Just can't help not liking GSP

He's canadian, speaks french, wears homo spandex early mma shorts, and gets a fake tan? Despite his great fighting skills, I don't think I can like or respect this guy.

I agree Go Pats

GSP would beat you into a living death. You have to respect that.

By French/Canadian standards,he's not bad.
(its OK PC police,I'm french)

Jason, your use of double negatives implies that you want to hate GSP, but can't help it, and that you DO like him. Freudian slip IMO.

"He's canadian, speaks french, wears homo spandex early mma shorts, and gets a fake tan? Despite his great fighting skills, I don't think I can like or respect this guy. "

lol, that's sounds exaclty like someone is jealous.

Negative, hate that french faget

All the more reason TO like him...speaks more than one language, out-wrestles wrestlers, and wears a Gi to the ring...all good qualities.

"Negative, hate that french faget"

lol @ this

1) Faggot

2) There is an OG thread regarding suicide...please look into it.

"Jason, your use of double negatives implies that you want to hate GSP, but can't help it, and that you DO like him. Freudian slip IMO."

Nope. The thread starter is gramatically correct.

This whole thread reeks of jealousy.

Hello jingoism, it's so nice to see you're alive and well.

Jason you can hate him all you want but there is no better fighter pound for pound in MMA.

Jisp is the man.

Pound for pound the champ..

"get real"


Im as real as it gets.

"GSP still got ktfo by a TUF winner so until he avenges that he is blah to me. "

If you think GSP is "blah" you need to go back to watching WWE Newb Biatch! That was a sick ownage regardless of what he wears or how he speaks!

Next ownage will be Serra and then you can watch re runs of Matt winning TUF with your friends before your grade 10 physics test.

He's the toughest metrosexual dude I've ever seen man, I'll give him that. The orange tan and shaved legs gotta go though.

That accent is annoying. But he is the real deal.

Will go down as one of the best ever.