Jon Jones is severely over rated by old hardcore heads & PRIDE fanboys wearing nostalgia goggles


Hes lost 3 according to the majority of fans

Either way hes officially lost 1

If you want to disregard his official loss, than I disregard the robberies hes been gifted, and Jones has 3 losses

MW Machida won the 1st round

MW Rashad rocked Jones

Jones ran away from over the hill Rampage

MW Vitor almost armbarred Jones

Jones getting beaten to a pulp and outclassed by Gus 1 and Reyes, the only opponents of his who were his size or age is a testament to how over rated Jones is

Jones is only the GOAT of steriod use and beating up MWs and retirement home victims

If you want to sound correct you should at least be remotely correct in doing so …Glovers transition to the UFC PI was the major change in his fighting n winning. He states it somewhere but I don’t care enough about proving you wrong to look it up tbh.

thiaguy off his medication again

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Jones hasnt been impressive in 4 years. A consistently tested Jon Jones is a lackluster Jones that barely scraped by his last 2 wins.

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Lol what? This is such a weird response. I broke down Glover’s fighting and tactics and how his skills improved. You brought up the UFC PI which isnt relevant at all to what I said or supplements what I already broke down. You seem to be in agreement. You agree that Glover did “change” and become different. So how can you prove me wrong? If im wrong than youre wrong too dummie, because you yourself again agreed with what I broke down

Bam! Court is adjourned! To “prove me wrong” is to prove yourself wrong you dork

I broke down the actual how and why. I went indepth over it

But its understandable that you never wouldve been able to do that, because you know nothing about fighting

Next time, think a little harder before posting.


Roasting Jones for steroids shows how little you know.
As does this entire thread.
Well done.

Theres plenty to roast Jones over

Rashad Evans, the middle weight LIGHTHEAVYWEIGHT champion? Vitor Belfort the middle weight who was also the LIGHT and HW world champion? And Machida the middleweight was also the LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT champion? Exactly how many of these “middle weights” that are former light heavyweight and heavyweight world champions does Jones have to beat?

Machida won a round? No he didn’t, and he was choked unconscious casually and dumped in the center of the ring. All those close fights that you and webtards think that Jones lost, unfortunately the professional judges thought otherwise, and if I have to explain the Hamill fight then you truly are hopeless.

Jones is the LHW goat because he owned his division for a decade and cleared it to the point where there were no longer interesting contenders. There are valid arguments against him being the GOAT across all weight classes, but it’s obvious he’s the best LHW ever. You attempt to poke holes in Jones’ game, but offer no other LHW that is better than he is.

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Hard to tell how good Jones could have been because he juiced most of his career.

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