Jon Jones is severely over rated by old hardcore heads & PRIDE fanboys wearing nostalgia goggles

No, actually its quite easy to do so, because in reality his accomplishments arent that special and dont actually hold up to any scrunity

  • Shogun was coming off knee surgery. Natural MW

  • Machida was 1-2 coming into the fight. Natural MW

  • Rashad was never that good. Natural MW

  • Rampage was far over the hill

  • Sonnen and Vitor. Natural MWs. Both career journeymen

  • Glover, DC, and Gus, are literally the only 3 times Jones has ever fought someone carrying a large winning streak. *guess you can add Reyes to that but Reyes was a prospect who got robbed blind vs Jones

Oh and the 1 thing all those opponents minus Gus, had in common? They were all way older than Jones

  • 1st time Jones fights someone his age and size he gets outclassed by Gus. Because he has no actual skill @Acidic

  • Glover is literally the only Jones opponent who even continued to do well after Jones. Everyone else Jones beat were geriatric bums who fell off a cliff

So as you can see, Jones resume aint even all that, and it can certainly be discredited

The only thing Jones has is, “record number of title wins”…but than again, how much do “title wins” at LHW really matter when LHW is weak as shit and its vs the likes of MWs and older aging fighters

History is not going to look back favorable on Jones

Not to mention Jones has failed multiple PED tests so that already invalidates his “accomishments” right than and there

Clearly thats a lie. Otherwise you wouldnt be defending Jones with your life. Just come clean. Youre a Jones fanboy!


This response confuses me

Jones destroying a 95 year old broken down memtally shot Stipe coming off a KO loss wouldnt change anything nor would it be anything inpressive

Come to me when Jones can beat a Gane or an Aspinal

Ive seen it enough times. PRIDE fanboys are the 1s always overrating the shit out of Jones the most (just like the poster I quoted in my OP)

Because if they say Jones sucks than by extension thats shitting on their PRIDE 205(MW)division, and they would never do that

Because Jones beat most of those older smaller guys from that PRIDE era MW division

So they have to make Jones seem as invincible as possible, “PRIDE had the best LHWs, Jones was just on another level”

Hahaha. While hopped up in a bunch of riods you mean. If Mark Hunt can sue the UFC for letting a rioded Lesnar fight him, than Shogun has an actual case because the UFC letting a rioded up Jones beat the fuck out of him took years off his life and shortended the longetivity of his career

Youre a deluded tool bag who knows nothing about fighting. Be quiet and know your role

1st of all, your pathetic with the execuses for Jones. “Bu but hes old now.” It shows how you know the new generation was going to expose Jones and so you were already preparing the excuses, “hes just old now”

I guess Jones was “old” when he fought Gus 1 too

Amazing how Jones only seems to “get old” when hes facing someone his size or age or whos a bad style match up

If Jones is over the hill, than Shogun certainly was over the hill vs Jones

Here are the facts now. And if you knew anything about fighting, its what you would become aware of too

Santos despite being a journeyman wouldve always been a terrible match up for Jones

  • Santos uses a lot of lateral movement, which takes away Jones’s linear kicks. Side to side beats a straight path. Jones had no target to kick, or no target coming straight in into his linear kicks or knee kicks.

How you beat Jones is to take away his linear kicks with lateral movement or side steps (what Gus, Santos, and Reyes all did), back step Jones kicks while you come back in to kick Jones(what Santos did), or circling to turn Jones out of position (he doesnt know how to cutt off the ring), jabbing with Jones’s stiff arms (what Gus did), and pulling Jones into you with that lateral movement and timing him on his steps coming into you (what Gus and Reyes did).

So as you can see, its still always been the same old Jones…Reyes, Santos, and Gus simply exploited Jones’s flaws. Jones has always been highly flawed. Newbs like you and @Acidic just dont know shit about fighting

And if you read my breakdown in my OP (get on your knees and be grateful for my knowledge), you will see WHY JIRI would smash Jones all day. The Reyes, Santos, and Santos fights tells you that Jiri would smash Jones

When Jones first came up, the UFC was feeding Jones a lot of gift match ups - all those aging smaller “brawlers” who would just walk straight in, straight into Jones’s knee kicks

Theres a reason why Jones is going to HW instead of fighting terrible match ups at LHW like Jan and Jiri

You see, a newb phaggot like you has NO idea how styles make fights

  • Jones vs Glover has NO relevance on anything. Jones fought Glover when Glover was much less mature.

Back than Glover would just stand and wang and had nothing but a right hand. All Jones did was step into Glover to smoother Glover’s right hands and tie Glover up to stifle him, work him inside, create space to strike, than tie Glover up again. Glover was shit inside. Jones simply took the fight where Glover was weakest (inside of his right hand, inside of his power, and intight where Glover cant box for shit intight).

  • Todays Glover is a completely different fighter compared to the inexperienced Glover who Jones fought.

For one, todays Glover knows how to throw more than just a right hand, will set up his right hand with a jab, will shoot his left off his right hand, and will throw his right hand into clinches - that being the biggest difference - Glover learning to punch into clinches, to get his takedowns and being much more wrestling orientated.

The Glover who Jones fought would not have stood a chance in hell vs Thiago Santos.

Gustafsson beat “Jon Jones Glover” far more impressively than Jones ever did, so by your logic, Gustfasson>>>every LHW too. See how stupid you are and how silly your logic is clown?

Its about styles, and Jones being longer, younger, way better inside, will always be a tough one off individual bad match up for Glover, but the Glover who fought Jiri would smash the shit out of the Glover who fought Jones

-Jiri on the other hand is a terrible match up for Jones:

Jiri has the length and jab of Gus, without the weak heart and bad ground game of Gus. Jiri fucks Jones 10/10 times. Jiri fights from ortho and southpaw too. That would negate Jones switching to keep it an opposite stance match up and that would fuck the alignment of Jones’s kicks. And if Jones takes Jiri down, Jiri is the greatest threat of anyone hes ever faced off his back. Jiri smashes Jones all day every day

And btw, Jiri was smashed on the ground but was smashing Glover on the feet more than not, and almost had him out multiple times on the feet. Jones didnt do shit to Glover but smoother his right hand. He nullified Glover. He never once treated Glover like a punching bag like Gus and Jiri often did

No, its a W for me

I live rent free in that lunatics head. Hes always thinking of me while he doesnt even exist in my world lmao.

Hes the retard following me around and responding to someone who doesnt even see him.

Its like leaving the autist to argue with the wall. Im leaving Jack to argue with a wall, into his meaningless existence, so again tell me whos really winning? Hes the 1 wasting his energy on me, while I waste NOTHING on him…because hes worth no more than dog shit on the bottom of my shoes

Im taking all the Ws here!

How can you say im the troll. Im offering breakdowns, while you offer nothing but your garabge uninformed opinion

The fact you could even state that so confidently shows your delusional misplaced arrogance in your ignorance, and your lack of self-awareness

Read my breakdown above this post, by me and than tell me whos the real troll. You are! Be grateful for my knowledge because fighters pay me for this while im educating you newbs for free

You know nothing about fighting to even engage me or the points ive made, so all you can do is just say im a troll. You only expose yourself as the real troll

Ive given 2 breakdowns in this thread. In the OP and in my last post above. Read them, learn, and than thank me. Heres 1 of them you tool

I guess Jones was “old” when he fought Gus 1 too

Amazing how Jones only seems to “get old” when hes facing someone his size or age or whos a bad style match up

If Jones is over the hill, than Shogun certainly was over the hill vs Jones

Here are the facts now. And if you knew anything about fighting, its what you would become aware of too

Santos despite being a journeyman wouldve always been a terrible match up for Jones

  • Santos uses a lot of lateral movement, which takes away Jones’s linear kicks. Side to side beats a straight path. Jones had no target to kick, or no target coming straight in into his linear kicks or knee kicks.

How you beat Jones is to take away his linear kicks with lateral movement or side steps (what Gus, Santos, and Reyes all did), back step Jones kicks while you come back in to kick Jones(what Santos did), or circling to turn Jones out of position (he doesnt know how to cutt off the ring), jabbing with Jones’s stiff arms (what Gus did), and pulling Jones into you with that lateral movement and timing him on his steps coming into you (what Gus and Reyes did).

So as you can see, its still always been the same old Jones…Reyes, Santos, and Gus simply exploited Jones’s flaws. Jones has always been highly flawed. Newbs like you and @Acidic just dont know shit about fighting

And if you read my breakdown in my OP (get on your knees and be grateful for my knowledge), you will see WHY JIRI would smash Jones all day. The Reyes, Santos, and Santos fights tells you that Jiri would smash Jones

When Jones first came up, the UFC was feeding Jones a lot of gift match ups - all those aging smaller “brawlers” who would just walk straight in, straight into Jones’s knee kicks

Theres a reason why Jones is going to HW instead of fighting terrible match ups at LHW like Jan and Jiri

You see, a newb phaggot like you has NO idea how styles make fights

  • Jones vs Glover has NO relevance on anything. Jones fought Glover when Glover was much less mature.

Back than Glover would just stand and wang and had nothing but a right hand. All Jones did was step into Glover to smoother Glover’s right hands and tie Glover up to stifle him, work him inside, create space to strike, than tie Glover up again. Glover was shit inside. Jones simply took the fight where Glover was weakest (inside of his right hand, inside of his power, and intight where Glover cant box for shit intight).

  • Todays Glover is a completely different fighter compared to the inexperienced Glover who Jones fought.

For one, todays Glover knows how to throw more than just a right hand, will set up his right hand with a jab, will shoot his left off his right hand, and will throw his right hand into clinches - that being the biggest difference - Glover learning to punch into clinches, to get his takedowns and being much more wrestling orientated.

The Glover who Jones fought would not have stood a chance in hell vs Thiago Santos.

Gustafsson beat “Jon Jones Glover” far more impressively than Jones ever did, so by your logic, Gustfasson>>>every LHW too. See how stupid you are and how silly your logic is clown?

Its about styles, and Jones being longer, younger, way better inside, will always be a tough one off individual bad match up for Glover, but the Glover who fought Jiri would smash the shit out of the Glover who fought Jones

-Jiri on the other hand is a terrible match up for Jones:

Jiri has the length and jab of Gus, without the weak heart and bad ground game of Gus. Jiri fucks Jones 10/10 times. Jiri fights from ortho and southpaw too. That would negate Jones switching to keep it an opposite stance match up and that would fuck the alignment of Jones’s kicks. And if Jones takes Jiri down, Jiri is the greatest threat of anyone hes ever faced off his back. Jiri smashes Jones all day every day

And btw, Jiri was smashed on the ground but was smashing Glover on the feet more than not, and almost had him out multiple times on the feet. Jones didnt do shit to Glover but smoother his right hand. He nullified Glover. He never once treated Glover like a punching bag like Gus and Jiri often did

ill take that as a compliment ( tough times )

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Damn, im sorry about you having tough times. I do genuinely hope things get better for you. We may talk shit over the internet lol but i would never sincerely wish genuine bad on anyone. Have you tried Jesus and prayer? I will say a prayer for you.

Damn I blocked that guy cause he annoys the piss outta me but I certainly don’t wish any ill will on him. Get better WW :+1:t2: :facepunch:t2:

Damnit I was hoping for a real thread but I see CWTR has hijacked it.

i was kidding about the tough times and lol Vetigo blocking me he still has 10 other names

in all fairness he did start the thread

Fucking tripping thinking Jiri beats Jones anywhere OP :joy:

There isn’t a 205er alive who can.

Is what it is pal.

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Is there any current LHW on the planet you would pick over a 2011 Jon Jones?

Well, Santos and Reyes already beat Jones, so already you failed your own question numbnuts


Though you are correct that Jan and Jiri would give recent Jones fits, especially Jiri.

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No. Jiri gets taken down and raped.
Jan gets strangled.
Easy work.

Jones hasn’t wrestled anyone in recent fights, even when struggling with them standing. If he stood with Jiri or Jan there’s a good chance he’d get sparked.

He might have tried to wrestle Reyes and failed, I don’t remember it well

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Lmfao no. Jiri almost lost to an old man Glover. Jones would make Jiri look awful

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The light heavyweight division is easily the worst and weakest it’s ever been during my time as a fan. If Jones didn’t get bored at 205 he would still be the champion easily

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I already clarified that I was talking about the recent Jones who doesn’t wrestle, who struggled standing with Reyes and Santos. Are you going to pretend you think that Jones would beat Jiri standing or are you going to ignore and run away as you usually do when you know you’re wrong? :laughing: