Jon Jones is severely over rated by old hardcore heads & PRIDE fanboys wearing nostalgia goggles

If Glover can take down Jiri and rock him on his feet so can jones. No problem

Prime chuck Liddell would be champ in todays LHW division. No doubt about it

And now, after your unrelated nonsense, letā€™s get back to the point. What would happen if Jones opted not to use takedowns? As has been the case in his most recent fights even when he was getting the worst of the striking.

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He was the GOAT at one point. He most likely isnā€™t now. Just like Fedor, Anderson and GSP ainā€™t anymore. Father Time can be neutralized for a while but he always get the final victory.

Lol how do you know who is liking his posts if you have him on ignore? You spend way too much time talking about this guy to have him on ignore.

Lol youā€™re the one who first mentioned him. You supposedly have him on ignore but are somehow keeping track of who is liking his posts. Seems to me heā€™s the one living rent free in your head.

First of all, too long didnt read. Jones made his mma debut 14 years ago. His prime lasted longer than 99% of fighters. He started having competitive fights to gatekeepers around the same age that Fedor went on his losing streak. Every fighter ages out of the sport. Its inevitable. Also youā€™re an absolute moron if youre trying to argue that current 42 year old Glover with an obviously weaker chin is a better fighter than the 35 year old Jones fought. Lol 35 isnt mature enough for you? Lastly you mention Gus who is the same age as Jones and clearly a shot fighter at this point who needs to retire. Credit to Jones for still having a chin and scraping by these fights with assistance from the judges.

Jones probably doesnā€™t fight at HW. He doesnā€™t need the moneyā€¦ yet. Early Jones beats anyone you guys have mentioned. Remember how he rag dolled Bonnar? Gus was a good fight for sure but Jones was coked out and hung over as fuck IIRC. USADA beat Jones more than any fighter.

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Donā€™t forget Matyushenko

Jack and Vegito_Blue are pretty different. Jack is a nuthugger/troll, but most of his posts make sense from the perspective of the character he plays. Heā€™ll also argue until it gets old and you say fuck it. Vegito_Blue is just flat out wrong about a lot of stuff and can be made to slink away easily when itā€™s pointed out.

Iā€™m not wrong about anything

Shoguns best days was in PRIDE, he caught Machida and was shell of himself in UFC, he was 30yo but fought like he was 40yo

Jones is a straight up asshole, dirty fighter and all around shitbag of a person, but he is still the greatest light heavyweight of all time, and very arguably simply the best ever to do it.

He has never really lost a fight, and the bulk of those fights were very one-sided beatings. The criticisms of him not winning every single one by landlslide victory are a testament to skills, not an argument against the GOAT.

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I get that. But I still donā€™t think any version of shogun is any threat to JBJ. Based off size and style. Shogun physically just is not capable of hitting Jones from the same range as jones could hit him. And when it goes to the ground shogun simply isnā€™t good or strong enough to submit him off his back

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Its my thread. I made the thread you senile old clown

Next time pay attention

Afterall ladies and gentleman, ā€œmasterā€ of martial arts (more like couch potato bum of martial arts) is the same old cuck who worships Luke Thomas with all his life and says Thomas knows fighting hahaha. Only those who dont know fighting think Thomas knows fighting. ā€œBlind leading the blindā€

Not only is this my thread which I made, im the only one giving up breakdowns and speaking facts. So either read and learn yourself, or go troll else where. Maybe reddit is more for you. They are liberal cucks just like you and love Thomas there just like you. You can go be among your cuck brethen who dont know fighting

Youre a blatant newb moron. There are some times (more often than not) when you open your mouth and just make a complete fool of yourself

Jiri was smashed on the ground but was smashing Glover on the feet more than not, and almost had him out multiple times on the feet. Jones didnt do shit to Glover but smoother his right hand. He nullified Glover. He never once treated Glover like a punching bag like Gus and Jiri often did

  • Jones vs Glover has NO relevance on anything. Jones fought Glover when Glover was much less mature.

Back than Glover would just stand and wang and had nothing but a right hand. All Jones did was step into Glover to smoother Gloverā€™s right hands and tie Glover up to stifle him, work him inside, create space to strike, than tie Glover up again. Glover was shit inside. Jones simply took the fight where Glover was weakest (inside of his right hand, inside of his power, and intight where Glover cant box for shit intight).

  • Todays Glover is a completely different fighter compared to the inexperienced Glover who Jones fought.

For one, todays Glover knows how to throw more than just a right hand, will set up his right hand with a jab, will shoot his left off his right hand, and will throw his right hand into clinches - that being the biggest difference - Glover learning to punch into clinches, to get his takedowns and being much more wrestling orientated.

The Glover who Jones fought would not have stood a chance in hell vs Thiago Santos.

Gustafsson beat ā€œJon Jones Gloverā€ far more impressively than Jones ever did, so by your logic, Gustfasson>>>every LHW too. See how stupid you are and how silly your logic is clown?

Its about styles, and Jones being longer, younger, way better inside, will always be a tough one off individual bad match up for Glover, but the Glover who fought Jiri would smash the shit out of the Glover who fought Jones

-Jiri on the other hand is a terrible match up for Jones

Youā€™re gay.

Because Jones was on steriods. Biggest cheater combat sports has ever seen. His entire career has an asterisk

Jones was 26 when he got his ass beat by Gustafsson. Was Jones over the hill at 26?

Youre a deluded newb who spews verbal diarrhea with your fat troll fingers through your keyboard

Yoy further expose how much of a KNOW-NOTHING dumbass you are when you compare the primes of 2 different fighters

Fighters age differenty and enter and exit their primes differently

Fedor has nothing to do with anything here. Fedor was a sloppy brawler who took tons of damage in fights. He was never going to have longetivity. Many people think ā€œprime Fedorā€ looked like shit vs Arlovski and Brett Rodgers.

Furthermore, dumbass, I explained to your peabrain how prime Jones has always been flawed, and how Satnos/Reyes/Gus exploited the flaws Jones has always had. Be grateful for my breakdown and than learn for once in your life

Santos despite being a journeyman wouldve always been a terrible match up for Jones

  • Santos uses a lot of lateral movement, which takes away Jonesā€™s linear kicks. Side to side beats a straight path. Jones had no target to kick, or no target coming straight in into his linear kicks or knee kicks.

How you beat Jones is to take away his linear kicks with lateral movement or side steps (what Gus, Santos, and Reyes all did), back step Jones kicks while you come back in to kick Jones(what Santos did), or circling to turn Jones out of position (he doesnt know how to cutt off the ring), jabbing with Jonesā€™s stiff arms (what Gus did), and pulling Jones into you with that lateral movement and timing him on his steps coming into you (what Gus and Reyes did).

So as you can see, its still always been the same old Jonesā€¦Reyes, Santos, and Gus simply exploited Jonesā€™s flaws. Jones has always been highly flawed. Newbs like you and @Acidic just dont know shit about fighting

Now lets continue on with your destruction newb

Thats why you should read what you respond to, because if you had read my breakdown you would see I already directly adressed and refuted that

This is what a low IQ momo does. Speak on things they dont know - respond to things they didnt read etc. Thats what ignorance is called. It just makes you look like more of a jackass with no shame or self awareness

Back than Glover would just stand and wang and had nothing but a right hand. All Jones did was step into Glover to smoother Gloverā€™s right hands and tie Glover up to stifle him, work him inside, create space to strike, than tie Glover up again. Glover was shit inside. Jones simply took the fight where Glover was weakest (inside of his right hand, inside of his power, and intight where Glover cant box for shit intight).

  • Todays Glover is a completely different fighter compared to the inexperienced Glover who Jones fought.

For one, todays Glover knows how to throw more than just a right hand, will set up his right hand with a jab, will shoot his left off his right hand, and will throw his right hand into clinches - that being the biggest difference - Glover learning to punch into clinches, to get his takedowns and being much more wrestling orientated.

The Glover who Jones fought would not have stood a chance in hell vs Thiago Santos.

Gustafsson beat ā€œJon Jones Gloverā€ far more impressively than Jones ever did, so by your logic, Gustfasson>>>every LHW too. See how stupid you are and how silly your logic is clown?

Its about styles, and Jones being longer, younger, way better inside, will always be a tough one off individual bad match up for Glover, but the Glover who fought Jiri would smash the shit out of the Glover who fought Jones

-Jiri on the other hand is a terrible match up for Jones

We just found another one of Jackā€™s alternate accounts. You were way blatant. Too obvious

@Nick_Diaz_Army and Jack are def the same person. Both are highly delusional and always wrong

Youre wrong about everything

EXCEPT Vegito is def a nicer, friendlier, more civil version of Jack

While Jack is his account when he wants to be abrasive and obnoxious. The Jack account is just a hated abrasive angry miserable existence manifested