Just in case anyone cares...


Thanks to MMA Junkie for the interview.

Rory "Outburst" Singer

good luck, rory! it was a good read.

Rory your fight is coming up tonight on UFC Unleashed right now in fact vs Haynes.

War Singer! Class act...

 I care Rory

ttt for rory!

Kansas Comet - Rory your fight is coming up tonight on UFC Unleashed right now in fact vs Haynes.

that was a fun fight to watch.


What a pessimistic thread title. I already read that article...because I care!

TTT for Rory!!


and you can choke somebody out with your traingle... in four seconds!!!

Rory, MFC is a good place to be ... best of luck to you!

 Great article. Go Rory!

Sweet, man. Kick some ass.


i really could not care less

 Woohoo! Good read

Looking forward to the MFC fight...and your awesome shorts.

Thanks for posting Rory

ps. I care

yes! war singer. good luck man, i hope u kick ass