnā€™t bet on it even if I did bet. Even if he beat Francis, Gane, and Stipe, I doubt heā€™d be excited about facing Blaydes. Heā€™s just not cut from the same cloth as the guys who will face anyone, at any time. Heā€™s a cheating POS who happened to destroy a list of future LHW HOFers as a kid.

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That version of Shogun was a bum off the street compared to the pre-knee injuries Shogun.


Jones would have beaten any version of shogun. Cage or ring. Shogun just canā€™t hit jones from the same distance Jones can hit him and he canā€™t out grapple JBJ from his back

The knee injuries had nothing to do with his loss to JBJ

Yeah same. Not sure what PRIDE or nostalgia has to do with anything.

If anything at all Iā€™d imagine if we were such big PRIDE nut huggers weā€™d love Shogun, therefore dislike Jones for destroying him. Even thatā€™s a stretch but hey what do I know

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Jones beats any version of Shogun and any version of Fedor

If Dominick Reyes and Thiago Silva can beat Jones (and should have it not for the Cecil Peoples scoring), I believe prime Shogun would have a shot. lol


Those guys were Jonesā€™ size though. Shogun just simply couldnā€™t hit Jones from his range. Jones kicked and punched the crap outta Rua from a block away

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Jones has been out of prime for a while now. Santos and Reyes faced the worst version of him. Look at how a chinny 40 year old Glover was able to win the title and had a competitive fight with the current champ. Jones easily handled a prime Glover back when Glover was considered a monster. Just face it, light-heavyweight sucks right now. Thiago Santos and Anthony Smith went from career journeymen to contenders as the talent dried up. Jones was the undisputed king and then he got old. He had been fighting for 11 years when he fought Santos. Thatā€™s a very long career to be at the top.


Thatā€™s an L for you not him. He gets to pick apart your posts and you donā€™t get to defend yourself.


I think Jones was bored at that point.

^^^Thats exactly what I thoughtā€¦


Ok fans might be wrong but hard to not agree with every single fighter not near him in the pd for pd. They all say heā€™s the best by far, no one is going to look great every night especially when heā€™s half coked out n been partying for weeks as heā€™s stated.

Like I said I dont like Jones but hes lightyears ahead of everyone at LHW right now.

Jiri struggled striking against a 43 year old man. Whom Jones desecrated.

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Guess who ends up liking Jackā€™s posts?

Its clear as day now that @Nick_Diaz_Army is Jack. What an absolute lunatic loser. Funny how ā€œbothā€ are always in the same threads taking the same stance and liking each others posts

Seems crazy senile old @Winston_Wolf was actually right for once

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Lol I Liked a couple of your posts as well though :thinking: