Jones answers charge that he is fake

His fake ass answer is worthy of a politician. Phone Post 3.0

I think he thinks he's a LOT smarter than he actually is. Phone Post 3.0

Also I think he might be bi-polar and not realize.

Many hats. Such fake. Doge jones. Phone Post 3.0

ranier wolfcastle -

i guarantee if nick diaz said "i'd literally kill u" to someone he was gonna fight, all the tards on this site would think its super cool

100% this Phone Post 3.0

MMFT you are my new hero:

"IDK why every one is so dumb about this. Jones is a badass who earns his respect in the cage. Ya'll are on the reality show, housewives shit and not that MMA shit. cmon, sons."

"Another dumb thought right here. I'll bet you were cheering while Jones was dropping vicious elbows that ripped Machida's head open, but you get mad because he didn't gently lay him down after the choke. What the hell?"

I love that Jon Jones sees right thru the 'fake' bs and it doesnt even move him:

"You can't criticize my MMA game too much, so they attack my character and my personality. It has no relevancy because none of these guys actually know me."

Thank you!

lol at attacking JBJ's character and not the awesome fighter that he is.

War Jones!!!

ranier wolfcastle - 

i guarantee if nick diaz said "i'd literally kill u" to someone he was gonna fight, all the tards on this site would think its super cool

not really.  I like Nick Diaz becaus he never says shit like that.  He might stick to you like a leech and talk shit until the fight and fight is over, but he don't go around saying  he'll kill someone.  Nick Diaz's rants are more like cry for help or he just feels super uncomfortable in front of Camera but his overall behavior on/off the Camera is pretty consistent.  Jon Jones has different sides that has been exposed many many times.  He's hypocritical, does the opposite of what he preaches, I mean other than his abilities and skills for fights, I don't see anything positive about him.  

Look, I appreciate fighters and all the wars they go through for my entertainment.  and I can say that I like 99% of all of the MMA fighters.  But I don't know why, I hate Jon Jones.  Why is that???  I don't even really know.  But doesn't change the fact that I do.  and it's probably because of accumulation of shit like this.  

kinson -
mghan44 - Gotta agree with him about this.

Too many people are emotionally ans personally invested in fighters that they do not know in any capacity. The UG has become a soap opera forum, not an MMA forum. Phone Post 3.0
Jones fucked up and started a fight with dc on a promotional event. Has nothing to do with our crazy forum. Phone Post 3.0
The Jones hating has been going on way way longer than this whole DC situation, so yes, this crazy forum being caught up in fighters outside personas rather than fighting ability is ridiculous.

I feel sorry for the so-called DC fans, aka Jones haters. I wonder what excuses they'll use when DC gets his as handed to him Phone Post 3.0

easedel - Character? lmao thats gold jerry, gold!

Straight up delusions of grandeur. Wouldn't be surprised if there was a twist of bi polar in there

And you sir acting as an armchair psychiatrist doesn't deter the fact that DC is using personal attacks coz he only has a ribbon and not a belt.

He's 37 and an Olympian and had to resort to throwing shoes in a crowd. Talk about bipolar.

mghan44 - Gotta agree with him about this.

Too many people are emotionally ans personally invested in fighters that they do not know in any capacity. The UG has become a soap opera forum, not an MMA forum. Phone Post 3.0

well... this thread is about Jones being fake. The title kind of describes it.  are you telling me you're not interested when you're the one that clicked to check it out.  

why don't you create another thread about Jon Jones's fighting skills?

One of the reasons MMA fans fall for this 'fake' bs is because MMA outlets, who should know better parrot the same shit. On my favorite podcast, Co Main Event, the co host Chad Dundas said one of the reasons he dislikes Jon Jones is because each time Jones is asked a question, you can see him think before he answers the question.

Wht the heck?? The guy should pop off the first dumb answer that comes to mind??

His opponents, especially the black fighters (Rampage, Rashad and Daniel Cormier), dislike him due to pure and simple envy. Jon Jones is younger, a thousand times more articulate, much better looking and light years the better fighter than any of them, and they can't stand that.

I think one of the reasons his haters can't get over themselves is because Jon Jones doesn't care! During weighins, when he gets booed, he never loses his smile, he even blows kisses to the haters and bows to the crowd. And that's why the haters can't explain why they hate him. Because they want him to care.

The guy has said from the very beginning, his goal is the be the best fighter he can be, to live up to his family's rep as the gold standard for pedigree champion athletes, and you can either stand on the sidelines and scratch your head as to why you hate him, or you can shut your mouth, sit back and enjoy watching history unfold before your eyes.

The U.G is just awesome.

RoyNelsonsTVDinner - Forget all this 'fake' bullshit, I went off Jones the moment he choked Machida out and then dropped him on the floor like a piece of unwanted trash. That moment said a lot about his character IMO (compare it to the ending of Machida/Munoz for example).

The guy's an asshole. Period. Phone Post 3.0

Another dumb thought right here. I'll bet you were cheering while Jones was dropping vicious elbows that ripped Machida's head open, but you get mad because he didn't gently lay him down after the choke. What the hell?
Yeah, I was admiring the footwork and action whilst the fight was happening, and I thought Jones was a prick for dropping Machida onto the mat after he choked him unconscious. What's your point?

Are you saying that just because you're watching two martial artists trying to beat each other in combat, it justifies being an obnoxious cunt? Explain.

And as for me expecting him to lay Machida gently to the floor afterwards and give him a biscuit and a kiss goodnight...

Yeah, sure, that's exactly what I expected to happen. Phone Post 3.0

stainlesssteel - 

One of the reasons MMA fans fall for this 'fake' bs is because MMA outlets, who should know better parrot the same shit. On my favorite podcast, Co Main Event, the co host Chad Dundas said one of the reasons he dislikes Jon Jones is because each time Jones is asked a question, you can see him think before he answers the question.

Wht the heck?? The guy should pop off the first dumb answer that comes to mind??

His opponents, especially the black fighters (Rampage, Rashad and Daniel Cormier), dislike him due to pure and simple envy. Jon Jones is younger, a thousand times more articulate, much better looking and light years the better fighter than any of them, and they can't stand that.

I think one of the reasons his haters can't get over themselves is because Jon Jones doesn't care! During weighins, when he gets booed, he never loses his smile, he even blows kisses to the haters and bows to the crowd. And that's why the haters can't explain why they hate him. Because they want him to care.

The guy has said from the very beginning, his goal is the be the best fighter he can be, to live up to his family's rep as the gold standard for pedigree champion athletes, and you can either stand on the sidelines and scratch your head as to why you hate him, or you can shut your mouth, sit back and enjoy watching history unfold before your eyes.

AT first Gus didn't have a bad thing to say about Jones. Only after they did a media tour together, but still before they fought, the tune changed.

"He's a little brat in an adult's body. A very immature boy in a grown man's body. It is Jones. It's like you give a shit kid everything. Why do you not speak up, you just say 'yes, yes,' everything that a kid asks for. Since there are no limits, it is all haywire. No, his behavior then ... No, I'm not a fan of it, if I may say so."

With what we know now, it's easy to fill in the gaps as to why Gustafsson would feel that way.

You've seen how Jones is when he thinks the world isn't watching, what more does it take for you to acknowledge that he is supremely two faced?

Oh my GOd! You people do realize you are all trying to figure out if some sports figure you don't know is a good person or not? And I don't mean good person as in, not a rapist and bank robber, but a good person as in, "He is a good guy."


You will NEVER know this. I spent my childhood thinking OJ SImpson was THE MAN. Unless you spend A LOT of time around someone you will not truly know them unless they are really extreme (good or bad). I have had people who were FRIENDS at first turn out to be self-absorbed psychos you couldn't trust your cat with.

All that matters is if they are ENTERTAINING.

Jon is entertaining in the cage and boring as SHIT outside the cage. Even this brawl is fucking boring.

Haulport -

Oh my GOd! You people do realize you are all trying to figure out if some sports figure you don't know is a good person or not? And I don't mean good person as in, not a rapist and bank robber, but a good person as in, "He is a good guy."


You will NEVER know this. I spent my childhood thinking OJ SImpson was THE MAN. Unless you spend A LOT of time around someone you will not truly know them unless they are really extreme (good or bad). I have had people who were FRIENDS at first turn out to be self-absorbed psychos you couldn't trust your cat with.

All that matters is if they are ENTERTAINING.

Jon is entertaining in the cage and boring as SHIT outside the cage. Even this brawl is fucking boring.


And OJ still is the man Phone Post 3.0

Lol @ people only attack his character and there's nothing people can say about his fighting abilities. Umm how about the eye pokes. Sticking his extraordinarily long arms out with his palm open to keep fighters away. Maybe the 1000 oblique kicks he throws. Even the fact that the one time Hus physical abilities were matched he had been beaten to a pulp and gifted a decision. Phone Post 3.0

Fake or not he knows how to respond to shit - I'll give him that Phone Post 3.0

KingMeNow - Lol @ people only attack his character and there's nothing people can say about his fighting abilities. Umm how about the eye pokes. Sticking his extraordinarily long arms out with his palm open to keep fighters away. Maybe the 1000 oblique kicks he throws. Even the fact that the one time Hus physical abilities were matched he had been beaten to a pulp and gifted a decision. Phone Post 3.0
You forgot his crab walk or whatever it was.... Until TRT vitor about kicked his head into Greg Jackson lap. Phone Post 3.0

crumbs - Wasn't rashad a close friend who called him fake ??

But Jon's right guys, he's not fake he has different sides to him, just like butters from South Park(fireman butters, inspector butters, policeman butters, and of course my fav professor khoas)

Jones has , fake crackling humble jones, fake Christian jones, douche bag jones, apologetic jones, don't look opponent in the eyes jones, look opponent in the eyes jones, pre fight brawlin jones, death threats jones, and my personal fav professor eye pokes jones.

Guys don't sit there and act like you don't have multiple personality disorder like jones and butters, we all do and I'm sick of this fake jones bashing.

Voted up for being spot on. Mentioning Butters clinched it tho.

Everyone is multifaceted that is human nature, but that is a cop out and does not address the criticisms leveled at him.Pretending to be something you are not, is not multifaceted. It's lying.