Justin Wren...

Rambo John J -
stoopsy - Can we have our own UG water well?! Phone Post 3.0

very sweet idea

how much would this cost Vikingman?

#OG PygmywellJustinwrentheman

All depends on the obstacles underground, how deep (how many materials and pipes we need) and how many days labor. $2,500 is the cheapest I'd say, $3,500 was our most expensive. So it normally falls from $2,800 maybe $3,000.

This would be AWESOME to do! Phone Post 3.0

You're an absolute legend and example to us all Justin. It really sucks that we don't get Bellator here in the UK, woulda loved to be cheering you on in your comeback! Phone Post 3.0

I watched the fighter and the kid podcast yesterday and Im watching the rogan podcast right now. Justin Wren is amazing. What a dude. Phone Post 3.0

justinthevikingwren - 
Rambo John J -
stoopsy - Can we have our own UG water well?! Phone Post 3.0

very sweet idea

how much would this cost Vikingman?

#OG PygmywellJustinwrentheman

All depends on the obstacles underground, how deep (how many materials and pipes we need) and how many days labor. $2,500 is the cheapest I'd say, $3,500 was our most expensive. So it normally falls from $2,800 maybe $3,000.

This would be AWESOME to do! Phone Post 3.0

Lets do this

FETT_the geek - 
justinthevikingwren - 
Rambo John J -
stoopsy - Can we have our own UG water well?! Phone Post 3.0

very sweet idea

how much would this cost Vikingman?

#OG PygmywellJustinwrentheman

All depends on the obstacles underground, how deep (how many materials and pipes we need) and how many days labor. $2,500 is the cheapest I'd say, $3,500 was our most expensive. So it normally falls from $2,800 maybe $3,000.

This would be AWESOME to do! Phone Post 3.0

Lets do this

How and where do I wheremoney for the UG well? I would love to help. $3500 really isn't that much. If everyone passes on buying on fight and donates it we should be able to accumulate enough quickly. Someone set up the UG well fund and lets get it going.

ChaseKmma - Hes one of a kind Phone Post 3.0
The best of us. Phone Post 3.0

Should we set up a GoFundMe for a UG Well? Phone Post 3.0

FETT_the geek -
justinthevikingwren - 
Rambo John J -
stoopsy - Can we have our own UG water well?! Phone Post 3.0

very sweet idea

how much would this cost Vikingman?

#OG PygmywellJustinwrentheman

All depends on the obstacles underground, how deep (how many materials and pipes we need) and how many days labor. $2,500 is the cheapest I'd say, $3,500 was our most expensive. So it normally falls from $2,800 maybe $3,000.

This would be AWESOME to do! Phone Post 3.0

Lets do this

Signed Phone Post 3.0

Book has been pre ordered! Phone Post 3.0

In. Will definitely kick in some loot for an UG well.

Gonna check out the kickstarter as well and pre order the book. Was a lil tight on money as me and my wife are expecting our first child, and bought a house, moved, and all that fun stuff. In a better spot financially now and would love to donate to a good cause. Like someone said, Justin doesn't sell a shit product. This is a chance to actually do some good in this world. Can't wait to check out the podcasts when I have some time this weekend.

Have always been a big fan of Justin as a fighter, but am an even bigger fan of Justin the person. You are doing wonderful things my man! Congrats and thank you for being an inspiration to all of us.

And good luck in the upcoming fight!!! I'll be watching and rooting for you. WAT WREN!!!!! Phone Post 3.0

Got a little emotional when he said the name that the pygmies gave him translates to "one who loves us" Phone Post 3.0

Damnit I just made a Justin Wren appreciation thread. I guess I should've scrolled down a little bit. Oh well, with all the Rousey and McGregor threads being shat all over the UG at least I'm doubling up on a positive subject.. Phone Post 3.0

I'm definitely in on a UG well Phone Post 3.0

OCMikey - I'm definitely in on a UG well Phone Post 3.0
Count me in too!! Phone Post 3.0

In for the well! Let's do it Phone Post 3.0

I would definately kick in for an UG well for the pygmies. Phone Post 3.0

This would be a great idea to bring up Monday. Id say let him focus on himself for a day or so... He's got that whole locked in a cage with another dude thing tomorrow. Phone Post 3.0

Well, I'm in.

A UG Well is genius.
Set it up. Phone Post 3.0

In to donate to the UG well. Phone Post 3.0

Bump TTT Phone Post 3.0