Jones answers charge that he is fake

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                                Jones answers 'phony' charge

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                    <p>It was a slow news week for MMA, with the exception of Jones vs. Cormier trash talking, which alone was enough to make the week lively.</p>

Among the charges jabbed at Jones by DC were that he is fake, that he has one persona for the public, and another in private.

"You are just the fakest person," said Cormier. "I actually admire that you can be this fake and when the TV comes on you can just change. You're like a chameleon. It's awesome. It's unbelievable."

"It's unbelievable just how fake you can be! You're such a f----ing p---y! My god! It is amazing... You're the f-----g scum of the earth. You're a terrible human being, but you can sure turn it on."

From there, the conversation got markedly worse.

Before the UFC 178 fan Q&A in Los Angeles on Tuesday, Dave Doyle asked Jones about the phoniness charges that have long dogged him.

"I think it is interesting when people call you fake when they don't know you personally," Jones said. "I think all of us as human beings, we have many sides of us, many aspects to our personalities. You know, you can be angry sometimes, you can be happy sometimes, you can be sad sometimes. Sometimes you have your business hat on, we all have many hats throughout the day. That's who I am. I have many different sides to me."

"For someone to call me fake, it holds no weight. If it was a trainer, or a close friend, or my fiancee, then that would mean a lot more. ‘Fake' is something that kind of stuck with me since I fought Rashad Evans and now it's [Cormier's] go-to ammo. You can't criticize my MMA game too much, so they attack my character and my personality. It has no relevancy because none of these guys actually know me."

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Yeah because setting yourself a standard then falling short means your fake... Phone Post 3.0

DC is mind phuking Jones. Phone Post 3.0

Gotta agree with him about this.

Too many people are emotionally ans personally invested in fighters that they do not know in any capacity. The UG has become a soap opera forum, not an MMA forum. Phone Post 3.0

“go check on Lyoto – get some fans.” Phone Post 3.0

raffin - Yeah because setting yourself a standard then falling short means your fake... Phone Post 3.0
Pretending to be something...

Then not being it...

Hypocritical / fake.

But, honestly, despite his perceived ego, immaturity and insecurity seem to be the root of his facade. There's something to his (almost) never looking someone in the eye in a preflight stare-down. He wasn't even looking DC in the eye until he got throat-bitched. Basically, I'm just trying to say...

"GodDAMMIT I hate that Bob Barker!" Phone Post 3.0

crumbs - Wasn't rashad a close friend who called him fake ??

But Jon's right guys, he's not fake he has different sides to him, just like butters from South Park(fireman butters, inspector butters, policeman butters, and of course my fav professor khoas)

Jones has , fake crackling humble jones, fake Christian jones, douche bag jones, apologetic jones, don't look opponent in the eyes jones, look opponent in the eyes jones, pre fight brawlin jones, death threats jones, and my personal fav professor eye pokes jones.

Guys don't sit there and act like you don't have multiple personality disorder like jones and butters, we all do and I'm sick of this fake jones bashing.
Well done Phone Post 3.0

Forget all this 'fake' bullshit, I went off Jones the moment he choked Machida out and then dropped him on the floor like a piece of unwanted trash. That moment said a lot about his character IMO (compare it to the ending of Machida/Munoz for example).

The guy's an asshole. Period. Phone Post 3.0

Phone Post 3.0

Phone Post 3.0

LucasBTiger -
raffin - Yeah because setting yourself a standard then falling short means your fake... Phone Post 3.0
Pretending to be something...

Then not being it...

Hypocritical / fake.

But, honestly, despite his perceived ego, immaturity and insecurity seem to be the root of his facade. There's something to his (almost) never looking someone in the eye in a preflight stare-down. He wasn't even looking DC in the eye until he got throat-bitched. Basically, I'm just trying to say...

"GodDAMMIT I hate that Bob Barker!" Phone Post 3.0
I was responding to the DUI comment. If I said I would never start a street fight then soon after I got drunk and started a fight would that mean I'm fake? I personally don't think so and to be honest there are way more examples of Jon being 'fake' than the DUI crap so I don't know why dickheads feel the need to bring up of his darkest moments. All these threads about Jones being fake and being a bitch and a pussy are ridiculous. But it sure is easy to talk smack about the most dominant LHW on the planet anonymously. Nobody would say this shiz to his face garaunteed...besides DC of course Phone Post 3.0

i guarantee if nick diaz said "i'd literally kill u" to someone he was gonna fight, all the tards on this site would think its super cool

Ch1ef - Phone Post 3.0
Damn..swagger jacked Rashad to a point where Rashad should sue. Stole everything, including his philosophical persona. DC will be playing cashier on fight night. We'll see if Jones passes the counterfeit test. Fake ass Jones. Faker than a $30 bill. Cormier by KO. Phone Post 3.0

Remember in the rampage fight after the end of the round where he picks up rampage and drops him Phone Post 3.0

mghan44 - Gotta agree with him about this.

Too many people are emotionally ans personally invested in fighters that they do not know in any capacity. The UG has become a soap opera forum, not an MMA forum. Phone Post 3.0
Jones fucked up and started a fight with dc on a promotional event. Has nothing to do with our crazy forum. Phone Post 3.0

Jon attempts to manipulate how people respond to him in a fairly immature and transparent way. It's very contrived. This is not being "authentic". What he's describing is just appropriate behavior and having roles in life. Phone Post 3.0

mghan44 - Gotta agree with him about this.

Too many people are emotionally ans personally invested in fighters that they do not know in any capacity. The UG has become a soap opera forum, not an MMA forum. Phone Post 3.0

This.  People have stopped commenting on skills and are all about how they hate this or that about so and so's personality.  He's not a role model, etc. etc.  Fucking Days of Our Lives up in here.

crumbs - Wasn't rashad a close friend who called him fake ??

But Jon's right guys, he's not fake he has different sides to him, just like butters from South Park(fireman butters, inspector butters, policeman butters, and of course my fav professor khoas)

Jones has , fake crackling humble jones, fake Christian jones, douche bag jones, apologetic jones, don't look opponent in the eyes jones, look opponent in the eyes jones, pre fight brawlin jones, death threats jones, and my personal fav professor eye pokes jones.

Guys don't sit there and act like you don't have multiple personality disorder like jones and butters, we all do and I'm sick of this fake jones bashing.
Voted up. Phone Post 3.0

Ch1ef - Phone Post 3.0
Lol, damn that's too funny Phone Post 3.0

Lance Armstrong was a fake/fraud.

I don't think the same way about Jones.