Judo really isn't all that, BRO

Classic Ghost^x0.

I can take Ghost though don't even worry about it.

Classic Ghost^x0, so that was the same guy?

WAS, nigga?

Sheeeeit. IS.

Ok so it was you then. LOL

Only 1 GhosT^x0.


Why the ^x0?

It's what I go by everywhere else. GhosT^x0. The x0 is usually what my opponent's eyes look like when I'm done with em.


When I went greeny, I shortened it to Ghost. I should ask them to put it back.

No, people like me would not understand it.

Nice style Ghost. I used to just raise IN YOUR FACE questions like that, too but I got met with the same sort of 'fuck off' answers.

And you know this is evolution right here, what we're doing.

ghost speaks of his mma experience, what he's seen in his fights... He ask perhaps questions that have been asked before, but they are legitimate. Just as I see Mir using FS wrestling to take down opponents, Fedor uses he cross-training to pick up skills where he is deficient, ie a true MMA fighter.

I think Judo is a great addition to MMA... I'd like to see Karate too, if it worked more.

Fedor trained Judo under Gavrilov and Voronov before becoming a Master of Sport.

If some of you people are interested he has a fan page.


However, unless you speak and read Russian, don't bother going to the fourm!

Oh...I almost forgot...there are vid clips there.

This thread could have been good, a intelectual conversation.

Too bad about the trolls.

Sambo is Judo, with other things added on...

Sambo is Judo without choking and Judo is Sambo without leglocks.

That is a bit of a generalization as there is combat aspects of both arts that ignore those parameters.

Judo in Europe and Russia is waaaay different than here in North America. You will get better groundwork from them there overall.

Interestingly enough years ago the top Judo guys from Japan used to compete in Sambo and win. I can find more specifics if you want but I know for sure that Kashiwazaki and Sato did it.


Didn't Crunkilton Wrestle more than he did Judo though?

"from now on i forbid any bjj practicaners from ever throwing a punch. "

The rate it is going maybe we should forbid any Judo guys from fighting in MMA because the majority are just tomato cans.

"The rate it is going maybe we should forbid any Judo guys from fighting in MMA because the majority are just tomato cans. "

Not only that , but the two real Judo guys in Pride cheat as much as possible. Hell, one hasn't even fought and most likely the other one's only 100 % legit match is against a much smaller guy... and he did poorly even in that one.

"Why do you feel the need to put Judo down?"

How did I put Judo down?

What I said is unfortunately true. Yoshida and Ogawa have both mostly done works. That is cheating.

Why do you feel the need to put sailors down?

Dude, if you think that Judo is just good for getting the guy to the ground, then you have never rolled with a decent Judoka. the only problem with Judo, is that alot of schools have went the sport route and they concentrate about 98 percent of their time to throws. I had the pleasure of taking some classes under a very good Judo instructor, and his students are awesome on the mat. The Judoka that I have trained with are bad ass on the ground and the black belts that I have rolled with would toy with any white or blue belt in BJJ. BJJ does have an advantage on the ground, because of the wide array of techniques, but a good Judoka will always have the top position. And just to let you know, a good Black Belt Judoka, is not easy to submit when he is in your guard. Alot of you seem to think that if you have a Judo guy in your guard, it's game over. You are very, very wrong!! Go to a old school Judoka, and you will be tapping like a one armed drummer.

GrasshopperBJJ, you need to quote the person you're replying to. Otherwise people will have no idea who you're talking to.

Like this:

"but a good Judoka will always have the top position."

That isn't true... Or Yoshida isn't a good Judoka.