Judo throw KO on guy from The Real World

xshanex - LOL @ Dave/DREAM defending his honor after being beaten up twice in a 1 minute video by a scenster kid.

Ass beating #1 = Dave says the guy jumped him, but also said the guy came up to him saying he was hitting on his girlfriend, which leads one to believe Dave ran his mouth to scenster kid after the approach, then took a beating for it.

Ass beating #2 = Dave standing on the street saying he was jumped to save face after sustaining a beating from a kid in his little sister's jeans, then talks about how he has to leave to avoid killing said kid, then gets tossed on his head by said hipster kid. Albino Chick ends up giving hipster kid the beating Dave could not provide as he was unconscious on the ground in a huddled mass after his 2nd ass kicking of the night for being a shit talking tuff guy.

That's the Real World Dave, Welcome to it.


thats possibe, but that doesnt change the facts lol


Sucks I can't see it.

 Why the hell do people take pleasure over this guy getting thrown on his head on the pavement?  Just because he's on the Real World?  Sickening.  Get a life...if you sit there and giggle because someone from the Real World looks like he got seriously hurt you've probably never been attacked before.  Pray you aren't, because maybe as you lie in pain someone will laugh at you.

 It never ceases to amaze me that if an MMA fight between 2 skilled, willing combatants gets stopped a half second too late, everyone cries that the ref is trying to kill someonee.  Yet if a dude that's clearly not in a willing, competitive fight is thrown on his fucking head on pavement when he's probably drunk, people think its "sweet."

A+ for the Glendale and ippon comments

dave seems like a cool dude and i hope he's ok... but this is funny shit. and yes, i would be laughing if it happened to me.

 "Why the hell do people take pleasure over this guy getting thrown on his head on the pavement?  Just because he's on the Real World?"

no, because he was talking shit about killing someone and then got his ass tossed.  next time maybe he won't run his suck so much.

and lmao @ shane.  that's fucking perfect.

 for laters

Not sure what is funnier, the vid or the fact it has sparked such outrage and controversy on the UG

i dont think those where his shoes, they were anothers getting pushed out of the way

Master Shredder -  LMAO!

I would fuck their "real world" up too...bunch of fucking pussy ass fags on a  MTV show!


Yeah!  You fucking tell those bunch of pussy ass fags how badly YOU WOULD FUCK UP THEIR "REAL WORLD", you completely anonymous shit talking internet faggot!!!!!

And I see what you did there with "Real World"!!!  Fucking PUN INTENDED, you BAD ASS!!!!!!!!!

Tough.... AND clever!  What a deadly e-combination you have.

Fucking meathead.

Dead Again - Why is everyone saying it's fucked up if the guy dumped him from behind?

I doubt he agreed to terms of a fight.

It's the street.

This Dave dude shouldn't have been a dumbass drunk and he wouldn't have gotten fucked up.
Why is it fucked up to jump someone from behind?  Seriously?  Why did you type your last sentence then? It wouldn't matter if he was drunk or not if it's ok for someone to jump him from behind.  It could have happened to him sober or drunk.  Thats a dumbass post.



We need the gif of Joey pounding the punching bag to make this whole thread correct!!!!!

Was there a cop there right as he got thrown? I thought I saw some kind of uniform and night stick.

what is the Glendale reference about?

keghead - what is the Glendale reference about?


my god this og

Can someone fucken GIF the throw?

Says I cannot view the video cause i am Canadian, god damn BS!!

 How long before you dorks start criticizing the "judo throw" and breaking down how you would have defended it properly according to your training?

I'm not being a dick, I seriously can tell by your comments that you guys are NOT to be fucked with and all.