Justin Bieber calls out Diaz Brothers?

As funny as it sounds hed have a better chance beating him in BJJ

$5 on Bieber! Phone Post 3.0

boxing wiz - The Diaz bros. Could instantly become the most beloved fighters in MMA history by slapping the shit out of this little fucker. I would love to see Nate slap on some sort of choke and hold it for maybe 2 or 3 minutes after the tap.
. Phone Post 3.0

Beiber has never been to tristar. I can confirm this haha. He didnt say this but god he still bothers me. I had a dream that dana signed me to fight the biebs. I would cut 40 pounds gladly for that

I'd pay $100 for that put him against barboza lets see him get wasted Phone Post 3.0

all aboard the stockton slap wagon..

VitorpeepeetasteStrongTRT - I would pay $100 for a ppv to watch Nick beat the shit out of that kid. Phone Post 3.0


MrZipplokk -

That is a weird bra Miley is wearing.

New collection from Lady GaGa Phone Post 3.0

SonOfThePeepHole - DANA MAKE IT HAPPEN Phone Post 3.0

team money vs team 209.. do it dana..

This would be so great on celebrity death match

Either brother against the Biebs.  LOL, could you imagine?

tikmovado - Fake

No its not. I beliebe it.

Bieber is getting NO respect in Vegas as a 6-to-1 underdog!!! He possesses dangerous, one punch power and the sweet voice of a 16 year old girl. Biebz by 2nd round gogoplata. Phone Post 3.0

Col Angus - Where you at Bieber? Where you at, motherfucker?
That's funny.
And this is a troll right? Phone Post 3.0

Please kill him already Phone Post 3.0

Meh, Ronda Rousey woul beat him standing.

This punk couldn't get past the any of the 4 horsewomen.. never mind Diaz.

Lil Wayne vs Bieber who wins? Dicklessness or talentlessness?

They'd knock him out with a miss Phone Post 3.0