Jones answers charge that he is fake

JBJ being the champ is really doing a number on his haters lol.

War Bones!

TFK_SickEye -

Why doesn't Jon Jones, like, 'turn the other cheek' and shit?

If Jones would never respond to criticism, people would still spin that into he thinks he's Holier than thou by thinking he's too good to respond. He can't win Phone Post 3.0

So, Rashad knowing you pretty well calling you fake and a swagger jacker, means nothing to you?


Selective reasoning too.

Lmao this thread is funny Phone Post 3.0

Looks like the way he can win is in the octagon.

JBJ gonna make DC do a belly flop:)

Captain_Underpants - 
TFK_SickEye -

Why doesn't Jon Jones, like, 'turn the other cheek' and shit?

If Jones would never respond to criticism, people would still spin that into he thinks he's Holier than thou by thinking he's too good to respond. He can't win Phone Post 3.0

poor guy.

Woe is the plight of Jones Phone Post 3.0

Now we get to see how jealous some are of JBJ the champ.

The hater bandwagon is changing after DC gets chumped by the champ.

Jones has a point saying we all war many hats; however, one's values are supposed to stay consistent throughout different roles. That is what makes them part of out character and not just our personae.

I don't hold the Christian thing over his head too much. A lot of people are raised to believe they are one way, and eventually discover that is not who they really are.

DoomFarmer - Woe is the plight of Jones Phone Post 3.0

Whay happended to all your vote ups buddy?  Being yourself has its liabilities, you must be pissing everyone off on this forum.  Woe is the plight of the man who farms doom.

Fed - elbows v machida = fight ongoing
dropping unc machida = fights already over

big diff

I hear this argument from time to time. Other than let him go, what in your opinion should Jones have done when the ref yells for him to let him go?

SinCityHustler -
Fed - elbows v machida = fight ongoing
dropping unc machida = fights already over

big diff

I hear this argument from time to time. Other than let him go, what in your opinion should Jones have done when the ref yells for him to let him go?
I made the original point re: Jones dropping Machida after the choke.

I never expected Jones to softly lay Machida down and mop his brow - I understand these guys are in a fist fight with adrenaline pumping - but on the other hand, I saw an arrogance in the way he just let Machida crumple to the floor and strolled away.

I don't have an issue with this. Henderson smashes Bisping with a follow-up punch: fine. The Diaz brothers are flipping people off: no problem. It all adds to the drama and bring it on. You wouldn't hear me shocked if Paul Harris leaves another heel hook on for too long...

However, this thread is in relation to Jones' dual personalities, and I used the Machida choke as an example of where this became most apparent for me. One moment he's talking about 'respecting' the martial arts, quoting God and talking about catching muggers: next thing he's dropping an unconscious guy to the floor like he couldn't give a fuck. It's a subtle observation but always stood out for me.

BTW, this isn't an argument, it's an opinion. Not everyone has to agree. And for people getting amused/offended at the constant discussion of Jones' personality - don't click on the fucking thread! It's a forum for discussion coming off the back of a dramatic week: what do you expect? Phone Post 3.0

RoyNelsonsTVDinner - 
SinCityHustler -
Fed - elbows v machida = fight ongoing
dropping unc machida = fights already over

big diff

I hear this argument from time to time. Other than let him go, what in your opinion should Jones have done when the ref yells for him to let him go?
I made the original point re: Jones dropping Machida after the choke.

I never expected Jones to softly lay Machida down and mop his brow - I understand these guys are in a fist fight with adrenaline pumping - but on the other hand, I saw an arrogance in the way he just let Machida crumple to the floor and strolled away.

I don't have an issue with this. Henderson smashes Bisping with a follow-up punch: fine. The Diaz brothers are flipping people off: no problem. It all adds to the drama and bring it on. You wouldn't hear me shocked if Paul Harris leaves another heel hook on for too long...

However, this thread is in relation to Jones' dual personalities, and I used the Machida choke as an example of where this became most apparent for me. One moment he's talking about 'respecting' the martial arts, quoting God and talking about catching muggers: next thing he's dropping an unconscious guy to the floor like he couldn't give a fuck. It's a subtle observation but always stood out for me.

BTW, this isn't an argument, it's an opinion. Not everyone has to agree. And for people getting amused/offended at the constant discussion of Jones' personality - don't click on the fucking thread! It's a forum for discussion coming off the back of a dramatic week: what do you expect? Phone Post 3.0

I'm not arguing with you, simply trying to understand your position.

Arrogance. I can go with that. But don't we expect the very best fighters in the world to have some arrogance in their DNA? Is that a negative? In my opinion, it's that arrogance tht fuels these guys to be the very best. Can they still be nice guys out of the cage? Sure, why not?

RoyNelsonsTVDinner - 
SinCityHustler -
Fed - elbows v machida = fight ongoing
dropping unc machida = fights already over

big diff

I hear this argument from time to time. Other than let him go, what in your opinion should Jones have done when the ref yells for him to let him go?
I made the original point re: Jones dropping Machida after the choke.

I never expected Jones to softly lay Machida down and mop his brow - I understand these guys are in a fist fight with adrenaline pumping - but on the other hand, I saw an arrogance in the way he just let Machida crumple to the floor and strolled away.

I don't have an issue with this. Henderson smashes Bisping with a follow-up punch: fine. The Diaz brothers are flipping people off: no problem. It all adds to the drama and bring it on. You wouldn't hear me shocked if Paul Harris leaves another heel hook on for too long...

However, this thread is in relation to Jones' dual personalities, and I used the Machida choke as an example of where this became most apparent for me. One moment he's talking about 'respecting' the martial arts, quoting God and talking about catching muggers: next thing he's dropping an unconscious guy to the floor like he couldn't give a fuck. It's a subtle observation but always stood out for me.

BTW, this isn't an argument, it's an opinion. Not everyone has to agree. And for people getting amused/offended at the constant discussion of Jones' personality - don't click on the fucking thread! It's a forum for discussion coming off the back of a dramatic week: what do you expect? Phone Post 3.0

I'm not arguing with you, simply trying to understand your position.

Arrogance. I can go with that. But don't we expect the very best fighters in the world to have some arrogance in their DNA? Is that a negative? In my opinion, it's that arrogance tht fuels these guys to be the very best. Can they still be nice guys out of the cage? Sure, why not?

SinCityHustler -
RoyNelsonsTVDinner - 
SinCityHustler -
Fed - elbows v machida = fight ongoing
dropping unc machida = fights already over

big diff

I hear this argument from time to time. Other than let him go, what in your opinion should Jones have done when the ref yells for him to let him go?
I made the original point re: Jones dropping Machida after the choke.

I never expected Jones to softly lay Machida down and mop his brow - I understand these guys are in a fist fight with adrenaline pumping - but on the other hand, I saw an arrogance in the way he just let Machida crumple to the floor and strolled away.

I don't have an issue with this. Henderson smashes Bisping with a follow-up punch: fine. The Diaz brothers are flipping people off: no problem. It all adds to the drama and bring it on. You wouldn't hear me shocked if Paul Harris leaves another heel hook on for too long...

However, this thread is in relation to Jones' dual personalities, and I used the Machida choke as an example of where this became most apparent for me. One moment he's talking about 'respecting' the martial arts, quoting God and talking about catching muggers: next thing he's dropping an unconscious guy to the floor like he couldn't give a fuck. It's a subtle observation but always stood out for me.

BTW, this isn't an argument, it's an opinion. Not everyone has to agree. And for people getting amused/offended at the constant discussion of Jones' personality - don't click on the fucking thread! It's a forum for discussion coming off the back of a dramatic week: what do you expect? Phone Post 3.0

I'm not arguing with you, simply trying to understand your position.

Arrogance. I can go with that. But don't we expect the very best fighters in the world to have some arrogance in their DNA? Is that a negative? In my opinion, it's that arrogance tht fuels these guys to be the very best. Can they still be nice guys out of the cage? Sure, why not?
Yeah, I agree, arrogance isn't a sin and I'm sure it's a common trait in most top-level athletes. I don't have a problem with arrogant fighters.

My point revolved around Jon Jones' split personality and how contradictory he often is. When people first started booing him, I think there was a lot who couldn't understand why. I feel he was fully exposed last week.

And for the record, I think Jon is one of the best fighters we've ever seen. He's dynamic and incredibly talented.

Not liking his personality doesn't mean I lose sleep, get offended or won't watch his fights. It just means I'd love to see him get his ass beaten. Simple. Phone Post 3.0

Musashi - I like Machida and I don't like Jon Jones... that said, there is nothing wrong with how Jon ended that fight. Fights over, his responsibility is to stop. He doesn't have any further responsibility to hold someone up. If they can't stand, they will fall. Pretty simple really.
A fair point, but i felt he was trying a little to hard to look gangsta as he did it. He had this "I'm an ice cold killer look" on his face. Jon jones being jon jones imo Phone Post 3.0