Judo throw KO on guy from The Real World

Looks to me like he was facing him when he got tossed I love how one person says looks like it was from behind and everyone suddenly repeats it like it is true.

My guess is same guy who punched him walks by and hears Dave talk shit. He stops and comes back to say what did you say bitch at which point dave steps up and gets dumped.

rockfists - Do not care so much about the small blond dude who was drunk off his ass, getting thrown. Who cares, he definitely didn't want to fight from the beginning. He wanted to leave.

However, Will looking out for his boy, and the albino stripper chick, shit makes me smile. Loyalty like that is hard to find, and although they are just some costars on a reality show, they really look out for each other.

I love that shit.

 The fact that posts like this are such an odd occurence is troubling.  It seems rockfists has taken the extremely bizarre and rare approach of understanding that these are just fucking kids on a reality show?

Dude, did he get thrown by a rock band member! Was that guy rocking some tight Jeans and some Chuck Taylors!!

I mean dude was built for holding some drum sticks!
Man that's embarrassing!!


Man, on the real tip, it is hard to tell becasue who knows how they edit these videos. In a real life situation always try to keep your distance from dudes who might be trying to get at you!

It is kind of funny but, Nate Diaz had a point when Karo kept gettig in his face! LOL "man I am gonna pop this dude"

^ Nate Diaz:  "How about I sock you in your head?  How 'bout that?!".  Love that line.


I dont know why that dude has his back turned against that guy especially standing near a curb. if anything face him and back up a little

dbl post

 After re-watching the clip a million times I figured out it wasn't the guy in the red tights that threw him. It was the black guy in the jeans and dark colored (grey or darkblue) shirt that tossed him, he followed up with a punch as soon as the blonde kid landed. The guy in the leather jacket and the blurred out face headlocked him and the black guy threw him off against the wall.

I ALSO believe its him in the club in the scene where the blonde kid is in front of the blonde chick,  you see the black guy takin a sip out of his drink in the scene there.

also lmfao at joey parachuting in and beating the shit outta everybody, classic.

 Its def not the guy in the red pants.. I am sure of that.

Q.) What did he have for dinner?

A.) That street

PUSSIES jump people.

 What kind of idiot is going to assault/suckerpunch (suckerthrow?) a guy who's got a camera crew filming him?

I may be imagining this, but I think on a previous episode, Dave was saying how he's always been good at bullshitting and improving stuff and can talk his way out of things. Guess not.

Hell yeah for Brianna (albhino chick). She was holding it down harder than every single dude in her crew. If I was getting jumped by a bunch of emo pu$$*es I'd pick her to have my back anyday.

She is STREET for sure.

why do you say that he was jumped from behind?

ever get a belly to back suplex on someone after moving fromm being toe to toe?

in my life, i've only seen shit talkers get dumped on their heads.

 The obvious question is: would you hit the albino?

I try to punch an albino daily.

sucks...he is a tiny dude too