Justin Wren...

IN on the UG well idea.

Your a true inspiration man, I wanna do this kind of shit with Doctor's without borders or something once I'm tired on practicing medicine in US.

Just gotta pay off my loans and have steady living first but def it is something I am passionate about and will be doing in near future.

If you ever need a doctor up there in Congo, lemme know.

In addition to the Kickstarter and book pre-orders, here's another way the UG/OG can help support Justin's work...



IG blue IG white


Here are the specs, for those of you who trane and may want to order one (or both!)

This is Official Fight For the Forgotten Gi

The purpose behind this Gi is to support the Fight For the Forgotten’s amazing Mission. The Pygmy’s of the Congo are a people who have suffered greatly with no voice. Your contributions make a difference.This unique one of a kind Gi available in two colors, WHITE AND BLUE.

– 450 GSM Pearl Weave
– Bottom: 10oz Rip Stop
– Liner: Lycra/Poly
– Rope: Stretchy Drawstring

The gi is $169, including gi bag, and is now available for pre-order over at http://www.deusfight.com/FFTFgi and is a limited edition. So order while they’re available!

IG blue white tundu

When the opportunity came to design this gi for Deus, I was 1000% on board and have enjoyed every minute of it. I wanted to design a gi that not only reflected Justin’s love for the DRC (thus the red, yellow and blue of that nation’s flag became the overall color scheme of the design), but also one that communicated his heart for the Pygmy villagers whom he loves so much and who he promised to not let the world forget. Thus, the liner on the inside of the gi is an overhead view of one of the actual villages in the jungle where Justin lived, worked, and loved these beautiful people—where he was simply known as “Efeosa” (“The one who loves us”). And I overlaid an image of Justin’s and one of the villagers’ hands grasping one another, as a symbol of the cooperative approach FFTF takes in empowering, rather than simply giving charity to, the Pygmies so that they can enjoy the dignity and self-worth that is the right of all people created in God’s image. Lastly, if you look closely you will see dozens of names within image. These are the names of Justin’s Pygmy family and friends, including little Andibo who Justin buried with his own hands. I wanted to make sure that in some small way, they are NEVER “forgotten.”


The image in the above liner design is the actual "Tundu" (hole in the forest) that Justin was talking about on the podcasts this week, btw.

DiscipleDojo -

In addition to the Kickstarter and book pre-orders, here's another way the UG/OG can help support Justin's work...



IG blue IG white


Here are the specs, for those of you who trane and may want to order one (or both!)

This is Official Fight For the Forgotten Gi

The purpose behind this Gi is to support the Fight For the Forgotten’s amazing Mission. The Pygmy’s of the Congo are a people who have suffered greatly with no voice. Your contributions make a difference.This unique one of a kind Gi available in two colors, WHITE AND BLUE.

– 450 GSM Pearl Weave
– Bottom: 10oz Rip Stop
– Liner: Lycra/Poly
– Rope: Stretchy Drawstring

    The gi is $169, including gi bag, and is now available for pre-order over at&nbsp;<a href="http://www.deusfight.com/fftfgi">http://www.deusfight.com/FFTFgi</a>&nbsp;and is a limited edition. So order while they&rsquo;re available!</p>
    <a href="http://jmsmith.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/IG-blue-white-tundu.jpg"><img alt="IG blue white tundu" src="http://jmsmith.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/IG-blue-white-tundu.jpg" /></a></p>
    When the opportunity came to design this gi for Deus, I was 1000% on board and have enjoyed every minute of it. I wanted to design a gi that not only reflected Justin&rsquo;s love for the DRC (thus the red, yellow and blue of that nation&rsquo;s flag became the overall color scheme of the design), but also one that communicated his heart for the Pygmy villagers whom he loves so much and who he promised to not let the world forget. Thus, the liner on the inside of the gi is an overhead view of one of the actual villages in the jungle where Justin lived, worked, and loved these beautiful people&mdash;where he was simply known as &ldquo;Efeosa&rdquo; (&ldquo;The one who loves us&rdquo;). And I overlaid an image of Justin&rsquo;s and one of the villagers&rsquo; hands grasping one another, as a symbol of the cooperative approach FFTF takes in empowering, rather than simply giving charity to, the Pygmies so that they can enjoy the dignity and self-worth that is the right of all people created in God&rsquo;s image. Lastly, if you look closely you will see dozens of names within image. These are the names of Justin&rsquo;s Pygmy family and friends, including little Andibo who Justin buried with his own hands. I wanted to make sure that in some small way, they are NEVER &ldquo;forgotten.&rdquo;</p>
    <img alt="" src="http://jmsmith.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/IG-Tundu.jpg" style="width: 500px; height: 500px;" /></p>

Ordering this in white and blue. Wren, going to ask you to sign this mamba jamba next time I catch you at Gridge or Dallas. Phone Post 3.0

War wren! We're all pulling for you man Phone Post 3.0

Awesone dude and a fantastic project.

For the first time i REALLY want to contribute to something like this, I hope we can get a UG well going.

I was so amazed I even listened to TFATK podcast with justin staight after I finished the JRE.

justinthevikingwren -
Rambo John J -
stoopsy - Can we have our own UG water well?! Phone Post 3.0

very sweet idea

how much would this cost Vikingman?

#OG PygmywellJustinwrentheman

All depends on the obstacles underground, how deep (how many materials and pipes we need) and how many days labor. $2,500 is the cheapest I'd say, $3,500 was our most expensive. So it normally falls from $2,800 maybe $3,000.

This would be AWESOME to do! Phone Post 3.0
You heard the man. We donate!! Phone Post 3.0

Jump Kick - Got a little emotional when he said the name that the pygmies gave him translates to "one who loves us" Phone Post 3.0
This Phone Post 3.0

stoopsy - Can we have our own UG water well?! Phone Post 3.0
I'll chip in. Phone Post 3.0

UG Water Well !!!!!!   I'm so in

downperiscope - 
DiscipleDojo -

In addition to the Kickstarter and book pre-orders, here's another way the UG/OG can help support Justin's work...



IG blue IG white


Here are the specs, for those of you who trane and may want to order one (or both!)

This is Official Fight For the Forgotten Gi

The purpose behind this Gi is to support the Fight For the Forgotten’s amazing Mission. The Pygmy’s of the Congo are a people who have suffered greatly with no voice. Your contributions make a difference.This unique one of a kind Gi available in two colors, WHITE AND BLUE.

– 450 GSM Pearl Weave
– Bottom: 10oz Rip Stop
– Liner: Lycra/Poly
– Rope: Stretchy Drawstring

    The gi is $169, including gi bag, and is now available for pre-order over at&nbsp;<a href="http://www.deusfight.com/fftfgi">http://www.deusfight.com/FFTFgi</a>&nbsp;and is a limited edition. So order while they&rsquo;re available!</p>
    <a href="http://jmsmith.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/IG-blue-white-tundu.jpg"><img alt="IG blue white tundu" src="http://jmsmith.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/IG-blue-white-tundu.jpg" /></a></p>
    When the opportunity came to design this gi for Deus, I was 1000% on board and have enjoyed every minute of it. I wanted to design a gi that not only reflected Justin&rsquo;s love for the DRC (thus the red, yellow and blue of that nation&rsquo;s flag became the overall color scheme of the design), but also one that communicated his heart for the Pygmy villagers whom he loves so much and who he promised to not let the world forget. Thus, the liner on the inside of the gi is an overhead view of one of the actual villages in the jungle where Justin lived, worked, and loved these beautiful people&mdash;where he was simply known as &ldquo;Efeosa&rdquo; (&ldquo;The one who loves us&rdquo;). And I overlaid an image of Justin&rsquo;s and one of the villagers&rsquo; hands grasping one another, as a symbol of the cooperative approach FFTF takes in empowering, rather than simply giving charity to, the Pygmies so that they can enjoy the dignity and self-worth that is the right of all people created in God&rsquo;s image. Lastly, if you look closely you will see dozens of names within image. These are the names of Justin&rsquo;s Pygmy family and friends, including little Andibo who Justin buried with his own hands. I wanted to make sure that in some small way, they are NEVER &ldquo;forgotten.&rdquo;</p>
    <img alt="" src="http://jmsmith.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/IG-Tundu.jpg" style="width: 500px; height: 500px;" /></p>

Ordering this in white and blue. Wren, going to ask you to sign this mamba jamba next time I catch you at Gridge or Dallas. Phone Post 3.0

You rock, man! 


Approved. Phone Post 3.0

Can we get a mod to build the kickstarter for the well so we know Justin gets the $.
IN IN IN !!!!!!!

Paging Rick Storm... Phone Post 3.0

I love what he's doing over there but am I the only one concerned that he's doing a bunch of podcasts/interviews on fight week and will get beat? Phone Post 3.0

stoopsy - Can we have our own UG water well?! Phone Post 3.0
That's a great idea would love to see this happen. Phone Post 3.0

100% down to contribute to the UG well. How can we make this shit happen?

WAR BIG PYGMY. Phone Post 3.0

GS27 - I love what he's doing over there but am I the only one concerned that he's doing a bunch of podcasts/interviews on fight week and will get beat? Phone Post 3.0

Whether he wins or loses...he's already won. He's raised more awareness and gotten more people to care about the Pygmies the last 5 days than in the previous 5 years combined. 




But of course...WAT BIG PYGMY!!! 

Captain Epic -
FETT_the geek -
justinthevikingwren - 
Rambo John J -
stoopsy - Can we have our own UG water well?! Phone Post 3.0

very sweet idea

how much would this cost Vikingman?

#OG PygmywellJustinwrentheman

All depends on the obstacles underground, how deep (how many materials and pipes we need) and how many days labor. $2,500 is the cheapest I'd say, $3,500 was our most expensive. So it normally falls from $2,800 maybe $3,000.

This would be AWESOME to do! Phone Post 3.0

Lets do this

Signed Phone Post 3.0
Fuck yeah UG - IN! Phone Post 3.0

justinthevikingwren -
Rambo John J -
stoopsy - Can we have our own UG water well?! Phone Post 3.0

very sweet idea

how much would this cost Vikingman?

#OG PygmywellJustinwrentheman

All depends on the obstacles underground, how deep (how many materials and pipes we need) and how many days labor. $2,500 is the cheapest I'd say, $3,500 was our most expensive. So it normally falls from $2,800 maybe $3,000.

This would be AWESOME to do! Phone Post 3.0
How would we go about this? Start a new thread and make a bit coin account or kick starter? Let the UG know what we're doing!
We also gotta paint the UG logo on it and have some pics lol Phone Post 3.0

The dysqo foundation will be making a donation to water4.org.... Phone Post 3.0