Jones answers charge that he is fake

I think more than anything he is just naturally socially awkward, during the most recent q&a he was a weird trying to be funny and happy character. I think he has to pick a character to try and not just be super weird in front of a mic.

He can't be "natural" as I don't think he has one

You can like watching the guy fight all you want (although the eye poking really is pathetic), but to actually defend the guy? Really? It just shows you what pathetic losers MMA fans are. They're always waiting in the weeds to take sides on things and start furiously jerking off over the drama.

mghan44 - Gotta agree with him about this.

Too many people are emotionally ans personally invested in fighters that they do not know in any capacity. The UG has become a soap opera forum, not an MMA forum. Phone Post 3.0
Yup. Mma apparently had a huge influx of Brock converts. A lot of users signing up after Brock tend to focus on everything except fighting.

He is sooooo fake, beat him up bad DC! Or, Nick Diaz is such an asshole, he should act more professional!

These fighters can't win and some fans need the wwe drama and guys they hate. I enjoy both DC and Jones.

Gonna be a good fight. Phone Post 3.0

It seems like he's really conflicted. When Cormier called him a terrible person, he seemed genuinely hurt because I think he really believes that he is a good person. He may or may not be but he believes he is and these comments on his character bothers him. I agree that he comes across as inauthentic and he's pretty plastic when it comes to his personality but its hard to say how he really is without knowing him. It's just a little bit strange that more and more people who share the same occupation are coming out and attacking his character. Phone Post 3.0

It would be super fake for him to pretend he gives a fuck. Phone Post 3.0

Blade Brown -
BirdWatcher -
Blade Brown -
-D0DG3R D0GG13- -
Ch1ef - Phone Post 3.0
Lol, damn that's too funny Phone Post 3.0
Wow!! Twinsies Phone Post 3.0
That's hilarious. Phone Post 3.0
He's wearing the exact same suit, tie and everything. Rashad and Jones is almost like single white female. Phone Post 3.0
Jones' swagger jocking will come back and bite him on the ass when he gets left doing the stanky leg by DC. Phone Post 3.0

Fed - From another thread, poster I Wild Each It

'Claims he's a huge Christian - gets a DUI with two girls in his car, that aren't his wife.

Claims he's a huge Christian - calls people faggots and homo's.

Claims he's a huge Christian - calls people pussy's

Claims he's a huge Christian - curses like a sailor

Acts one way when the camera's are rolling, and the complete opposite when he thinks they're not.

If that still doesn't convince you, watch the ESPN interview that was on TV...and then watch the Hot Mic video.'


I'm glad you hold Christians to such a high standard, but even we can make mistakes. Plus, none of the things you just listed are anti-Christian really.

IDK why every one is so dumb about this. Jones is a badass who earns his respect in the cage. Ya'll are on the reality show, housewives shit and not that MMA shit. cmon, sons.
Yes it is anti Christian the term Christian means to be Christ like and I don't think those are things that Christ would say. But everyone falls short sometimes but I think the point that's trying to be made is he's not just falling short but flat out living a lie when he makes the statement Phone Post 3.0

Lol at asking his fiancee if he's many years, now? How many kids? How many ladies in the back of his car? How often do you even see her since he blew up as an athlete? Phone Post 3.0

Fed - From another thread, poster I Wild Each It

'Claims he's a huge Christian - gets a DUI with two girls in his car, that aren't his wife.

Claims he's a huge Christian - calls people faggots and homo's.

Claims he's a huge Christian - calls people pussy's

Claims he's a huge Christian - curses like a sailor

Acts one way when the camera's are rolling, and the complete opposite when he thinks they're not.

If that still doesn't convince you, watch the ESPN interview that was on TV...and then watch the Hot Mic video.'


I'm glad you hold Christians to such a high standard, but even we can make mistakes. Plus, none of the things you just listed are anti-Christian really.

IDK why every one is so dumb about this. Jones is a badass who earns his respect in the cage. Ya'll are on the reality show, housewives shit and not that MMA shit. cmon, sons.
There's a difference between just being an average Christian man, and being a self proclaimed bible man such as Jones.

I am a Christian man, but not many people would known or care about that fact, simply because I don't walk around talking about it.

The average person makes plenty of mistakes and doesn't pretend to be holier than thou.

If you don't see the difference, I'm not sure what to tell you. Phone Post 3.0

CanofPineapple - You can like watching the guy fight all you want (although the eye poking really is pathetic), but to actually defend the guy? Really? It just shows you what pathetic losers MMA fans are. They're always waiting in the weeds to take sides on things and start furiously jerking off over the drama.
So it's ok for people to attack him and everything, but because we defend him, that makes us pathetic fans?

Memes sense.. Phone Post 3.0

*Makes Phone Post 3.0

Fed - From another thread, poster I Wild Each It

'Claims he's a huge Christian - gets a DUI with two girls in his car, that aren't his wife.

Claims he's a huge Christian - calls people faggots and homo's.

Claims he's a huge Christian - calls people pussy's

Claims he's a huge Christian - curses like a sailor

Acts one way when the camera's are rolling, and the complete opposite when he thinks they're not.

If that still doesn't convince you, watch the ESPN interview that was on TV...and then watch the Hot Mic video.'


Sounds about right.



Ok so people need to get over the on and off camera thing. Do you act different at work then you do at home? Most jobs ask that you present yourself in a professional manner, and especially when dealing with the public. Jon acting differently on camera vs off camera is no different. Nearly every person out there and certainly celebrities do this.

Now the Christian thing and then acting in a way that is not Christian like I have to agree with. I don't like it from people that do the same thing in everyday life and I don't like it when Jones does it either.

As a fan I do love to watch him fight though. It is great to witness his rise and stay at the top regardless of his personal side. Phone Post 3.0


Philippians 4:13 (NKJV)
13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Matthew 22:36-40 (NIV)
36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’
38 This is the first and greatest commandment.
39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”


JBJ should read the whole bible instead of just the books name and chapter/passage numbers


I can see him reading the table of contents of the KJV bible and saying to himself "i got it. i am a christian. Where is a tattoo parlor"


Here is the first whole bible passage JBJ should actually read
Matthew 23:5-7 (NIV)
5 “Everything they do is done for people to see: They make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long;
6 they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues;
7 they love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and to be called ‘Rabbi’ by others.





StrikingMMA -
Gored Matador - 


Philippians 4:13 (NKJV)

13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Matthew 22:36-40 (NIV)

36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’

38 This is the first and greatest commandment.

39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”


JBJ should read the whole bible instead of just the books name and chapter/passage numbers


I can see him reading the table of contents of the KJV bible and saying to himself "i got it. i am a christian. Where is a tattoo parlor"


Here is the first whole bible passage JBJ should actually read

Matthew 23:5-7 (NIV)

5 “Everything they do is done for people to see: They make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long;

6 they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues;

7 they love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and to be called ‘Rabbi’ by others.






You really created a new account to judge him based on the bible?
Or... to judge him based on what he claims of the Bible. Phone Post 3.0

AssassinsNATION -
KingMeNow - Lol @ people only attack his character and there's nothing people can say about his fighting abilities. Umm how about the eye pokes. Sticking his extraordinarily long arms out with his palm open to keep fighters away. Maybe the 1000 oblique kicks he throws. Even the fact that the one time Hus physical abilities were matched he had been beaten to a pulp and gifted a decision. Phone Post 3.0
You forgot his crab walk or whatever it was.... Until TRT vitor about kicked his head into Greg Jackson lap. Phone Post 3.0
I like you Phone Post 3.0

-D0DG3R D0GG13- -
Blade Brown -
BirdWatcher -
Blade Brown -
-D0DG3R D0GG13- -
Ch1ef - Phone Post 3.0
Lol, damn that's too funny Phone Post 3.0
Wow!! Twinsies Phone Post 3.0
That's hilarious. Phone Post 3.0
He's wearing the exact same suit, tie and everything. Rashad and Jones is almost like single white female. Phone Post 3.0
Jones' swagger jocking will come back and bite him on the ass when he gets left doing the stanky leg by DC. Phone Post 3.0
LOL gold. Voted the fuck up. Phone Post 3.0

KingMeNow -
AssassinsNATION -
KingMeNow - Lol @ people only attack his character and there's nothing people can say about his fighting abilities. Umm how about the eye pokes. Sticking his extraordinarily long arms out with his palm open to keep fighters away. Maybe the 1000 oblique kicks he throws. Even the fact that the one time Hus physical abilities were matched he had been beaten to a pulp and gifted a decision. Phone Post 3.0
You forgot his crab walk or whatever it was.... Until TRT vitor about kicked his head into Greg Jackson lap. Phone Post 3.0
I like you Phone Post 3.0
Except that oblique kicks are perfectly legal, he won that decision and many, many people agreed, and the crab walk is not cheating in any way, and vitor DIDNT kick his head into Greg's lap.

Jon took Vitors arm home.

Proving Jon's point, the worst you can say about his fighting is that he uses perfectly legal moves that you don't like and that someone attempted a move on him that, it it landed (which it didn't) , MAY have been bad.

The only thing anyone can say is eye pokes and even Jon admitted that last week on the MMA hour.

Again, if most UGers are over 15 I'd be shocked. Phone Post 3.0

Fed - elbows v machida = fight ongoing
dropping unc machida = fights already over

big diff

You're a petty lil 14er, hey?
Playing the year joined game, huh? Always awesome. He came of a lot more measured in his post than you in yours.

FWIW, I think doing Machida was fine, I just hate the year bullshit. 10ers gonna 10... Phone Post 3.0

Why doesn't Jon Jones, like, 'turn the other cheek' and shit?